HL2 to linux petition

So yeah, I downloaded Gentoo tonight, decided to do the stage2 build as stage1 looks like it'll take forever... haven't finished yet but I'll let you know if I like it ;)
Slash : I remembered somewhere way back in like page 3 you mentioned that HL2 will be too hard to port since they would have to port steam as well.

Sorry to break it to you but Steam is already avaliable in Linux. Currently it is a console-only version for delivering the server version of Counter-Strike however I assume it has most of the same features of the Windows version.

It shows they have somthing for Linux, maybe they'll suprise us. Probably not tho.

*NOTE: im not sure about the following, correct me if im wrong please:
They also mention HL2 has 64bit support. AFAIK there is no 64bit windows besides a server version. That doesn't stop the average person from running 32bit windows on a 64bit desktop however one would think a 64bit linux would play a game faster than a 32bit windows... Im curious as to what valve thinks about this. Im gonna shoot an e-mail off to Gabe and see.
Well i had a look at the linux's that people suggested but I haven't tried anything yet. Looks a bit complicated because I have a single 120Gb RAID partition (striped across two disks).

I'm not sure how to get Linux on there without buggering everything up.
Originally posted by Shirow-DG
Well, possibly, but anyone who said McDonalds made quality products would quickly sink to the bottom of my ladder of respect.

Now, whether you care to be on my ladder of respect is another issue entirely ;)

How is quality defined in regards to fast food? No Fast food is healthy, so that cant realy be an issue...(wether you would want to eat it is a different question). Nutritional Value certianly does not define quality by any means. Its consistent...A Big mac in Cali tastes, looks, weighs and smells just like a bigmac anywhere else in the US. It meets all USDA standards as required to ensure "quality", wich only actually means its safe to eat and that thier ingredients are purchased from approved vendors that are deemed safe as well.

Anything beyond that is just personal preference, Healthy living is a lifestyle choice, and "quality" of life is also relative.
How is quality defined in regards to fast food? No Fast food is healthy, so that cant realy be an issue...(wether you would want to eat it is a different question). Nutritional Value certianly does not define quality by any means.

Well, fast food COULD be healthy. They choose not to make McDonalds healthy not because it's impossible, but because it's too expensive.

Its consistent...A Big mac in Cali tastes, looks, weighs and smells just like a bigmac anywhere else in the US. It meets all USDA standards as required to ensure "quality", wich only actually means its safe to eat and that thier ingredients are purchased from approved vendors that are deemed safe as well.

Most dog feces looks and smells just like other dog feces but that doesn't mean it's good quality feces. DDT was deemed safe to spray over people until they found out it caused cancer and birth defects. Thalydomide?

Anything beyond that is just personal preference, Healthy living is a lifestyle choice, and "quality" of life is also relative.

Don't disagree with you there, but it doesn't alter the fact that McDonalds uses the cheapest and lowest grade ingredients possible. If you define quality by 'meeting USDA standards and being consistent' I guess McDonalds is 100% top quality - once you come down to semantics, it's possible to argue anything.

I read a funny quote once, and it will probably incite people to start screeching again, but it was amusing for a couple of seconds at least..

"McDonalds is to food what MicroSoft is to software: both sell cheap rubbish to people who don't know any better."
We'll see Half-Life 2 on Linux one way or another, whether it's an official port by Valve (unlikely) or a third party configures it to work with Linux. I have a feeling the good folks at Transgaming.com already have their sights set to port the game as soon as humanly possible.
Originally posted by Parasite
It meets all USDA standards as required to ensure "quality", wich only actually means its safe to eat and that thier ingredients are purchased from approved vendors that are deemed safe as well.

Lol! nobody's gonna believe this but what the hell ...

One of my local McDonalds was shutdown because they found sperm in one of the burgers. Some woman fell ill, she had kept the burger because it tasted "funny" and they tested it.

It was tracked down to one of the sauces or something which was supplied by a local company. They found seven different sperm samples!!

I realise technically its not McDonald's fault but still you won't catch me going back to McDonalds again. I prefer my KFC, more healthy anyways, and at least the chicken is proper chicken breast.
Originally posted by Shirow-DG

Don't disagree with you there, but it doesn't alter the fact that McDonalds uses the cheapest and lowest grade ingredients possible. If you define quality by 'meeting USDA standards and being consistent' I guess McDonalds is 100% top quality - once you come down to semantics, it's possible to argue anything.

I read a funny quote once, and it will probably incite people to start screeching again, but it was amusing for a couple of seconds at least..

"McDonalds is to food what MicroSoft is to software: both sell cheap rubbish to people who don't know any better."

Whats funny is that we seem to agree in an argumentative kinda way. :)
I think McDonalds earned thier way to the top, even though thier current products dont live up to my personal standards. Good marketing and business execution doesnt put you on top if you product is complete shit. They were good, if nothing else.

One point I do disagree on...McDonald could never be healthy, even with the highest quality ingredients. Truth be told, i dont want my fast/junk food to be healthy, I love fried food and junk food. Although, Im getting on in years and notice its ill effects (right around where my abs used to be :P ) and have to be a bit more responsible about it. Well I guess if they find a way for fat, butter, sugar, chocolate and fried food to be "healthy" I'd be all for it. But really, I think that people should be able to make the distinction on thier own.

Originally posted by Mountain Man
Aren't urban legends fun?

Damn you beat me to it!
I just read the whole "food" section of Snopes last night. Me and Shirow's discussion got me thinkin about gross fast food stories I've heard over the years.
Originally posted by Shirow-DG
"McDonalds is to food what MicroSoft is to software: both sell cheap rubbish to people who don't know any better."

what a classic little quote there :)
I think he was trying to make a point ;)

Yeah, I can't remember where I read it, but I just thought it was mildly amusing.
Finished getting gentoo installed today (gd compiling takes forever) - seems cool so far but I installed it at work and now I'm at home.

Portage rocks though.
Yeah, xfree & KDE or Gnome takes forever unless you do a GRP install. Good thing you complied it though, makes it that much faster since it is optimised for your processor. :)
Yeah, didn't wanna do GRP.

I finished xfree this morning, compiling KDE now.

2 hours later.. *drums fingers*

I do really like it so far though.
This Linux thread has been hijacked and turned into a McDee bashing thread! lol I've never seen such a thing happen before!
i sign this because windows if the all leading OS system for 99% of all users of computers, and the main (only?) reason is that you can only get to play all games on windows, and this need to stop!
We need to give the os OS' a chance dammit...argh i hate windows, but I'm stuck with it because i want to play games...shitty
The only problems I have with Microsoft is that they don't fix the big things before they add lots of fancy crap... and their OSes are usually slower than the competition. Though, I do like the stuff they have been doing with DirectX... if only the rest of their software could improve as much as DirectX has.
so after 13 pages of reading we can all agree of what? NOTHING lol.

Linux or HL2!

erhhh I mean

HL2 for Linux!
well kde is finally done, now for firebird! :p

I really like Gentoo! I'm done with Debian I think..
This Linux thread has been hijacked and turned into a McDee bashing thread! lol I've never seen such a thing happen before!
Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how we got from a discussion about the possibility of Half-Life 2 on Linux to an argument about the quality of McDonald's food.

Anyway, Gentoo Linux looks pretty cool. I especially like how easy it is to keep it updated. I'm thinking of buying a second hard drive this weekend so I can get Linux up and running on its own drive so I don't have to futz around with partitions and what-not. It'll just make things much easier, and I don't have worry about losing my Linux install when it's time to nuke Windows and reinstall.
I didn't bother reading through all of this so sorry if this has already been memtioned.

You guys have heard of Wine haven't you? It's basically an emulator that supports most games on any Linux system.
What is firebird? I guess I can look it up myself.... but im playing eve-online now I don't want to do TOO much at the same time.

Edit: NVM, it looks like what pheonix used to be but "improved." Looks cool, im gonna emerge it now :)
Originally posted by dbsynergy
What is firebird? I guess I can look it up myself.... but im playing eve-online now I don't want to do TOO much at the same time.

Edit: NVM, it looks like what pheonix used to be but "improved." Looks cool, im gonna emerge it now :)

im using it at the moment, i like it.

great page to make win xp use less mem.

he recommends you turn off protected storage also. dont do this if you dont like to retype your password every time you log onto steam, microstoft outlook.

EDIT: I found it when I went looking for a way to turn off the Messanger spam popups. Thought I had a virus but it was just a minor bug + some ass that knows how to scan for open ports.
Everyone knows the Amiga was the last great computer, and this current crop of "Windows" and "Linux" and "Machintosh" bullshit is just a sad, sad ghost of the glory of true computing.

God speed you to your final rest, my good friend.
Nah, the last REAL computer was the Acorn A3000. RISC-OS, great GUI before Windows was a twinkle in Bill Gates eye, and you can buy them for $50 on Ebay :)
And yes Firebird is my favorite browser. I'm going to try out Thunderbird too (their mail/news client. It's very beta right now though.)

So, any cool little things in Gentoo worth emerging for a desktop machine that I wouldn't know about otherwise?

I'm doing:


Any neat little gadgets I can show people at work so they can say 'cool'? ;)
you can find all the packages at http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/pkgs/index.xml

if you are into video editing, cinerella is cool. OpenOffice is nice for doing business apps, then Gaim, SIM, xchat are good for chatting. The best part is that you can emerge them all. Check out the apps-games section. Lots of good stuff there. Tuxracer is the best :)
oh yeah, already done gaim, xchat and openoffice.

What about mail? Was gonna emerge evolution but wasn't sure if there was something new and 'cooler'.
Originally posted by Boogaleeboo
Everyone knows the Amiga was the last great computer, and this current crop of "Windows" and "Linux" and "Machintosh" bullshit is just a sad, sad ghost of the glory of true computing.
Ah, the Commodore Amiga, one of the last great ones. Although I believe much of the spirit the Amiga engendered lives on in Linux and the open source community.
Originally posted by Shirow-DG
Nah, the last REAL computer was the Acorn A3000. RISC-OS, great GUI before Windows was a twinkle in Bill Gates eye, and you can buy them for $50 on Ebay :)

Yay! I still have one of them in my loft. I might have to dust it off and play some proper games.

Oh and RE: you're earlier comment, McDonalds is indeed cheap rubbish, but MSWindows is very expensive rubbish. How many people would, if thier computer came with a fully functioning copy of Linux, go out and pay $299 for a less secure, less functonal OS like XP?

Oh, and while I'm on the subject of windows bashing, in South Africa the government advertising standards agency forced microsoft to remove ads that claimed windows was 'secure' as it blatently isn't!

Even after all the crisitcism and new oportunities to fix it, ms windows is about a secure as chaining the door to a dog pound with a string of sausages.
Yay! I still have one of them in my loft. I might have to dust it off and play some proper games.

YEAH! God I had so many 4th Dimension games... if I didn't live in the US now I'd try and find one.. I loved that computer!!