HL2 Survey plus more this wednesday!

That memory exeption has been happening alot for me in xp lately... a curropt windows update?
How the hell did you get errors like that? Are you using Xp in 98 format. Anyone else getting those errors....I am stuck at 99 % right now. but what ever.

now it's back at 28% WTF....who made this ....Silly software engineers not making a perfect program the first try. DAMN them....DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL. (that was sarcasm) Just saying it before someone is actually mad that steam isn't working prop.
What I mean by the Survey not working is that I downloaded everything without any probs, steam loaded fine. Then it asked me if I would like to take part in the survey, and I said yes. Got through it and selected next to upload the infomation to valve, and it says they weren't able to recieve my infomation currectly.
rofl, mine said steam is not currently available at 99%

Thank god I am in a good mood :P
would that be why this update doesn't work ?

If it's down why the hell amI downloading stuff. And why they hell am I connected at all?
Yeah, but you would think they would have it up for the update lol....

well, whatever :)

EDIT: on the news page it says the downtime is over so no thats not the reason as far as i can tell
This is crazy...It's up, it's down. it works , it doesn't work. The survey hasn't started cuz the update doesn't work. I think I will wait for this to sort itself out.
Then they shouldn't connect it to the servers. They should of realized the crazed fans would download it the second it was released :P
Some of the bandwith is being used up by it updating Half-Life heh
Atleast these servers are fast.. I was downloading at 400kbs+ for a couple seconds :)
i did get a cool message though... "steam cannot connect to the steam network. either the steam network is down, or you are not connected to the internet. would you like to retry connection or continue in offline mode?"

of course i hit retry, and that was the end of that.


/me goes out for a couple hours.
ok mine downloaded... done a restart and steam came on... came up with an option of going to online mode or offline mode, i think this is because i wasnt online
well this is odd... I am d/l the update... i watch it go to 43 .. to 47.... to 63... then i look back at it and its at 31... it didn't seem to stop and i didn't restart it... ?

edit~ its dead now.. just vanished... going to retry
I am hopeing its third time a charm lol

Oh and guys I suggest you turn off your firewalls and antivirus just to be sure while your getting the update. Might have something to do with it *shrugs* :)
3rd time didn't work for me.. neither did 4th or 5th or... well none have and i've lost count

edit~ umptienth time has worked WOOHOO! ... wait .. now its updating steam platform files... ok.. its launching.. and the survey didn't go through... well i'll do that later
Steam - Updating

1% - 5% - 7% - 8% - STOP

Then restart and it's the same thing all over again
Uh weird? after updating then restarting steam it started updating AGAIN... wow.... works just as good as windows RG
Heheh, this is starting to get less funny......

Getting stuck on 48% now.... weird

Edit: Getting stuck on 48% repeatedly now.... weird and annoying!
hmmm well mine is dled and its opening :D

wait for it

wait for it .....

.................................... * waits for steam to open * ..................................

lol i've alread taken the survey which was brief ><

and on steam :D
Anyone get thier email validated?
I'm trying but I haven't gotten the email yet. (btw to do this you have to go into settings and press the send validation email button and a window will pop up to put in the code that they send)

I was just wondering if getting the email validated makes the games finish updating for offline play. All my games stopped updating at about 90% and wont start. Just curious if that was why.

also... the survey page is up and has about 1200 surveys done so far
Well, whoopdido! This is great! I don't have Steam here, so hopefully when I get home I will be ready for some HL2 survey and some Sven with eraser. :D :D :D
Hey dude! hows your leg?

BTW check this out:

Well, mine finally updated but seems to have stalled upon running.....

I am gona go work for a while and see if it is working when i return :)
Good to hear it!!! :P j/k

Anyway, still saying its Launching steam yet I don't think it is......

I am affraid to Ctrl Alt Delete it because there is no cancel butten which tells me they don't want this thing interupted.....


Any ideas anyone?

Edit: Just like to point out that Valves survey is fubar'd.....

More than one option has 100%.... That aint right lmao!!! :eek:

Double Edit: There are almost twice as many people selecting OpenGL over D3D
I think thats kinda stupid since the only reason people have selected that is because HL runs beter in OGL....

I aint bashing Open GL in any way. But its a byased survey dont you think! :(