
Oct 20, 2004
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hey everyone i just had a thought. whats gonna be in HL3
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
hey everyone i just had a thought. whats gonna be in my dinner?!

Pointless thread.. True True
Admin_Winnuting said:
Im only guessing in this, But I think maybe Gorden Freeman.

Oh and Stuff!!!!

don't forget the crowbar :)
btw they should make HL an ongoing thing for decades

reason why because its so good
Its gonna be set 100% in xen, with only the hornet gun and lots of jumping puzzles :p
UKchaos2 said:
Its gonna be set 100% in xen, with only the hornet gun and lots of jumping puzzles :p

see chaos got the idea thats what im talking about not some dumb ass comment about how this thread is pointless
Ok then, So you want us to make stuff up about HL3...
Well Gorden and Alyx fall in love between Hl2 and Hl3, They have a baby named Gorden Jr. Gorden Jr. is the star of Hl3, He joins the G-man to kill off the last of the combine who still control some of the poorer cities.

After the death of Barny, Gorden goes on a quest to find Dr. Brainy who has made a time machine. Gorden wants to go back to save Barnys life, although I don't know how gorden will be able to save him. Barny was killed by the time mechine when gorden when back to save him the first time... i'll leave the rest up to you...
Well since you asked... HL4 will be about...

This guy (who has nothing to do with HL) is runing around a city, car jacking people, shootting, Alot like GTA... yes thats whats its about...

HL5 is about An old Gorden telling his his kids, kids, kids about how Barney got killed by the time mechine. A whole 21mins of non-stop story telling action!!
Alyx will diet.

And we will find out that Gman is actually G.Freeman... but of no relation to Gordon. He just happens to have the same last name.

And Gordon will finally take a leak, 'cuz damn, he's been holding it in for about 40 hours by the time HL3 starts.

(hate to burst your bubble, guys, but there will be no HL4)
Megalomaniac said:
If there will be...I hope we don't have to wait another 6 years...

I bet that we will see Hl3 by the End of 2006 ;)
silverstealth89 said:
its not pointless its just looking into the further in time
Well it sort of is pointless as most of us don't know where the plot's going to go in HL2, so how can we predict HL3? After all I doubt people would've seen City 17 as the logical next step from Black Mesa. I hope HL3 is the end of the story - I remember hearing it was supposed to be a trilogy but then I also saw Lombardi dismissing that. But then that was Lombardi's word...
silverstealth89 said:
see chaos got the idea thats what im talking about not some dumb ass comment about how this thread is pointless
im pretty sure that that was sarcasm...
because im answering to the original message, im wishing that HL3 will have a multi-person mode, either in the far future or past, different galaxy, universe, etc, and last but not least, a possibility to be different characters to get a different view of the game.
Why even ask this stupid ass question?

deathscent said:
im wishing that HL3 will have a multi-person mode, a possibility to be different characters to get a different view of the game.

I really hope it doesn't. I think that would just wreak the syle of half-life. Im Gorden, looking through my (his) eyes. Playing from start to finish, Without any cut-scenes.
Yeah Yeah i know, the g-man mabye and the color black
nothing drastic, but like a view of what goes on, maybe, just to see what they do/see. not really play, but to see what happens on the other side during the game. something cheap, but good.
EDIT: multi-person is refered to as multiplayer, sorry about that.
there is gordon freeman and gman and alyx and dog and sum sientcis and then there is gonna be sum uber staff like stickers and then tehres gonna be :borg: and prob :cat: but no COW on there cuz its so sad to make cuz they "MUU MUU" yo know!
In HL3 the H-man (the G-men has been reassigned and they use a MIB naming type) assigns Gordon to do a undercover mission as a waitress in a Xen snackbar.
With this exclusive spy footage Gordon tries to head back to earth and stop the evil masterplan.
But something went wrong during porting and Gordon travels trough time, to 1 day before the stuff at Black Mesa.
You now have the chance to change everything before it even happens, If you get back there in time from the location you ported in at (North china).
In Half Life 3 you have to go back in time to stop your younger self from putting the sample into the machine thus stopping all hell from breaking lose. The down side is that this only takes three minutes to do and since it negates the first two games, they're automaticly deleted from your hard drive.
Irs2k3 said:
I bet that we will see Hl3 by the End of 2006 ;)

I personally doubt it. They will milk this game forever and rightfully so. Expect at least 3 expansion pack, 2-5 Mods to become "Official", and we won't see HL3 for at least 3-4 years.
How about HL³ takes place in an anarchist world where everyone is really into porn and all you have to do is f**k your way round.

Dirtball said:
I personally doubt it. They will milk this game forever and rightfully so. Expect at least 3 expansion pack, 2-5 Mods to become "Official", and we won't see HL3 for at least 3-4 years.
The more pleasure for us :)