HL2 to linux petition

I know that its an OS, but why do people that have linux hate windows?

is it turning them into nazis?
Well it works fine for all my shit that i've got installed, so I see no reason to hate it, I don't run servers on it, so I just use it as a gaming machine.

I haven't had a single blue screen ever in windows xp.
I can't believe that people are ignorant enough to bash linux. What do you think the majority of web servers and dedicated game servers run? LINUX. Because it is reliable as shit...not like windows which still crashes on a regular basis.....I'm not some linux freak, i use windows because of its ease, but i definately understand the want for hl2 on linux. Sounds like a great idea to me! For those of you who rip on linux get your facts straight first. Don't be another uneducated basher.

:cheers: :devil:
Originally posted by Piecemak3r
I can't believe that people are ignorant enough to bash linux. What do you think the majority of web servers and dedicated game servers run? LINUX. Because it is reliable as shit...not like windows which still crashes on a regular basis.....I'm not some linux freak, i use windows because of its ease, but i definately understand the want for hl2 on linux. Sounds like a great idea to me! For those of you who rip on linux get your facts straight first. Don't be another uneducated basher.

:cheers: :devil:

I used to use UNIX at work. And I thought it was perfect. Not just good, but perfect.

Linux for desktop still needs some work though.
Originally posted by nw909
Well [Windows] works fine for all my shit that i've got installed, so I see no reason to hate it, I don't run servers on it, so I just use it as a gaming machine.

I haven't had a single blue screen ever in windows xp.
Yes, Windows "works" in a manner of speaking. However, my main problem is that it doesn't necessarily work well let alone the fact that it's full of spyware and other invasive hooks hidden all over the place. Windows keeps track of far more personal information than many users realize, and Microsoft is free to access this information whenever they please. Click me for more information.

One thing I particularly appreciate about Linux is that I know exactly what it's doing at all times. Every single program running in a given instance of Linux is under the full control of the user with none of this spyware bullsh*t that stomps all over your privacy rights.

Linux also lets me decide which tool is best for the task at hand. None of this "one size fits all" nonsense. For particularly specialized tasks, one is even free to compile their own Linux distro from scratch!

Linux is all about freedom. Windows is all about Microsoft deciding what you want you and when you should want it while mining your computer for personal information without your consent.

And that's why I hate (or at least strongly dislike) Windows.
Originally posted by Piecemak3r
I can't believe that people are ignorant enough to bash linux. What do you think the majority of web servers and dedicated game servers run? LINUX. Because it is reliable as shit...not like windows which still crashes on a regular basis.....I'm not some linux freak, i use windows because of its ease, but i definately understand the want for hl2 on linux. Sounds like a great idea to me! For those of you who rip on linux get your facts straight first. Don't be another uneducated basher.

:cheers: :devil:


when did I bash linux, I said I liked windows better for my needs, I don't care if you want to use a penguin, but i'd rather have my wavy glass.
And whats this about windows full of spyware, that would be great for their buissness wouldnt it, I bet windows puts trojans on my computer too so they can hack me and make windows not work anymore.
Check the link in my post. You might be very surprised.

And if you think spyware isn't that big of a deal, you really need to get a clue.

Seriously, check out this site and become enlightened (and possibly enraged.)
And a hell of a lot more. You obviously don't appreciate the implications of this. And it's apparent that you barely skimmed the article I linked to. If you really read it and understood what it means, you would most assuredly not be saying, "Who cares?"
It's idiots like you that keep a convicted monopolist like Microsoft in business. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, moron.
It's idiots like you that keep a convicted monopolist like Microsoft in business. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, moron.

Oh get off it asshole. Everybody hates the best. Did Mircosoft harm you in any econmic way personally (besides buying it, haha, buying,sure) You just have to hate let them, you know why there is so many viruses for it? 98% of all computers run Windows, you know why it has a bad rap for crashing, more people, more of em out there, higher rate of somethin goin wrong. Im not a MS fanboy by any means, buut aslong as windows lets me play my games, im happy. Just RELAX.
Yes of course microsoft is harming my copy of windows, they must be doing that, thats why i've never had problems with it, oh woe is me.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Yeah, expanding your customer base is always bad for business. :rolleyes:

The number of additional people who would buy HL2 if it were available on linux would be very small. Why? Because gamers own Windows machines so they can play all the OTHER games.

If HL2 were available on Linux though, I can see a lot of people saying "well, HL2 and Doom3 can probably hold me over for a while. Maybe I can get rid of my Windows box now."
Does this discussion have anything to do with HL2 anymore?

Anyway...My view on M$...

We live in a capitalist society...You dont get o the top by selling shitty products. M$ earned thier way, without a doubt. Corporations, software vendors, hardware vendors, etc. all the way down to the general public need a mainstream standard. Think about it, it works to the advantage of society as a whole if were all on the same page. Windows filled that niche by creating a solid product with great marketing. Thats how they got where they are...

They do take advantage of thier dominant market presence, as anyone in thier situation would. Wether its right or wrong or "evil" is really a matter of opinion. The business of business is shady by nature...The capitaist marketplace is all abbout manipulation and exploitation. Something MS did and does very well, thats the system we have in place, and they exploited it, as any productive company does.

My view on linux (computers, technology and the fall of/evolution of capitalism) would be pages long and I'm sure you dont care anyway. :P
I think i'd like to get myself a copy of linux to put on my system and play with... can someone recommend me which one and how to get it??

plus can i dual-boot with my win2k without too much hassle?

or maybe i could use vm-ware or something

Originally posted by Mountain Man
It's idiots like you that keep a convicted monopolist like Microsoft in business. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, moron.

Some monopolies are good for business. Look what happened when cable TV and the phone company was deregulated. Prices continue to go up, and service continues to decline. What would be your solution to ending the so called monopoly of Microsoft?

Here is a nice little definition of monoploy from dictionary.com...

mo·nop·o·ly ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-np-l)
n. pl. mo·nop·o·lies
Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service: “Monopoly frequently... arises from government support or from collusive agreements among individuals” (Milton Friedman).
Law. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.

A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial activity.
A commodity or service so controlled.

Exclusive possession or control: arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.
Something that is exclusively possessed or controlled: showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.

My suggestion to the little Microsoft problem is to make a better OS than Windows, that doesn't have any security problems, can support multiuser environments effortlessly, can do any task without needing to have to remember thousands of different settings for how to display a file listing (ls comes to mind), can allow individual customization and full control over all aspects of CPU usage, has a learning curve of 0%, can be used by people with any type of disabilities, and intuitively know what you want to do for every single action. So until you can come out with a better OS that can do all of those things, you will have to probably use a MS product. If you know more about how the insides of an OS works, you could get by with most flavors of unix. But the reason why MS is so popular is that most people do not know how to get by in a command line driven base OS like linux, or they don't want to put up with the hassle of remembering what commands like grep or ls and all of their switches do. Windows is a more intuitive process of using the WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing) interface versus a sadistic modified command line interface.

I learned how to program in unix, on a sparc machine with the CDE, but was pissed when I could only browse the net with netscape at university. I play my games on XP, and will never regret it. But if I want to do power programming, run a server of some sort, or do anything that could be somehow work related, I would rather do it on a flavor of unix.

Unix = Work
Windows = Fun (Annoying sometimes, but fun nonetheless)
I would say Gentoo (www.gentoo.org) if you really want to LEARN linux. Otherwise, Mandrake if u just want to install it to see what it is like.

Debian is like gentoo but I find gentoo's portage system much more inteligent. That's not to say Debian is bad however.
I also forgot to mention that Gentoo's documentation is unmatched in quality. If you follow every step and read the information, you will be guarranteed to have a great linux desktop.
Originally posted by Parasite
They do take advantage of thier dominant market presence, as anyone in thier situation would. Wether its right or wrong or "evil" is really a matter of opinion.
According to the rule of law, what they did is wrong even if the courts saw fit to punish them with a mere slap on the wrist.
I like Slackware myself. It's very easy to install and use and the documentation is excellent.

If you want to give Linux a try without repartitioning your hard drive, get a hold of ZipSlack which uses UMSDOS to allow it to reside in a directory on an MS-DOS drive. Since its designed primarily to fit a complete distro on a 100MB Zip disk (hence its name) it doesn't contain all the packages you'll need for things like graphical user interfaces by default, but those are easily downloaded and installed (just download the appropriate package and type "installpkg *.tgz" on the command line. And people think Linux is complicated? Please!).

You can even find instructions on how to turn your ZipSlack install into a full honest to goodness Linux install should you desire.
I used to be a big slack fan. Ran a Half-Life server on it for a while till I got into gentoo. I suggest you give it a try.

I don't mean to sound like a gentoo advertisement but check out the gentoo UT2k3-demo Live CD. It won't touch your harddrive and will autodetect ur hardware and play UT right from the CD.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
According to the rule of law, what they did is wrong even if the courts saw fit to punish them with a mere slap on the wrist.

You support rule of law then? Like DMCA, patriot act, imprisonment for jaywalking, imprisonment for homosexual acts (when that was illegal), imprisonment for blacks using white water fountains (when that was illegal), etc etc? You can say about the last 2 that since those were repealed they weren't really right, but for all you know anti-trust laws may get repealed in the future. Hint for you: humans pass laws, therefore those laws are sometimes flawed.

And you guys talk of linux's server market share and how it EARNED it cause it is BETTER than windows, but I have to wonder, what would the server market place look like if MS's competitors hadn't cried to the government to save them, maybe linux server market share is due to the government meddling with MS. I'll grant that I am speculating on this point, but at least I'm honest enough to admit that, whereas most MS bashers pass off their wild assed speculation as proven facts.

On to spyware claims, very trustworthy site you listed (f*ckmicrosoft.com), however for something to be spyware, it has to communicate gathered intelligence to another entity, the info that IE collects sits on your hard drive and goes nowhere, and that site seems to be about Windows 98, I didn't read it now, but I looked it over awhile ago when I saw it posted elsewhere. No one has ever conclusively proven that MS sends ANYTHING that can identify you or private activities you do to another machine. XP does send a list of hardware installed on your machine, but why would ANYONE care if MS has a database that says that you have an intel cpu, asus mobo, nvidia gpu, etc in it. I mean how can that be used against anyone? Besides just trying to be paranoid to find something to bash MS about, I fail to see why this would matter at all.

On the linux HL2 port, iD LOST money porting quake 3 to linux, despite the fact that the linux community swore up and down that iD would make 'mad profits'. And HL2 would be worse, it is WAY more complex than quake 3, it uses Direct3D not OpenGL (porting direct3d code to opengl would be quite time consuming), and valve would have to also port steam and make sure all the mods worked, etc. Basically, don't waste your breath asking for a HL2 port, it won't happen. Should've been obvious when they released the HL2 videos as .EXEs that it is windows only.

ex-linux user, from back in the days when linux stood on its own two feet without government help, and didn't have a whiney clueless I'll-say-anything-to-fit-in-and-be-l33t (l)user base.

*edit* typos, left out words..
Originally posted by supangr
And you guys talk of linux's server market share and how it EARNED it cause it is BETTER than windows, but I have to wonder, what would the server market place look like if MS's competitors hadn't cried to the government to save them, maybe linux server market share is due to the government meddling with MS.

Eh... The complaints was about including (& requiring) software like Internet Explorer in their OS, and not about servers
Originally posted by Lindset
Eh... The complaints was about including (& requiring) software like Internet Explorer in their OS, and not about servers

True, but the demonization of MS probably played it's part, plus consider the fact that MS has to charge a much higher price for Windows than linux, if MS gave Win2k3 away for free like linux is given away for, the government would sue MS into oblivion.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
According to the rule of law, what they did is wrong even if the courts saw fit to punish them with a mere slap on the wrist.

They got off with a slap on the wrist because the courts couldnt even figure out how to prosecute, punish or charge them because noone really understood what they were even dealing with let alone wether it was actually wrong...

Personally I think that copyright laws, pattents, and business rule in general is outdated. It was all designed and put in place years and years ago to deal with "static" products, nothing as dynamic we see today with digital media and new age electronics could even have been conceived when these laws were put in place, and really, those laws cant even be properly applied anymore. And the new laws that have been developed around and for this new kind of market cant really be applied well either because they arent designed by the people who understand it and know how to benifit the market. They were designed by lawmakers and big business (and not nescessarily tech business either) with little concern for anything but protecting thier own assets.

Originally posted by Shirow-DG
Yeah like McDonalds.

To the guy asking which distro of Linux to try, everyone will say something different, but I'd go with Debian (www.debian.org)

I dont really care for McDonalds either but thats merely a matter of opinion.
BTW... We can thank the antitrust lawsuits brought against M$ for X-Box...it came about as a way to make up for losses from such lawsuits, and instead, puts millions more into thier pockets every yeaar.
I dont really care for McDonalds either but thats merely a matter of opinion.

Well, possibly, but anyone who said McDonalds made quality products would quickly sink to the bottom of my ladder of respect.

Now, whether you care to be on my ladder of respect is another issue entirely ;)
lookie lookie, one of my post got deleted, hmmmmm, must have rubbed someone wrong, my beliefs had a conflict with their's, the nazis used to do that shit too, didnt they?
Hey if people are offended by ALL MEANS remove it from the public at once. We can't speak opinions about anything in this world full of damn liberals.
Becuase of quality issus with linux and windows and the nazis that use both, thats right, everone is a nazi.