HL2 World gets release candidate date from Gabe

clarky003 said:
I believe the guy,,

Seemingly, how come when info like this doesnt hit HL2.net first, everyone gets peed , ?,

No one here got "peed" when Half Life 2 Fallout got some info from gabe.
Neutrino said:
I don't quite understand what you mean. He meant that HL2wor ld hasn't lied in any news posts. Now all those news posts are all archived for anyone to see and scrutinize so I don't really see how "willingly admitting to lying" has anything to do with it.

Of course it's possible that the original person to post the e-mail lied. The same thing can be said for any of the e-mails in the info from valve thread. E-mails can be easily faked. Though I doubt it was faked, nor do I think any of the e-mails in that thread are fake.

What I'm saying though is that the legitimacy of the news has nothing to do with the site hl2wor ld or its reputation. We're not going to intentionally lie or mislead anyone. We're just as interested in hl2 as you and were excited over the info.
No I believe that HL2w rld hasn't lied about their news posts, I just mean that it doesn't matter what site you are from, other websites that you may have a heated competition with won't care if someone says that they havn't lied about their news.

HL2.net has posted news in the past that members from other sites believed was fake, it didn't matter if we said that we have never made up a fake news post before because it didn't mean anything to them.

I also believe that the e-mail is not a fake.
i don't need our site unfiltered from this toilet. What pisses me off is that you take the NAME out of the post, and edit my post. Delete the whole ****ing topic then. I didn't like our site from this crapstain of a forum, so you didn't need to delete our site from it. Grow up.
The site is known to be pretty alpha friendly. So dont expect the URL to be un-masked
WhiteBoy said:
Couldn't you have taken a previous e mail and just modified the date/time and subject?
I'll just say this: Before anyone accuses anyone of anything why don't we wait for confirmation from other sources first? After all, this e-mail is either real or fake and if you fight for one side or the other before confirmation is recieved then there is a chance that you will be wrong and look really stupid.

Unfortunately I don't see how anyone here will be heeding this warning but just remember that you don't have all the information you need decide for certain the validity of the e-mail, unless your the original sender that is.
Fantastic news, does anybody know how many RC's were released before half-life went gold?
gebfeda said:
i don't need our site unfiltered from this toilet. What pisses me off is that you take the NAME out of the post, and edit my post. Delete the whole ****ing topic then. I didn't like our site from this crapstain of a forum, so you didn't need to delete our site from it. Grow up.

I find it funny that you're telling Chris_D to grow up, when you're the one needlessly flaming.
The Mullinator said:
I'll just say this: Before anyone accuses anyone of anything why don't we wait for confirmation from other sources first? After all, this e-mail is either real or fake and if you fight for one side or the other before confirmation is recieved then there is a chance that you will be wrong and look really stupid.

Unfortunately I don't see how anyone here will be heeding this warning but just remember that you don't have all the information you need decide for certain the validity of the e-mail, unless your the original sender that is.

your right, wait for second confirmation from Gabe, and if its authentic, then I feel some of you guys ow the sender Jb, a little apology,, *cough*, although i wont argue being critical is what makes certain it is what it is :).
Qwertywasd said:
Fantastic news, does anybody know how many RC's were released before half-life went gold?
I am not 100% sure about this, but I believe it was one.

Secondly, how are you losers going to make this a news story? Just not give credit to the source? Or better yet, will you not be making it a news story?

lol, your site will either be out of the loop, plagerists, or too childish to quote the source of the story. any of the three are horrible labels.
gebfeda said:
i don't need our site unfiltered from this toilet. What pisses me off is that you take the NAME out of the post, and edit my post. Delete the whole ****ing topic then. I didn't like our site from this crapstain of a forum, so you didn't need to delete our site from it. Grow up.
Yeah, always a pleasure Feedbag

/me waves
WhiteBoy said:
I am not 100% sure about this, but I believe it was one.

I would of thought as much, they must really do extensive testing on their baby. :D :naughty:
The Mullinator said:
No I believe that HL2w rld hasn't lied about their news posts, I just mean that it doesn't matter what site you are from, other websites that you may have a heated competition with won't care if someone says that they havn't lied about their news.

HL2.net has posted news in the past that members from other sites believed was fake, it didn't matter if we said that we have never made up a fake news post before because it didn't mean anything to them.

I also believe that the e-mail is not a fake.

Ah I get what you're saying now. Ya that's true.

Just would like to mention that the time that hl2wor ld doubted some news posted on hl2.net and was later proved wrong, that our admin personally put an apology on our front page. :)
Neutrino said:
Ah I get what you're saying now. Ya that's true.

Just would like to mention that the time that hl2wor ld doubted some news posted on hl2.net and was later proved wrong, that our admin personally put an apology on our front page. :)

yes, hmm,.. im detecting some apologies on the way soon..
gebfeda said:

Secondly, how are you losers going to make this a news story? Just not give credit to the source? Or better yet, will you not be making it a news story?

lol, your site will either be out of the loop, plagerists, or too childish to quote the source of the story. any of the three are horrible labels.
Unfortunately a) we don't plagerise
b) the news script is run by vBulletin and therefore when the news item is created it would censor the URL anyway
c) from previous e-mails we already knew the RC would be around the end of July so it isn't really news worthy.

Like I said, apologies for doubting the news though, thanks for posting it.
It goes like this... Saw the good news be happy. 16 days? STFU and wait :p
Gronoken said:
It goes like this... Saw the good news be happy. 16 days? STFU and wait :p

thats 16 days till the bugs are sorted out another 7 till it goes gold?,, then another 7 - 14 with Vivendi,, id say about one month and we will have HL2 :D.

End of August , Start of september time,
Yeap. Lukily DOOM 3 for PC and Kingdom Under FIre: Cruasders for xbox will keep me up :) plus xbox live :)
It won't be going gold that quickly.

It will be "release worthy" in 16 days, so they'll send a "release candidate" to Vivendi.

Vivendi will extensively play test it too. They will definitely find bugs and report them to Valve. Valve fixes them and sends another release candidate. It's tested again. Basically the process is repeated until Vivendi are happy that they have the final product.

So we're looking at:

16 days until RC
Vivendi RC testing for 2-3 weeks
Gold - 2-3 weeks
Release - mid september, early october.
its Defenetly Early September or Late September or Early October. PERIOD .
I'm just going to be happy with my Doom III for awhile and then be pleasantly suprised when Half-Life 2 is in my hands :D
Neutrino said:
Ah I get what you're saying now. Ya that's true.

Just would like to mention that the time that hl2wor ld doubted some news posted on hl2.net and was later proved wrong, that our admin personally put an apology on our front page. :)
Actually I had forgotten about that, I was thinking of another HL2 fan site and involving news posts unrelated to the official HL2 website. However I really don't want to start up that old flame war again, those always get messy. :eek:
I doubt it will go Gold until CS:S beta is done...after all, they keep saying it is an engine beta, not just a game beta.
TheWart said:
I doubt it will go Gold until CS:S beta is done...after all, they keep saying it is an engine beta, not just a game beta.

Ya your right. This is just saying the bugs will hopefully be worked out. Doesn't tell us much about when it will go gold necessarily.
Chris_D said:
It won't be going gold that quickly.

It will be "release worthy" in 16 days, so they'll send a "release candidate" to Vivendi.

Vivendi will extensively play test it too. They will definitely find bugs and report them to Valve. Valve fixes them and sends another release candidate. It's tested again. Basically the process is repeated until Vivendi are happy that they have the final product.

So we're looking at:

16 days until RC
Vivendi RC testing for 2-3 weeks
Gold - 2-3 weeks
Release - mid september, early october.

Not that I'm necessarily arguing here, but.. VALVe's original final RC for HL was approved by Vivendi in what.. a day?

You're basing the 2-3 weeks on.. ... ?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Agreed! :x

It was already changed. What are you talking about?

lazyboy said:
I hope its true even if it is coming from that source.

Did you not see all of jb55's posts showing the e-mail was real? Plus you really have no reason to doubt the source.
It's not really Vivendi's job to go through meticulously and find bugs... it's just to make sure that yes, it is a game, and yes, it seems to work good. :)
Letters = Winnar!!!

I was doubtful till I saw the picture, but YAYS!!!.
Its mostly for legal matters that the publisher will test it, deciding what the rating should be, giving the marketing team all the information they need to do their job, as well as everything Letters said.