Hl2 Vs Fc


Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
It pains me to say it but after playing FarCry on Very High settings and completeing it, I think that it has better graphics shown so far in the HL2 Vids and screenshots. What does people here think?
jonesey2k said:
It pains me to say it but after playing FarCry on Very High settings and completeing it, I think that it has better graphics shown so far in the HL2 Vids and screenshots. What does people here think?

I think you're wrong, because we probably haven't seen Half-Life 2 on very high settings and huge resolutions.
Well, since HL2 isn't even out yet, I would have to say FC. Even when HL2 does come out, FC will be better in AI and lush, vegetable graphics.
HL2, Doom 3 and Far Cry have all just been completely owned by Unreal 3!
Source is aimed more towards depth of gameplay than visual appeal, although it is of course very pretty. IMO the FC engine is a little better on the graphical side of things, but it's a pig to run even on lowest settings and doesn't have the 'limitless' nature of Source.

Mr-Fusion said:
HL2, Doom 3 and Far Cry have all just been completely owned by Unreal 3!
Half-Life 2's Physics engine is way better than FarCrys.
Half-Life 2's Characters are way more detailed than FarCrys.

FarCry Has Great Water Effects.
FarCry Has nice vegitation, but can be simulated in HL2 as well.
ray_MAN said:
Well, since HL2 isn't even out yet, I would have to say FC. Even when HL2 does come out, FC will be better in AI and lush, vegetable graphics.

You say Far Cry is better, yet point out HL2 isn't even out yet, so you can't make the choice. As for AI, you have no idea what the AI will be like in the final game.
Halflife2 has only been shown in DX8 mode except in the rooftop dynamic range rendering video.

But yeah, Unreal 3 kinda owns them all. Times ten..... :rolling:
Mr-Fusion said:
HL2, Doom 3 and Far Cry have all just been completely owned by Unreal 3!

100% agreeeeeeeeeeeeeee :sniper:

HL2 will always have the best story
Two things:

a) You can't compare Far Cry to Half-Life 2 because HL2 isn't out
b) You can't compare either of the above to Unreal 3 because that's a next generation engine so of course it will be better. Graphics wise at least.


Also, considering 80,390 players are playing some form of Half-Life as we speak, do you think graphics really matter?
It's the game that matters. Both FC and HL2 have very good graphics, does it matter which is better? I've played Far Cry and I didn't really think it was amazing gameplay...good yes, but not WOW FANTASTIC. But that's just my opinion. Graphics wise, both games have their strengths.
jonesey2k said:
It pains me to say it but after playing FarCry on Very High settings and completeing it, I think that it has better graphics shown so far in the HL2 Vids and screenshots. What does people here think?

So what? :hmph:
jonesey2k said:
It pains me to say it but after playing FarCry on Very High settings and completeing it, I think that it has better graphics shown so far in the HL2 Vids and screenshots. What does people here think?

Its my opinion that farcry is merely quake 2 with bump mapping and pixel shading.

it looks pretty but it lacks in gameplay and is nothing to brag about in the MP department.


EDIT: sweet zombie jesus Unreal 3 looks ...... *lost for words*

Real. :eek:
Chris_D said:
Also, considering 80,390 players are playing some form of Half-Life as we speak, do you think graphics really matter?
Given that the discussion is about engines and not the games attached to them, I'd say it was.
Far Cry's AI is not all it is cracked up to be. Sure its better then most other games around but from the HL2 movies i've seen, it is no where near as good.

Trust me
It's not really relevant to put UE3 into this discussion, since it's next next gen, and it's not meant to compete with engines like Source and Doom 3, which are hybrid DX8-DX9 engines (and in the case of Source, DX6-DX9) and UE3 is fully DX9.
Sars said:
Far Cry's AI is not all it is cracked up to be. Sure its better then most other games around but from the HL2 movies i've seen, it is no where near as good.
None of the HL2 movies so far have shown any decent AI. Look at the end of tunnels for instance, with the combines just standing there getting killed by the ALG.
Once halflife 2 is out we'll all laugh about some of us even THINKING that far cry might be better then halflife 2.

be serious now...far cry isn't even close..no game is imo.

Look at the physics, detailed characters that make you feel emotional connected to them, the graphics, modding, storyline, time of development...Best AI ever..etc

Far cry is a cool game ..but no more then that. It's just that the graphics are so nice :]


btw - the unreal 3 engine movie was nice, but we haven't seen any gameplay yet, so unreal 3 has owned nothing at all..
i still laugh at the fact that far cry enemies are stuck in the age of characters with three fingers (in the case of humans, i mean that they have three of their fingers are made into on big one and then only have their trigger finger and their thumb seperate).....come on...even quake 3 engine had people with 5 fingers
Varsity said:
None of the HL2 movies so far have shown any decent AI. Look at the end of tunnels for instance, with the combines just standing there getting killed by the ALG.

AI was toned down to show of graphics.

In the full game, AI will be able to get anywhere, by running, jumping, crouching, climbing. Antlions will also be able to dig and fly. They know how to fire on the move, use vehicles, fight in squads, make tactical decisions like retreating and advancing.
A lot more than FC AI who only knew how to do decent squad/flanking AI.
But more importantly, AI will know how to co-operate with you, and making AI that's not bothersome but useful, is a lot harder than making enemy AI.
before the game was released, I was more amazed by farcry's graphics then hl2's , just from screenshots. then everybody said that hl2 would have better ai, but i dunno, once playing the farcry game, the ai is pretty damn smoking, even on low, and the gameplay is incredable. its so hard to be top dog today, much harder then when hl came out, and there wasn't near the competition.

I'll have to wait for hl2 to come out and play before saying anything is better, from released media, farcry definitly looks better, and ran awsome on low settings on my 1700 xp with a gfore 2, got a 9600 xt, and I was floored. If hl2 is superrior on "high" settings, they should let that be knows asap, as well as whatever improvements they've made to match farcry's technology.

Modding tools tho, omg, valve will have to be adding a whole lot to compete with the sandbox editor. you could literally be a one man mod with that thing, and hl2 fanatics main crit of it is its too easy, but its ease allows alot more time to focus on your game play.(which you can test while you build it)
Novar said:
You cannot compare the 2 games until Hl2 is released

If you are a high school kid with a computer you sure can.
PvtRyan said:
AI was toned down to show of graphics.

In the full game, AI will be able to get anywhere, by running, jumping, crouching, climbing. Antlions will also be able to dig and fly. They know how to fire on the move, use vehicles, fight in squads, make tactical decisions like retreating and advancing.
A lot more than FC AI who only knew how to do decent squad/flanking AI.
But more importantly, AI will know how to co-operate with you, and making AI that's not bothersome but useful, is a lot harder than making enemy AI.
I understand that, but he was trying to use the videos as evidence.
im downloading unreal3 movie now, so i havnt seen it yet, but ill go out on a limb and make a prediction. after a few years, when the next next gen games do come out, wouldnt you agree that a lot of us will still be happily playing HL2 and HL2 mods? if it turns out to be anything like HL, which at this point theres no reason for it not to be, ill be happy playing a dated game that can still give me incredible gameplay. for example, i played the farcry demo, and i do want to play the full game, but right now i want to take a nap but the temptation to play day of defeat is whats keeping me from sleep, not some flashy great looking game.
polyguns said:
Modding tools tho, omg, valve will have to be adding a whole lot to compete with the sandbox editor. you could literally be a one man mod with that thing, and hl2 fanatics main crit of it is its too easy, but its ease allows alot more time to focus on your game play.(which you can test while you build it)

Lets put it like this:
The HL engine which is supposed to be a lot less modable than Source, is now being used in a Rally mod. And that's for a game without vehicle physics whatsoever.
Map making is one thing, creating mods that differ in gameplay totally from the original game, is something totally different.
At least FarCry exists and their devs are capable of hitting a deadline. HL2 is practically vaporware. Deadline after deadline missed. I'll judge HL2 when I play it if it is ever released.

All I know is that HL2 better be amazingly revolutionary. I have a feeling it won't be. If it's on the save level as FarCry when released, I'll consider it a failure. With all this extra time they better be doing something extra special. But we've already seen all there is to see as far as next gen features go (except the faces, but who looks at faces when playing an FPS?). All HL2 can do is try to implement them better.

The revolution (next gen features) has already come and HL2 missed the boat. All they can do is improve what's already there. Having said all that, if FarCry is the worst of the three, we gamers are in for a tremendous year of games.
wagghhh waghhhhhh, waghhhhh WAAGHHH, mummy the bad man took my rattle, wagghhhh WAGHHHH
jonesey2k said:
It pains me to say it but after playing FarCry on Very High settings and completeing it, I think that it has better graphics shown so far in the HL2 Vids and screenshots. What does people here think?
Good thing there's more to Half-Life 2 than just the graphics. Far Cry may have stunning graphics, but I consider its gameplay average.
I think that Halflife 2 looks better then Far Cry. They both have equall enignes but the graphical skill and Valve makes it more belivable.

In my list, Halflife 2 takes the top.
figge said:
I only knew of 1 deadline :naughty:

Don't be too hard on Fishlore, not everyone lives in the same world we do.
alehm said:
Don't be too hard on Fishlore, not everyone lives in the same world we do.

There is other worlds than the hl world?? :eek:
Fishlore said:
At least FarCry exists and their devs are capable of hitting a deadline. HL2 is practically vaporware. Deadline after deadline missed. I'll judge HL2 when I play it if it is ever released.

Excuse me? Deadline after deadline? I recall them missing 9/30 and after that just silence. Vaporware? As far as I know, HL2 has been known to the public for a year now, I can name you a dozen games that have been known longer and that are not released yet. By your definition, Far Cry was even more vaporware because its existence is known for a far longer time and it has also been delayed atleast one time..

All I know is that HL2 better be amazingly revolutionary. I have a feeling it won't be. If it's on the save level as FarCry when released, I'll consider it a failure. With all this extra time they better be doing something extra special. But we've already seen all there is to see as far as next gen features go (except the faces, but who looks at faces when playing an FPS?).

No one does, because before HL2, they weren't worth even looking at, and if HL2 changes that, I'd call it pretty damn revolutionary, if you can get an emotional connection with the NPC's.
HL made the story important in FPS's, and HL2 is hopefully gonna make NPC interaction important. You say 'who looks at faces' yeah nobody at the moment, just as you might have said 'storyline, who gives a f*ck about storylines, if you got guns?' before HL.
You mean not everyone is a loser who spends their whole lives following a video game. I guess I do live in a different world than you. A world where video games take up about an hour a week.

Did the game come out on it's original release date? What about the SDK? What about CS:CZ? They all hit their dates right?

LOL. douche bags.