HL2 Source Code

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Yeah... a couple weird "leaked screenshots of code that don't really show code" is REAL exciting...
it is exciting! soure codes never get leaked for games, and for the one that it does it is hl2!
Originally posted by Homer
well shit, valve has 3 options the way I see it(if the code I think was leaked was leaked).

1. release hl2 on time with no multiplayer.

2. release hl2 on time with multiplayer, and cheaters.

3. delay hl2.

I think we all know which one they would choose.

Option 3

but I will be ;( ;( ;( ;(
i took this screenshot from winrar

Originally posted by vacs
number 2?


seriously though, no programer wants to release something he thinks he can make better, and valve has the freadom to wait as long as they feel like. and stoping cheaters would make the game better.
Originally posted by Letters
Yeah... a couple weird "leaked screenshots of code that don't really show code" is REAL exciting...

Having screens is one thing, having the code is another :)
I'm still praying this is either intentional from Valve, or is an amazing fabrication. I'm not looking at the code, since I don't want to see anything before my visit to Valve on Monday.
rumors are circulating that Gabe died of an heartattack after he heard the news of the leak...
Originally posted by mrchimp
well D33 told me he leaked it????


(D33) MrChimp - Munro leaked it
(D33) Well he didn't really but watching him get bashed provides small entertainment.
<@Munro> piss off :P

Think you may of missed a line or two..
Originally posted by shapeshifter
its fake, that picture has been out for months like that.

No no, for G0rgon's sake, I hope he knows it's fake.. and that he's kidding
Originally posted by vacs
rumors are circulating that Gabe died of an heartattack after he heard the news of the leak...

YOU started that rumor!
I wouldn't be suprised id Fuke Nukem Forever will now be suddenly released and suprisingly sport the HL2 engine ;)
oh...my god........no...please be fake....please....
Originally posted by StickFigs
WTF!??!!? Is that REAL?

From what I gather yeah...but there are no resources to run the game with. No models, textures, maps, anything....soo..1/2way to a warez HL2...sorta
Just as a question (I wont read through the last 20 pages I missed): Have anyone with the code seen stuff on the dozens of unknown enemies the community doesnt know about? We know gabe said like 20-30 of them, all I have read here (which isnt much considering the size, lol) is creatures that have been known from the start.

Saying "w00t! it has strider and manipulator code in it!" isnt even odd. If it would have lots of unknown enemies it would be proof for me...
Originally posted by Letters
Yeah... a couple weird "leaked screenshots of code that don't really show code" is REAL exciting...

The problem is just that I have the complete package and not just the screenshots to stare at :)
Originally posted by thop
I wouldn't be suprised id Fuke Nukem Forever will now be suddenly released and suprisingly sport the HL2 engine ;)

lol, yeah cant count howmany times they've changed the engine.
No no, for G0rgon's sake, I hope he knows it's fake.. and that he's kidding

that pic is old as the moon. but the list of buying things is real and its taken just today.
It'll be called Duke Nukem Forever 2...and noone will know where the 2 came from ;)
Maybe Valve Discovered this a while ago, and thats why they delayed the gamne, and they didnt give an exact date because they had no idea how long it would take to fix this.....:eek:
Originally posted by chewysplace
Having screens is one thing, having the code is another :)
Yeah, I still don't don't know what the Hell is going on... I thought this topic was still on what was originally posted...

People have code now? What the Hell? Why, exactly, is this a problem if they planned to release it anyway?
Originally posted by dawdler
Just as a question (I wont read through the last 20 pages I missed): Have anyone with the code seen stuff on the dozens of unknown enemies the community doesnt know about? We know gabe said like 20-30 of them, all I have read here (which isnt much considering the size, lol) is creatures that have been known from the start.

Saying "w00t! it has strider and manipulator code in it!" isnt even odd. If it would have lots of unknown enemies it would be proof for me...

I skimmed through some of the files quickly, saw a couple enemies I hadn't heard about.. stopped looking after that, don't want to ruin HL2 for myself =(
Originally posted by dawdler
Just as a question (I wont read through the last 20 pages I missed): Have anyone with the code seen stuff on the dozens of unknown enemies the community doesnt know about? We know gabe said like 20-30 of them, all I have read here (which isnt much considering the size, lol) is creatures that have been known from the start.

Saying "w00t! it has strider and manipulator code in it!" isnt even odd. If it would have lots of unknown enemies it would be proof for me...

Theres a good deal of new things that the community doesn't know about. I myself saw some of the files but am not going to spoil it for the people who don't want to know. I wish I never downloaded it, it was to hard not to though!
Originally posted by Cyber$nake
Maybe Valve Discovered this a while ago, and thats why they delayed the gamne, and they didnt give an exact date because they had no idea how long it would take to fix this.....:eek:

that is very possible.
IF this code is real. .Why is this so bad? What can they do with it?
Originally posted by dawdler
Just as a question (I wont read through the last 20 pages I missed): Have anyone with the code seen stuff on the dozens of unknown enemies the community doesnt know about? We know gabe said like 20-30 of them, all I have read here (which isnt much considering the size, lol) is creatures that have been known from the start.

Saying "w00t! it has strider and manipulator code in it!" isnt even odd. If it would have lots of unknown enemies it would be proof for me...

Did you by any chance know that you will get an extinguisher as a weapon during the game? No. thought so :)
Originally posted by G0rgon
that pic is old as the moon. but the list of buying things is real and its taken just today.

Wow, so you think that part is real? Now, why would they allow you to "buy" items in HL2 during a scripted sequence of a Hydra impaling a combine? Second, that's a very very easy thing to pull off in photoshop. Third.. wow.. lol
Originally posted by Letters
Why, exactly, is this a problem if they planned to release it anyway?

Well, it can be a problem on many fronts. The first is that if people know the security measures that have been implemented as well as some of the variables, etc that can be changed, it is easier for them to create cheats. Also, intellectual property comes into play. In the games industry, secrets are everything. If this is bona fide code, others could study it and learn what Valve has been doing to make such a great game, and then use those secrets, thus getting better games without all of the effort that Valve put into it.

Consumers generally only get the end product, not the code itself. The code is far too revealing.
Originally posted by Droogie
IF this code is real. .Why is this so bad? What can they do with it?

You want to know how cheats are made? The source code my friend. With the source code you know how everything works, and how to get around them. So now they'll will be cheats before the damn game is even released!
Originally posted by Letters
Yeah, I still don't don't know what the Hell is going on... I thought this topic was still on what was originally posted...

People have code now? What the Hell? Why, exactly, is this a problem if they planned to release it anyway?

Source code was leaked. now hackers can fuxor the game with this advantage.

Originally posted by Droogie
IF this code is real. .Why is this so bad? What can they do with it?

multiplayer will be screwed before the games is out.
aimbots, speedhacks, etc...

many of them are probably already being writter/already done.
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