HL2 SP MAP RELEASE: Antlion Troopers

I learned eventually that it is the cpu which dictates your fps on this map.

If you have low fps only way around it is to download low quality version. The only place hosting it is www.pcgamemods.com


cpu? i have a 3.2 p4 surly not. I can have AA on 6x on 1200x1000 or 100x700 with no AA and it stays locked at around 10fps.

But still great map, lots of things to do when it finished. Setting up the turrets in the doorway and spawning fastzombies :P
the physics calculations of ragdolls is what causes it to lag. If you type +showbudget you will see physics is barring the fps, and that is done using the cpu.
Hey, RomeoJGuy, how's Antlion Troopers Deuce coming? I saw your thread in the HL2 World Mapping section, but you've only posted like one screenshot. It looks awesome, but I'd like more?
Check to make sure cl_ragdollcollide is set to 0 when playing this map. My 3.0ghz system grinds to a halt if I set it to 1, but it plays at blazing fast fps and all the graphics settings on their maximums (except for 2xFSAA and 2xAF)
I hav a questiong about that map

I read some posts that there is a low version that is for low CPU
my CPU is P4 1.80Ghz so that "low" version will work?

I dont hav HL2 yet so I dont even know if will run in my PC but can you please answe that questiong?

that map looks very cool

Looking great. I liked this map so well that I made a little sample logo. Feel free to use this if you wish, no hard feelings if you do not :) I have the Fireworks PNG vector if you want it. I think it would look nice on the preview screen you showed :)


  • antlion2.jpg
    25.1 KB · Views: 407
wow looks like Deuce is getting quite the coverage. I hope it turns out to be as good as the first.
romeo, can u possiubley give us an eta on antlion troopers deuce?
the tension is killing me!
I loved this map even though it did feel short but the action was so intense.

I wonder if its possible to kind of recreate that sequence where they land and go to that small outpost.

What would be really cool is if you could mod it so that you can actually ride in the Combine dropships. It would be great if you get dropped off with your Combine squad and go forward, get attack and retreat to the outpost.

Anyway, great job RomeoJGuy. Really well done.
Space Cowboy said:
I loved this map even though it did feel short but the action was so intense.

I wonder if its possible to kind of recreate that sequence where they land and go to that small outpost.

What would be really cool is if you could mod it so that you can actually ride in the Combine dropships. It would be great if you get dropped off with your Combine squad and go forward, get attack and retreat to the outpost.

Anyway, great job RomeoJGuy. Really well done.

thats almost exactly what happens in deuce(SO IVE HEARD) u DO ride in a dropship
smoke said:
thats almost exactly what happens in deuce(SO IVE HEARD) u DO ride in a dropship
If that's true then...omg...cool can't wait to :sniper: antlions once more!
Looking great!! Now if you could think of a way to make the strider a friend to the antlions :)
Thanks for the screenshots Romeo. Looks great! Can't wait.

That rhymes and you know it!
IMO the green dont mix whit the combines elite

but is your choice
Wow, the motion blur makes it look like a scene out of a movie, really realistic looking,
Looks very nice; the colour-coding on the Combine Elite gives me a strong "Attack of the Clones" feeling- it's all good. :D
That is just looking so freeking cool!!!
I think it is going to be great!!!
Hey Romeo, have you given PCFormat permission to distribute Antlion Troopers on their DVD? If you did, congratz on getting it out there, if not er, you should get in contact or something. Dont see your name on the DVD.
i downloaded antlion troopers and it works good, but why do not antlions appear? what's wrong?
you have to "WAIT"

anyway, how is AT:duece coming along?
There's a console?! Damn, I was wondering why everyone kept saying "JUST TYPE IN GOD!"

and i am like...nothing...


yes AT:deuce would be nice.


PS nice thread resurection
Played it, i dont think it is very good, i think multiplayed would be alright, i think you need to make the fort much bigger, with more of the mounted guns, and maybe some platforms for the turrets.
Also maybe you would wanna make the fortress gates open when you press a button etc. This way you can get back into the fortress, another thing, wha happened to the stunstick?
operative x said:
too easy...
just bunny hope backwards around the base.
wow, nice thats exactly what i did. in fact its the only way ive been able to beat it