HL2 Theories

Gordon is obviously gifted on his own, otherwise G-man and his employers would already know he's limitless, right?

not sure at all about Shepherd... he's kind of a questionmark right now... wonder if he'll even be in HL2. Barney's there, so why not Adrian?
i think maybe g-man is a human maybe of a other dimesion

gabe said in the movie said that this town is eating the city, maybe the g-man want fuse 2 planets and his employes want 2 take control of it.

and i think the aliens of xen are some kind of interdimesional police, and i think g-man is gonna be betrayed by his employee, and must help gordon
Uhm xen doesnt look like some kind of interdimensional police to me.

Anyway, if the gman is not going to be human, I hope he is some kind of supernatural being rather than an alien, but this is just one my personal wish.
i'm still thinking gordon is the proto-type combine soldier
i'm still figuring out why he didn't age

sorry for the english i'm dutch
Originally posted by MastaBlasta
i'm still thinking gordon is the proto-type combine soldier
i'm still figuring out why he didn't age

sorry for the english i'm dutch

Yes, but on the other hand, Dr. Vance and Dr. Kliener dont seem to have aged either. The same with Gman and Barney.
and vance did age, look he's bald, in HL1 he wasn't. Wel for DR Kleiner i guess he found the fontane(sorry for my english) of youth
Whatever the story I cant wait to play the level that takes place in the Citadel. (I will just assume there will be one, as if you assume you are never ever wrong)
From what I've read in this thread, I think the most inaccurate are the theories about Combine (but mine is none the less :) ) When I've read about Combine forces and then saw this complex eating out the city I remembered that in our language the word combine (phonetically) means a harvester. Now I've also checked the dictionary and I found two more meanings.

The verb "to combine" was already explained in this thread (idea of bio-tech life form - the Combine Soldiers and vehicles)

The noun "combine" means combined field machine mainly for harvesting purposes. This could point out at the "black tower complex" which is actually harvesting in the city.

And the third meaning of "combine" word is the alliance or a trust. Could there be possible an alliance of humankind and aliens?

The main problem of the Combine is the importance in the story. Do they play a role in the HL2 story line or they're just "deus ex machina" to replace HL1 grunts?
i wonder if the G-man is infect the G-man, i mean i dont remember Valve actually giving him that name...the players did, i think he is just X and tbh ive got the feeling that Black Mesa (or atleast what you did at Black Mesa) didnt really mean that much...more like peanuts compared to thr real stuff, that would axplain why the "G-man" would want you and know its time for the real work
We have never actually heard the G-Man's real name, assuming he has one.
The name G-Man comes from the name of the model on Half-Life 1's multiplayer. That model is called the "G-Man", that's why he is called the "G-Man".
Yeah, I don't specifically know where he is in the first one either.
There were a few dark skinned scientists throughout the game, but I never remember any of them being referred to as Eli Vance.
The scientists had to have names , thus one was Dr.Kliener(bald with glasses) the other was Eli Vance (black scientist) , we dont know what the otherones name was (looked like Einstien) , Was his name Wlater?

Its a REALLY simple concept to get , the scientits may have reoccured but they simply named the 3 types and they have come with City17 as well.
did ne of u ppl play redemption? it came with counterstrike. i 4ogt it and i dint really get it. it was strange.. u ppl should check it out, it might support your theory or sumthing.. iono, thought this would help because it follows half life...
i remember that u work for gman in redemption.... scientists and barney worked for him too... thas all i remeber.. i dun wana play it again... the game was somewat creepy...
hmmm maybe the combine aren't the bad guys, maybe they are the freedom fighters stopping the g-man
Hi, i'm new to forums.

Originally posted by DimitriPopov
The scientists had to have names , thus one was Dr.Kliener(bald with glasses) the other was Eli Vance (black scientist)

If u look in the HL manuel Dr.Kliener is actually the man who recommended u to the administrator of Black Mesa.

Anyway back to theories i had a thought that maybe u aren't working 4 G-Man at all because Black-ops r featured in HL2 and in the original they were controlled by G-Man and/or his employers. I get the feeling that it is unlikely the Black-Ops would b ur allies, they r far 2 agile and strong and u would b able 2 take a whole group of them through half the game.

This got me thinking that mayb Dr.kliener, alyx and the resistant fighters may have taken u from G-Man, mayb the cyrogenic chambers that we c in the background of the Dr.Kliener vid have been stolen, they seem out of place 2 me.

The Black-Ops r then sent in 2 recapture u.

This is prob totally wrong but it is possible...
first off: IT'S ALIIIVE!!! IT'S ALIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!

Originally posted by Demon-Dragon
Yeah, I don't specifically know where he is in the first one either.
There were a few dark skinned scientists throughout the game, but I never remember any of them being referred to as Eli Vance.

I think that somebody at valve specifically reffered to Eli Vance as the black guy you meet right after the accident in the test chamber(right after the elevator)....
ok, first off...

to the ones who can't keep from using '2' instead of 'to', 'r' instead of 'are' and 'u' instead of 'you': IT'S REALLY ****ING HARD TO READ WITHOUT GETTING A HEADACHE!!!

so there... *calming down*

I've read most of this thread (jumped after page 12 or so) and you guys really have an active imagination :)
someone mentioned the combine perhaps being the freedom fighters, which is in many ways probably not true. first of all, they seem to rule the city, which is really odd for freedom fighters to be doing. aren't they fighting for exactly the opposite cause?

second: G-man is short for government man, and that phrase has been used before Half-life, often describing CIA agents and government guys with suits.

third: Gordon could look roughly the same after 15 years, I actually think he does look older on the bigger pictures I've seen of him.

I don't really have any new theories for you guys, because I don't think HL2 will be at all as complicated as you all made it. Gordon is still the hero, G-man is still being mysterious and the Combine are obviously your enemies.
Originally posted by Nathaniel
ok, first off...

to the ones who can't keep from using '2' instead of 'to', 'r' instead of 'are' and 'u' instead of 'you': IT'S REALLY ****ING HARD TO READ WITHOUT GETTING A HEADACHE!!!

I'm not sure if they understand it when you put it in proper English...so just to make sure:

Originally posted by Nathaniel

someone mentioned the combine perhaps being the freedom fighters, which is in many ways probably not true. first of all, they seem to rule the city, which is really odd for freedom fighters to be doing. aren't they fighting for exactly the opposite cause?

are u american? because Iraq looks pretty much taken over by the Americans instead of liberated
i believe in the coma theory, because it has almost been proven(signs at the end of E3 movie refer to a muscle decease kinda comparable to a coma) and i also think that there an important experiment going on again...as for the rest i think the combine and the G-man are not friends
are u american? because Iraq looks pretty much taken over by the Americans instead of liberated

I did NOT come here to debate about USA vs Iraq, ok? My post had nothing to do with that. but just to make things clear: I don't consider USA being freedomfighters at all. They do things because they want to, freedomfighter fight because they have to, there is a substancial difference.

(and no, I'm definitely not american, I'm a swede with proper grammar) :thumbs:
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I'm not sure if they understand it when you put it in proper English...so just to make sure:


I'm guessing this was aimed at me so thanks for such a warm welcome guys, my first post and i am already getting flammed.

The only reason i do it is because i never use forums and the only time i will talk on the internet is in games or on MSN where everyone does it but seeing as it annoys you i will stop.
Mad_Eejit: I didn't try to flame anyone in particular, although I'm not sure about PriNcE oF SpAcE... seems he should take a closer look on that image himself, judging by that handle :P

The only reason i do it is because i never use forums and the only time i will talk on the internet is in games or on MSN where everyone does it but seeing as it annoys you i will stop.
that reason is so incredibly lame I'm not even going to dignify it as an answer...
"Just because they jump off a cliff, doesn't mean you have to" <-- keep that in mind. You don't have to do what everyone else does, just because they do it...

...and thanks alot for stopping it :) it really does make on seem 10 years younger typing like that.
All this G-man mystery reminds me on the gloomy X-Files conspiracys of the goverment... :?

All what we know from part one is that he has someone who gives him orders what to do. But the way he says "...employers" it looks like that the word employers would be the most appropriate for these people above him but it doesn't mean that directly. To me it looks he works more on self initiative than working by someones order on one hand but on the other hand he looks like an agent of some organisation.

Anyway it looks like the G-man needs you and he gave you the job which seems to be "mission impossible". Since you're employed by the G-man, you're expected to what the G-man wants, but instead of receiving of orders directly from him he is teleported into the City17 in Eastern Europe where are already some colleagues from Black Mesa (wooo, what a coincidence 8o :D). Why didn't send you in the City 16 for example? There must be an obvious reason, and from the cutscene in dr.Kleiners lab it seems that the major threat is the Combine, so this must be also the G-man's goal. Already in HL1 we did what G-man wanted by G-man pushing the right buttons and using different levers. I've read that dr.Kleiner is in connection with the G-man in HL1 and it makes sense. We could say that G-man is using minimum (but elite) resources to wage war against Combine - the team which is formed in HL2 from the survivors in Black Mesa, so they must be the only people on Earth who know what's going on here. That means that the Combine forces must the logical consequence of the Black Mesa events and the survivors can understand the Combine (but obviously not you). The purpose of the Combine "black tower complex" is unknown although we know that is destroying the city, but since the name is Combine, destroying the city might not be it's only purpose.

Another question that is running through my head is, is this also happening in other cities? This is very confusing. I presume yes, because if the Combine was destroying only this city the rest of the world would stand against it with armies and nukes. But this city differs from other because of you, I mean, Gordon and the rest of the "BM gang". The City 17 might be the last human city on Earth but it isn't because then it would be already overrun by the Combine and the human race would about to become history. The place and time is crucial to stop the Combine which must have an "achiles heel" exposed and there's where you jump in. So, to sum up, the G-man's obstacle is the Combine, probably.

Remember that on Xen world there were human bodies with HEV suits? There must have been other scientists trying to do the same as Gordon probably...
I bet the dead bodies were scientists trying to collect samples, and were killed for whatever reason...

I'm gonna stop guessing now, and just wait till the game ships and we're all amazed by it's fantastical storyline :D
i think still think that the combine and gordon freeman is linked
and i have to agree i also think that gordon was also in coma or he knocked his head and lost his memories

ANd again sorry for my english
people: there's absolutely no need to apologize for your english! most of us aren't english, and we all know it. just do your best and you'll be fine :)
Well ive decided to make an attempt at temporarily saving the forums from the now infamous "delay threads"

So here I am brushing the dust off this old thread. I doubt anyone will read much of the thread since its HUGE. This is just to try and add some colour to the currently dull general discussion forum.
A little late.

Combine: Orginization made by the Administrator to combat the Xeno threat,by use of the very same Xeno materials that were collected by the BMRF. The goal of the Combine is to destroy the native Xen, to ensure that the mineral wealth can be harvested for more weapons and military uses.

Xen: A border world, between life and death, inhabited by the Xeno.
Due to it's connection between two realms of existence, the
materials there create new effects with great power.

The Xeno: Creature that a gaurdians of the new materials in Xen. Possession of these, by any race cause a lack of balence between the world of the Univerese, leading to total destruction of all.

G-man: Subordinate of the Administrator. He ensures that all go to plan. The destruction evidence and witnesses. The monitoring of any people involved, to evaluate if they are of use. And to present a report of all this to the Administator, who decides the action.

Resistance: Aware of the danger the harvesting of Xeno element poses, they want to avoid all out war between the worlds. To do so, they must stop the Combine.

Race X: A nother race that dicovered the border world, came to earth and were met with hostility.

This is all I have for now.