HL2 to linux petition

Originally posted by supangr

Onestat's are desktop market share numbers, linux is going to be a little higher if you add servers

I should imagine it would be more than a little higher
even worse then the barely there Mac's game support.

Being clueless is cool!

Again.. www.insidemacgames.com

Let's just take a look at the first page of reviews for those of you too lazy to click ;)

Spyhunter, Neverwinter Nights, Bloodrayne, Alien vs Predator 2, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003, Another War, Billy Frontier, Simcity 4, Everquest, Unreal Tournament 2003, Tropico, Dungeon Siege, World War 2 Online, Black & White, No One Lives Forever.. too lazy to type anymore..
Good, times 20 and that's about the number of PC only releases there were this month.
Good, times 20 and that's about the number of PC only releases there were this month.

Those weren't this months releases, they were 1/4 of the first page of reviews.

If you read the paragraph, I'm not saying there are more releases on Mac than PC. I was saying there are plenty of games out for Macs.
Originally posted by Shirow-DG
Being clueless is cool!

Again.. www.insidemacgames.com

Let's just take a look at the first page of reviews for those of you too lazy to click ;)

Spyhunter, Neverwinter Nights, Bloodrayne, Alien vs Predator 2, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003, Another War, Billy Frontier, Simcity 4, Everquest, Unreal Tournament 2003, Tropico, Dungeon Siege, World War 2 Online, Black & White, No One Lives Forever.. too lazy to type anymore..

Yes, a few major and minor games, mac does get games but they get them on an average of a year later and sometimes with features missing. That's why I said barely there, the mac does have games, but they get them much later then the PC gamers do, and usually by then the game's lost all its flare in the market (HL was quite the exception with its five year longevity).

So the game support is there but its extremely lacking. Mac games are, if I also remember right, a fair deal more expensive then their PC bretherin were. So really it's like a slap in the face.
Originally posted by oMarKs
"IDC estimates that Linux ships on at least 25% of new servers operating system ships worldwide today."

just did a quick google search, thats from http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/os/linux/facts.html

And? Doesn't mean linux market share is increased 'more than a little' when you add server numbers to desktop numbers, all it means is linux has a large share of the server market. Clue: Desktop systems outnumber Servers by probably a factor of 10,000. And why did you even bring this up, servers are not considered when porting games, since nobody is going to be playing a game on one. Were you just dying to say something postive, no matter how off topic, about linux?

And one more thing, I reread the onestat report, it doesn't exclude servers afterall. Oops, there goes your whole argument.. Though I'll be intellectually honest and admit most servers aren't going to be counted by os tracking web site software, but that means windows servers wouldn't be counted much either, and they have the second largest server presence (almost equal to linux), so you'd have to add their numbers to the 97 point whatever market share windows has, in the end I think it will even out and servers won't add much either way.
Yes, a few major and minor games, mac does get games but they get them on an average of a year later and sometimes with features missing. That's why I said barely there, the mac does have games, but they get them much later then the PC gamers do, and usually by then the game's lost all its flare in the market (HL was quite the exception with its five year longevity).

Please name a Mac game with features missing.

They do not get them a year later generally.. some came out late because they were first releases by companies porting them. Most of Blizzards games are released, if not simultaeneously, very closely to their PC counterparts.

So the game support is there but its extremely lacking. Mac games are, if I also remember right, a fair deal more expensive then their PC bretherin were. So really it's like a slap in the face.

What Mac games are more expensive? New ones are $40-50, just like PC games.. and the price goes down the older they get.

Not sure where you are getting your information from, but it's wrong. Did you even visit the site?
There is a thread deicated to a Macintosh port of HL2 on this board. It brings up some very valid reasons why HL2 should and shouldn't be ported to that platform.

On another note, I read in an interview (discussed here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5573&highlight=Nintendo ) that Valve will perhaps release a port to other than Xbox platform. That means that the suspicion that Source will only be tied to DriectX is infact false and porting to Linux or Macintosh or Amiga (lol) is possible. Even perhaps... likely?

Then agian, im probably getting ahead of myself. This same thing happened when I argued with a friend when Tribes 2 was first announced on the side that TF2 was going to be out first. Little did I know...