HL2 vs. Doom 3 vs...Torc?


Jun 3, 2003
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I don't know who these guys are, but it looks like they're fast becoming rivals to Valve and id.


Download it and watch. I think it looks promising, although many elements look "inspired" by Valve or id. You'll see what I mean.

some stuff they mention:

Real time per-pixel lighting
Bump Maps
"All surfaces recieve shadow"
Real Time per-pixel shadowing
Ragdoll physics

What do you think?
hmph...another queue to download site...will have to wait a while before i can comment on this.

while i'm here i may as well ask, anyone else seen the trailer for Ghost In The Shell 2 yet? looks fookin amazing.
now that demo does look impressive. although yeah i can see where it's 'inspired' by HL2 and Doom III. but so much the better. as a game player i'm not too worried if i get a meld of different games. as far as i can tell, HL2 + Doom III = Torc. looking promising.
Cool techdemo video. Looks a little too.. dirty, at this point, to be any fun. Anyhow, is there any game planned behind that engine? Or what?
Shuzer said:
Cool techdemo video. Looks a little too.. dirty, at this point, to be any fun.
I'm pretty sure it's just the video quality. Take a look at the screenshots on their website.
Shuzer said:
Anyhow, is there any game planned behind that engine? Or what?
Doesn't seem that way, according to the website.

Looks like it has potential, but at this point it doesn't seem to offer much more than what is shown in the video.
Technology dont mean crap today. Realtime lighting, realtime physics, bumpmapping and normalmapping, PS1.1, PS1.3, PS1.4, PS2.0, PSNvidiaOptimized(TM), VS of all versions, ragdolls, realtime shadows, *sigh*... Everyone and his grandma can make a game with this.


That's all it need. The game with STYLE (big letters) is ALWAYS the winner. Savage is one of the best games I've ever played, and its engine lack just about EVERYTHING on the technology list. But its very cool :)
I think this is made on the 9th power engine.
It was made by PT by a 12 ppl team. They licensed it to a few teams as an alternative. It was way cheaper than most engines and by what I seen, it looked great.
Not sure though.
I think Eidos hired them or something. Whos Torc Interactive anyway?
It lokos like a DOOM environment with Quake weapons.
welcome to bump mapping hell....

I cannot stand this technique...you know, the old "stick a bump/normal map on every single surface/weapon/item/character in the game" route
yeah the shadows aren't bad, and the bump mapping remark I made wasn't really the fault of the engine or anything, it's just really bad from an artistic perspective.
Reminds me of Doom 3, how theres bump map on every single surface. But it doesnt look plastic which is interesting
If you want to go techy, you might as well go style as I said:

INGAME images from guild wars:



dawdler, that's impossible.
There's no way you anything like that is going to run in a med-end PC and hardly no one has a high-end.

It would have to be waaaaaaay scalable.

I mean, it is, isn't it?
Sprafa said:
dawdler, that's impossible.
There's no way you anything like that is going to run in a med-end PC and hardly no one has a high-end.

It would have to be waaaaaaay scalable.

I mean, it is, isn't it?
Read this: Alpha testers reveal information!

Especially note the part:

"<GhostRaptor> very. The graphics are awesome.
<GhostRaptor> I played the Far Cry demo the other day.
<GhostRaptor> on my system I had to turn the graphics on Far Cry right down or it stuttered during combat. And the graphics weren't anything special.
<GhostRaptor> GW the graphics are set to max and I get smooth gameplay all the time
<GhostRaptor> and the GW graphics are way better than Far Cry"

Could it be a lie? Maybe... But not all games are crappy Halo-wannabe's ;)

Edit: People said the same about Far Cry last year btw, hehe.
it probably wont be out for quite a while so when it releases pcs should run it fine

i love how they use filters in the level lighting so it looks like something out of a fantasy book
The guy said he played this on a 33.6k connection!!!!
And a GF3 would be good?!?!?!


This is going to revolutionate if its true.
Those pics look like Far Cry but even more like oil paintings
Those pics are beautiful, amazing works of art. I'm impressed.
looks like everyone and his mother ,Brothers and sisters is doing a Unified PerPixel lighting engine ,to looks like Doom3 and even "better" . :) if anyone have seen GameDevelopers interviews of games that use similar techniques (RT perpixel lighting) that Doom3 ,will notice the overemphasis in Doom3. saying things likes "just like" or "betten than" Doom3. :)

I think it was a Big mistake for idsoftware to give details about what they are doing in their game and many engine details ,how they are doing it. -So early in the development of the game.-(doom3 at the mac show 2001)


and if that were not enough the leaked Alpha of Doom3 and Hl2 and in some cases the source code ,is FAr more than a Good start for Programmers looking to do something "new" in a game.. because its not coincidence to see Gamedevelopers imitating the works of others.. which shows their lack of creativity and innovation. in carmacks research for Doom3 ,he ended with 4 diferent Graphics Engine REndering ideas. Carmack picked the less quality one ,for performance/COmpatibility and Technical reasons. the choice was the more Unified and simplier one. in another note, a tech demo is one thing , a full game its another.. because a tech demo can be done in few months ,a full game of high quality can take many years!! ask Valve if you dont believe it. :)

what IDsoftware demostrated in 2001 is what many new programers without any Game developing experience are now demostrating in tech demos ,with more "advanced features" as they say. by the time those people release a game in that engine ,Idsoftware and Valve will be close to release NExt level games in Dx10 or the like .

THas why many others gamedevelopers doesnt say a single word of the games they are working ,and how they are doing it ,until the last years and even the last months of the development.

BTw.. those screenshots of ->[guild wars] looks very nice..
Fantarealism graphics.. a mix between REalism + fantasy..
i like it. PhotoREal graphics not necessarily means better. i dont see anyone excited by the graphics of your TV channels even when they are done at times in realtime like the local news. :)