Hl2 Vs Fc

Falcon(Nate) said:
Mad max 31 was quoting someone else Mr. Redundant... Go find the original quote. =P
bah, ah well it was cluttering up my sig anywhoo.. too big.
i REALLY don't wanna read the entire mudane conversation, so if this has been posted before, mods, please remove my post. a lot of the AI in the e3 vids was scripted, so you can't use that "AI" as evidence to support an argument. if you wanna support an argument, use the posts from the one guy that visitted valve a while back. where he was talking about the AI of the helicopter one of the devs was testing.

but eh these threads are quite pointless, really. play game because you enjoy them, and don't shun other games just because you think a game that will be released in the future is better(unless money constraints come into it). saying hl2 is better than farcry therefore i won't play farcry because that makes it suck... is really stupid. i love farcry, i think it's great fun, and i'll probably think hl2 will be fun as well. big deal.
FarCry looks nothing like Half-Life 2, I am using the demo (with AA and AF at ultra high settings) and the Source demo BINK (for god's sake...BINK) looks 10 times better than FarCry.

And for me, FarCry is sort of boring...not interested...I don't like the characters, and it's so slow (30fps) even on my 3Ghz system.
a lot of the AI in the e3 vids was scripted,

So says people playing an illegal beta hacked together out of bits and pieces stolen out of Valve.

For all we know:
1) since the content was basically all stolen demo material, the levels were just running demo sequences, not reacting to player actions.
2) most of the code for AI routines wasn't even included because everything in the demo was just going to play out according to the demo files directions
3) valve never said nothing would be scripted, just that it doesn't have to be. They can still script sequences to happen a la machima (in fact, this is one of the neatest sounding elements of source: how easy it is to write and stage out stories) and they did this explicitly for the demo.
My god what have I started. I'll make a statement. Games such as HL2, FC, D3 ect have reached a point where each game is amazing and tbh Id rather enjoy all of them rather then bitching about blah blah blah. Farcry is the best game Ive played so far. HL2 will be one of my faveourites along with any other next gen game. At the end of the day they are all great games with different good/bad points.

i dunno, hl2's kind've an old game, i mean like, when i saw the buggy vid i was all like "man, that's ****ing awsome, great detail on the steering wheel" and all that shit, but like after playing ut demo, the way the vehicles look....man, but i also think that the graphics in hl2 will be at leat a little improved by the time it's released from what we saw of the e3 vid so yea i kinda support that it's a lame topic b/c hl2 isn't even out yet
Sai said:
i dunno, hl2's kind've an old game, i mean like, when i saw the buggy vid i was all like "man, that's ****ing awsome, great detail on the steering wheel" and all that shit, but like after playing ut demo, the way the vehicles look....man, but i also think that the graphics in hl2 will be at leat a little improved by the time it's released from what we saw of the e3 vid so yea i kinda support that it's a lame topic b/c hl2 isn't even out yet

We haven't seen any new, fresh media in a year now. Chances are, it'll look better.
Heck, we know that HDR alone will make things look better, along with all the things they told us were placeholders.

And there's still things from that old media I'm only just now realizing. The trees in the strider vid, for instance. There are a lot of them, and they really serve to give the place a creepy, mid-fall feel.
Apos said:
Heck, we know that HDR alone will make things look better, along with all the things they told us were placeholders.

And there's still things from that old media I'm only just now realizing. The trees in the strider vid, for instance. There are a lot of them, and they really serve to give the place a creepy, mid-fall feel.
.. yeah looking at the e3 binks again (just re-downloaded them) HL2, is still stunning graphically, and thank goodness it doesnt use the polybump/bumpmapping like Doom3 and Farcry do... its a nice effect, but makes things look like toys.

Im really hoping we see (and play) hl2 soon
Albeit I do have lofty expectations for these next-gen games, there wasnt much that kept me captivated with FarCrys plot or its gameplay. To be fair, it certainly did have some nice quirks that we have never seen before in past games. For instance: spotting a sniper in thick foliage because the sun is glinting off his scope, realistic flashbangs, etc. Small things like this are pretty enticing at first, but do very little to add to long-term playability. The only things that I really did like about the game were: a) the large maps and b) there was always more than one way to fulfill an objective.

FarCry was not much of a game to me.
Well it does use them, just not everywhere on everything. I love the bathroom tile in the jail and the walls in the tech demo and the street texture and the...
2 totally different concepts, only thing that is the same is that they are FPS games..

Here you will get fanboy's saying hl2 pwns... and in the FC forums youll hear the same..

Opinions vary still though.. hl2 indoor will definately be nice. But FC's outdoors are so beautiful plus they have an easy sandbox editor..
Far Cry is an amazing game, and it will easily compete with Half-Life 2, Doom 3 & STALKER.
But FC's outdoors are so beautiful plus they have an easy sandbox editor..

We've seen some pretty incredible vistas from HL2 as well: things like sprawling cities and barren, blasted wastelands that look like stonehenge on acid. The only thing I've seen from Far Cry that I've not seen done in HL2 is foliage, and given that the foliage in Far Cry is really only standard detail textures and layered sprites working on LOD (which isn't exactly hard to do or performance intensive) I doubt it has anything to do with a difference in ability between the engines.

I think Far Cry and HL2 are fairly equal in terms of the "prettiness" of outdoor areas. Both can probably do these sorts of scenes far better than Doom3 can.
As for editing, I don't think any editor we've seen thus far is offering the sort super-complex content authoring pipeline that Valve is releasing. If you saw the GDC presentation, you know what I mean: you can control characters down to the tinest detail, anywhere from just dropping them in a level and letting the AI do the work, to scripting out movie-like scenes with timed dialouge and acting. It definately doesn't look anywhere near as easy to use, but it looks worlds more powerful, and something experienced mod and especially machima makers will certainly appreciate.
not sure if this has been mentioned but in the emails they do say that more visual features were to be added to the engine post e3 from last year so i guess its more pretty now :D
Apos said:
Heck, we know that HDR alone will make things look better, along with all the things they told us were placeholders.

And there's still things from that old media I'm only just now realizing. The trees in the strider vid, for instance. There are a lot of them, and they really serve to give the place a creepy, mid-fall feel.

There's a very nice but VERY subtle effect in bugbait too. In the beginning, where Gordon walks through the dark corridor just before the walks into the room where the antlions are there's a very subtle reflection and specular map on the concrete wall. When I first noticed that, I though, now THAT looks like a real life wall. Silly, maybe but it's stuff like this that creates a believable world, not smacking as much normalmaps on a model as possible.

It looks better in motion.
PvtRyan said:
There's a very nice but VERY subtle effect in bugbait too. In the beginning, where Gordon walks through the dark corridor just before the walks into the room where the antlions are there's a very subtle reflection and specular map on the concrete wall. When I first noticed that, I though, now THAT looks like a real life wall. Silly, maybe but it's stuff like this that creates a believable world, not smacking as much normalmaps on a model as possible.

It looks better in motion.

Applies on the walls in the next rooms as well... very subtle but nice to notice as well.
along with all the things they told us were placeholders

they where using placeholders in the E3 vids aswell ?....,, namely what? anyone know .

I know one atleast, and thats a large majority of the wooden objects, they have the same gib models as the wooden objects in HL1, where as a small majority, 'break like wood, look like wood, sound like wood' :P... but im sure they will fix this, for each individual wooden object they make.. right?
I know one atleast, and thats a large majority of the wooden objects, they have the same gib models as the wooden objects in HL1, where as a small majority, 'break like wood, look like wood, sound like wood' ... but im sure they will fix this, for each individual wooden object they make.. right?

See the informatively titled "I wonder...." thread for more discussion on this topic.

Some sounds were definately placeholders. Some textures were placeholders. Blood was indeed definately a placeholder. The crowbar swing animation was a placeholder (I think). Some of the lightmaps hadn't been done in high-res yet. etc.
The blood-spray sprite (like in Docks when you whack the zombie) is also a placeholder.
Apos said:
The only thing I've seen from Far Cry that I've not seen done in HL2 is foliage, and given that the foliage in Far Cry is really only standard detail textures and layered sprites working on LOD (which isn't exactly hard to do or performance intensive) I doubt it has anything to do with a difference in ability between the engines.

Precisely, foliage and view distance isn't really a big deal, even that new Transformers game on the PS2 pretty much has the same amount of foliage and view distance as Far Cry.
lol,, hmm sort of comparable ,, not, :P does it show up in great detail when you get close to it.. like in far cry... besides Jack Carver is way cooler than a transformer.
clarky003 said:
lol,, hmm sort of comparable ,, not, :P does it show up in great detail when you get close to it.. like in far cry... besides Jack Carver is way cooler than a transformer.

Of course it's not the same detail as Far Cry foliage, the textures are lower res and stuff because of the limited power of the PS2, but the basic idea is the same.
What he means is that farcrys foliage looks good, but technologicly is nothing special.
Well I finally took a look at far cry. After seeing this thread I was expecting great things (people were arguing that it might even be better than HL2 graphically!). Then when I finally saw it, I was confused: "is this the same game they were talking about?" Suffice to say, I'm not going argue with people who say Far Cry looks better than Half-Life 2. I'm just going to pity them.. :D
Right when I started up the FarCry demo for the first time I knew it was a bad game.
My honest opinion of far cry was Battlefield 1942 pacific theater on crack and twice as laggy :P but thats just me, i dont like these X vs X threads
Lobster said:
My honest opinion of far cry was Battlefield 1942 pacific theater on crack and twice as laggy :P but thats just me, i dont like these X vs X threads
Especially when one one these x's is an incomplete game.
Far Cry is a great game and I think it wins over HL2 with the beautiful views over huge horizons. I know HL2 will have big maps as well but I dont think it will be as spectacular or big. On the other hand I belive HL2 will have better gameplay, better mods, less bugs and maybe the graphics will be a bit nicer that is impossible to tell atm though. AND U ALL KNOW WHY SO STFU PUNKS! :D
On it's own merits far cry is a pretty cool game. The single player campaign is lots of fun and the physics are fun to play with. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a fun game while you're waiting for Half Life 2, and Tron 2.0 its got a real unique kinda look to it, a wonderful time suck.