HL2 Vehicles

Thing is there is that one attack helicopters in the game. I would just make that controllable and have fun.
OOOOO Too Human!! No I can't say I remember you. Though I do recognize your name from Super Mario RPG : Legend of the Seven Stars.
Unfortunately Geno, Valve has confirmed that there won't be damage to vehicles.. :dozey:

And I meant vehicles from other mods/real life that could fit in with the HL2 world.

I mean if you find another official vehicle that Valve has announced, please post it! :afro:

P.S. How the hell did this thread get to 9 pages ;)
Whats wrong with Heli's? They got that one that was in the Hover craft scene, plus that manta ray thingy is sorta like one too.
Yes, too human, the game that has been delayed more than half life 2.....

And yes, geno. The best doll ever.
I hope Silicon Knights is still 2nd Party of Nintendo... Anyway enough off topic.

Hmm thinking of it, I could see a semi truck being some fun road blocking the combine off.
Since HL2 takes place somewhere in Europe in the future, i can see a Volks Beetle, all rusted out and full of bullet holes, with like a .50 cal sticking out of the sunroof and with moster tires :naughty:

If it was nicely done and detailed, it would roxxor.
A semi truck? even better, the combine should have buses like the one in road warrior, with a curved armor plate. So it's effectively a moving wall you can block off intersections with.
The new batmobile from Batman Begins would actually make a good Combine vehicle
McFly said:

wtf, I didn't even know there was a new Batman movie coming out?!?

But that car looks sweet, not Batman's style though.
I'd say the batmobile would be cool... Hey, maybe someone should make a BATMAN mod... That might actually be pretty cool... Or, a super hero mod IN GENERAL... *rubs his non-existent gotee*
Someone should make a mod where, to cure breast cancer, you have to participate in a marathon.

But the combine are on unicycles, and-- hmm, no, that makes no sense.

But a batmobile would be cool.
Yeah, the new Batman is gunna be awesome. Its a prequel, when he first becomes batman. It wont suck like Batman and Robin, the worst movie of all time. The style is more old school.
Just thought of something, now don't know if it would be a good idea, but it might work out...

Have a mod, a la Resident Evil: Outbreak, where you start somewhere in the BMRF, just waking up after the incident, and would have to make your way to the surface, and then you would start finding other survivors(other players) and team up.
And have a more creepy feel to it, scarce weapons, etc....

Nevermind, sounds kinda dumb..... or does it o_O
That new batmobile looks like a piece of shit!! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

The one from Batman 1 and 2 was the best.
I dont wanna go back to black mesa, 20 hours of that place bored me.............
Rafa, i always thought Outbreak would make a better MMORPG. I mean, think about it. Just join a huge community in a huge city and see how long you can live. COnstruct fortresses, go to home depot and construct yourself a melee weapon, go to the abandoned supermarket and get some canned goods.

It'd be awesome. Back to the topic at hand, i hope one of the vehicles in HL2 is a Garbage Truck. You could impale people with the forklift. How fun would that be?
maybe a firetruck..... and you can stop it, deploy the cherry picker, climb the ladder....

you'd have a portable sniper post!
umm..... yes, well *runs away*

*comes back*

the spider from wild wild west would get owned, all it does is shoot fireballs.

They should put in the APUs from the Matrix. I could kill some combine in those.
Rafa 5.0 said:
'Till an RPG blew the **** outta you...(refer to McFly's avatar)

I'm sure Valve will get creative with the vehicles... they better
*shakes fist at Valve*
*pickpockets rafa while he makes menacing gestures*

do you think gordan will get to control any aerial vehicles? is it even possible? i mean, i know, you'd have to do some sort of height cutoff, but still, it would be cool...
That was answered a few pages back in this thread, basically....

Gordon will be able to control land vehicles, but no aerial vehicles, and Valve said that flying vehicles could be "modded in" but won't make the final cut of the game.

I think that's right...

*giggles as Geno get his finger chewed by a Snark"
How about one of this vehicles for MP, the entire team can fit inside and it's armored :thumbs:
MWahahaha I have been secretly plotting to kill you...