Hl2 Vs Fc

Sparta said:
I can't remember who said Far Cry uses Direct X 8 style bump-mapping (dot3). But if you've seen the screenshots of the new Nvidia card that uses PS 3.0, it mentions that Far Cry DOES use PS 3.0 and im pretty sure anything 2.0 or above is DirectX 9.

And when it comes to HL2's AI vs Far Cry's.....think about this, if Far Cry's AI matches that of Half-Life's AI 6 years later then common logic says that the AI in HL2 will be more advanced then Far Cry's, therefore better.

Common logic:

AI HL1 = AI FC => AI HL2 > AI FC => ok, but I meant
AI FC >> AI HL1 => AI HL2 = TBC



(hope my AI works ... )
Oh, nevermind. Polybump is nothing more than a proprietary name for normal mapping... except maybe a plugin or tool to help you generate the normal maps. That part about "merging an additional bump map onto a normal map" sounds like it just means that the extra height data is added to the height channel of the normal map so you only need one map for the larger details of the model (usually a normal map because they are generated from a hi-poly model) and the tiny details (like pores or other tiny things that would be hard to model... usually done on a bump map since you can just paint those in photoshop). I'm not an expert on the CryTek engine... so take what I say about its technology with a grain of salt.
Games based on UE3 won't get released until year 2006.
sharp said:
HL2 will outrun FC :P

hope so, but FC has definitely increased the pressure.
(maybe more than that other piece of vaporware, what was its name,
ah yes, doom3)...

I doubt it. When it comes to graphics Far Cry and HL2 are close, very close. But i remember reading (i think it was on this site) that Gabe said that he thinks in all certainty that HL2 delivers 10 times as much WOW factor as the original did. Now thats a whole lotta Wow

So i reckon Valve has more pressure on getting it done in time then competing with Far Cry and other next-gen games
Sparta said:
I doubt it. When it comes to graphics Far Cry and HL2 are close, very close. But i remember reading (i think it was on this site) that Gabe said that he thinks in all certainty that HL2 delivers 10 times as much WOW factor as the original did. Now thats a whole lotta Wow

So i reckon Valve has more pressure on getting it done in time then competing with Far Cry and other next-gen games

I don't know if you played FC but do you remember the scene on the fort, where a boat attacks you with artillery/long range grenades, The moment when you peek over the wall and look down into the valley and make out the boat in the far distance amidst a scene of unrivaled scenery detail ...that's true WOW! Not to speak from the claustrophobic scenes in the lab surroundings, Doom3 promises for years and FC delivers... Actually each level in FC was filled with WOWs, at least for me.

Looking forward to that from HL2...
I felt more WOW fighting the AI for the first time in Half-Life, i mean the marines not the zombies. And i own Far Cry and i've finished it, there's alot of WOW in the game but nothing that knocks my socks off. What knocked my socks off was the Strider video and the Traptown video the first time i saw them, THAT was true WOW. And it didn't need a whole island of scenery or a humungous view distance to accomplish it
HL2 is full of "OMFG now that totally rocks". (for a hint, if you've ever read a short story by Steven King called "The Jaunt"....yeah GIDDY UP...)

Far Cry is full of "Hey that's pretty cool"

That's completely different emotional responses.
Lets see:

Far Cry: OUT
Conclusion: This thread makes no sense!
one thing i think people get confused is with the talent of the artists and the performance of the engine, ive seen or heard nothing that garuntees hl2 to have better ai, more poly pushing capabilities, or any real graphic improvements. what hl2 has is a crapload of money, some really talented artistss and animators. i would like to see the budget and time restraints on each company. I heardfarcry was only created at first to show off the engine, then they made it as a game.
whats the delay with hl2 anyways? ....are they a bit o scared :P
Regardless of Graphics, I think Hl2 = win.
dont get me wrong, I LOVED Farcry, and I have a godlike rig so playing it was pure "pants-creaming" fun, and yes compared to HL2 (at least what we have seen, and what some of us have played) FC is better (especially if you get rid of the "Lush/cartoony" look by playing in "Cold" Mode (makes a big difference))

but honestly, I can see the immersion factor of HL2 eating every other game out there alive... even doom3, sure doom3 may suck you into a horror world where they like to make you jump (and Im praying they pull it off), but even with slightly (*dated*?!) graphics HL2's story, gameplay and immersion factor (with emotional characters etc) will probably win.

please valve dont make me eat my words.

however IM OH SO WISHING, that when they show us something next month at E3, its something new and shiny... not the same old bullshit (in other words lets just hope they touched some things up during the year they delayed it)... wow its almost been a year.

how late is HL2 exactly?
Fishlore said:
At least FarCry exists and their devs are capable of hitting a deadline. HL2 is practically vaporware. Deadline after deadline missed. I'll judge HL2 when I play it if it is ever released.

All I know is that HL2 better be amazingly revolutionary. I have a feeling it won't be. If it's on the save level as FarCry when released, I'll consider it a failure. With all this extra time they better be doing something extra special. But we've already seen all there is to see as far as next gen features go (except the faces, but who looks at faces when playing an FPS?). All HL2 can do is try to implement them better.

The revolution (next gen features) has already come and HL2 missed the boat. All they can do is improve what's already there. Having said all that, if FarCry is the worst of the three, we gamers are in for a tremendous year of games.

Only one deadline was missed, and after that they were *aiming* for certain dates. You can't call hl2 vapourware, that's just plain ignorant.
Next gen features have only come in one aspect yet: graphics.
Halflife 2 will offer so much more ( i think) then just nice graphics.
That's the first time I've seen that video- All I can say is "Damn." I think that engine looks great, which makes me wonder if perhaps Valve will add the virtual displacement technology to the Source engine somewhere along the way-- That would mean good things for HL3 and maybe even for mods.
I'm sure all the major game companies are already working on next gen engines. We know that Valve's engine dev people are continuing to change and add stuff past the version they are going to release for HL2. And we know that Carmack has already started working on his post Doom3 engine.

At this point, it really makes sense for a lot of these companies to feature creep from existing architextures. Once you get to the level the latest engines are at, things like U3 are basically just a matter of using more advanced shaders that are available to all developers through DX9+ and PS3.0 on.
Ill agree with da shamroka, even though he's a midget, i don't judge, but anyways, yea hl2 lost its edge on revolutionary technology, adn prolly won't get it back unless they delay another time. but it looks very interesting and unique, even if it mightt lack technology wise.
Even if it sux tho, the fanboys will make sure to buy 2 copies, just to make sure its a hit
I fail to see how HL2 has lost its tech edge over anything....since at this point we dont even know what tech it has.....

everyone who has played the leak thinks they are a ****ing expert on HL2.
crabcakes66 said:
I fail to see how HL2 has lost its tech edge over anything....since at this point we dont even know what tech it has.....

everyone who has played the leak thinks they are a ****ing expert on HL2.

I hate that too.. wish people would reserve their final engine judgments for when you actually get to SEE the game
*slap* WRONG ANSWER! hl2 is better....fc is just a mass of bump maps as an excuse for not actually being able to display lots of polies....they're meant to complement geometry not replace it
Those are just engine techdemo shots man...

EDIT: Unreal 3 is too far away to be considered as a rival of HL2, D3, etc...
in case you missed it:
Mr. Redundant said:
I uploaded it to my Host:
its zipped and contains two vids of PS3 being used in FC, pretty cool stuff.

You can download it from my host HERE

sorry for the double post, I typed out an edit, and it didnt save :/ so I had to repost (couldnt edit with the edit time limit on)

http://www.undertheinfluence.org/users/mrredundant/farcryps3.zip (if for some reason I didnt do the hyperlink properly)
I think that Far Cry is the same old 3d- shooting and it doesn't give me anything new so i pick HL2
Dile said:
Those are just engine techdemo shots man...

EDIT: Unreal 3 is too far away to be considered as a rival of HL2, D3, etc...

True, but, I was just linking him to what the other guy was referring to.
Shuzer said:
True, but, I was just linking him to what the other guy was referring to.

That wasnt addressed to you, but I am really really sorry :cheers:
Well, since HL2 isn't even out yet, I would have to say FC. Even when HL2 does come out, FC will be better in AI and lush, vegetable graphics.

thats bull shit, sevrel times while i was playing the demo of far cry i cought the enemys in a near infinite loop cought by barriers
mad max 31 said:
Well, since HL2 isn't even out yet, I would have to say FC. Even when HL2 does come out, FC will be better in AI and lush, vegetable graphics.
new sig, thanks
Mad max 31 was quoting someone else Mr. Redundant... Go find the original quote. =P
I played a FC demo last night, and unless the demo is a lot worse than the full game, I'm not that impressed.

Sometimes the AI just seems plain ol' stupid. The lush, beautiful graphics so many other people talk about seem to be beyond the limits of my graphics card (Radeon 8500 64mb) so I have to play with all the settings low, so it isn't exactly the prettiest of games for me, so that isn't a big selling point from my point of view. Free-form gaming isn't that fun. Especially when there is one pretty much one best way from A to B, so all the other ways are just a waste of time. It's not as if linear things are inherently bad, look at films, they happen *exactly* the same way every time. Erm, going prone to be able to shoot straight is annoying. Over-realism is just a pain in the arse more than anything else, it can get really over-done. Playing FC I seem to be oddly disconnected from the game, like there's something between me and the character. Which isn't fun. The jumping feels weird. The physics aren't really all that great, and they don't serve any kind of practical purpose. Sure, you can push a barrel down a hill, but there's no point. Bodies seem to slide over the ground on hills sometimes, and it looks really unnatural. Erm, the demo crashed once.

Pretty fragmented, but I don't see why people thing Far Cry is so great.
FC's experience is based on having all details at max, I'd say
And the full game IS alot better than the demo
Well I haven't played Far Cry so I can't judge. But Valve has spent six years to making a sequel to this incredible game. Will it live up to my expectations?. I don't know. That type of dedication is worth admiring, and if the game still turns out to be a pile of crap, I'll be the first to say so. From my perspective, hl2's and FC's graphics look about the same, FC may take the lead in some visual aspects, though. But then again, it has been quite some time since we have seen any "new" hl2 media, and the devs may have made vast improvements to the engine already.

Also, I think someone pointed out that the Source engine is made to be graphically updated. FC MAY have the lead now, but a year down the line if hl2 is released, the devs will be releasing regular updates, while FC continues to become obsolete. To be honest, its not so much about the graphics, as long as they are decent I don't really care. I only care about the gameplay, as long as its entertaining, intelligent, and non-intrusive thats what makes a game for me. But hey, I'm not going to label hl2 as "the best game ever" when its not even released yet. I have my expectations, its Valve we're talking about. True, I'm going to buy hl2 before far cry, but only when I have played both of the games will I pass judgement.