Holstering or lowering?



In the 24 min video, when Gordon is taken into Eli's lab, his gun is pointed down, kind of like an officer. I believe he does it in the Father Gregory clip too. Do you think this is automatic, or if it'll serve a gameplay purpose as a bindable key? Maybe it could be used when talking to allies or enemies to scare/intimidate?

There's a lot of little details I didn't see that I can't wait to find out about from you forumers with the keen eye.
Im hoping its automatic (Gordon points gun down after being static for a while or after a period of time after he hasnt fired)

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. I'd imagine something like that might happen when you sprint, but it was also happening when Gordon was running normally. Odd.
It looked like it was automatically lowered a bit when a friendly ran through the targeting reticule. Like one would do in real life if a friendly crossed your line of fire. Could be way off base though too.
KurtCobain said:
Im hoping its automatic (Gordon points gun down after being static for a while or after a period of time after he hasnt fired)


GO WATCH IT NOW! DL IT! DO ALL WHAT YOU CAN! it is NEW from the start few then the ones from the first demo are the second half of the 698mb movie (but have 2 stider clips same but diff ways) and extended ali scene hehe

SOOooo cant wait!

I think the holster/intimidate thing sounds so cool!
I d/l'd it first time and culnt play it lol , downloaded it a 2nd time and it kept freezing on me

Im now on my 3RD TIME!!! , HOW DO U PLAY THESE THINGS LOL!!?!?

I played E3 2K3 fine :x
i dont think it's automatic because in the father gregori clip he alternates back and forth very quickly between the lowered and ready positions
perhaps to call attention to the feature
So it could be like Call of Duty where you can't fire while the crosshair is on a friendly, only this time Gordon won't let you point a gun straight at them and/or fire. Like to hear what Valve has to say about it.
He points it downwards when he's aiming at a friendly. In the Eli lab part he has his gun down the whole time maybe because the area isn't hostile at all.
yeah, I think its just when hes pointing at a friendly...if you notice gordon keeps holstering his gun over and over in the grave yard scene when looking at father gregory, maybe i'm wrong I dunno, ill watch it again :p
but in hl you could kill the friendlies when ever you liked :( hehehe and then they was like "HEY WATCH IT" "BANG BANG BANG"
commando said:
but in hl you could kill the friendlies when ever you liked :( hehehe and then they was like "HEY WATCH IT" "BANG BANG BANG"

No-one's said that you can't just whip the gun up again and pop a few pieces of lead into his cranium, though ;)
-sigh- just had a long post about how I always wanted to kill major characters, yet still have the game go on with the story, but that would be extremely hard to do with creating so many branching, immersive and interesting story threads, but the quick reply had an error and the post didn't get posted... oh well... nm...
It looked very automatic. Whenever Gordon was looking at a friendly (it happened in the strider section too), he would slightly lower the weapon to avoid creating friendly fire (which I suppose if there's only 1 Barney this time is an important thing). I'll be interested to see if the same applies to grenades (in otherwords, can you not shoot your friendlies but can you blow them up :/ lol)
I think its a good idea myself... How annoying would it be if you got really far and suddenly you fired just as Alyx moved into view. IRL that probably wouldnt happen because you will be more aware of things around you...
You could probably shoot other armed scientists when fighting striders.

You might also need to put your gun away if you are still in civ clothing with a weapon.
don't want to draw unwanted attention ;D
If we can't kill friendlies, I'll be very disapointed.
Tut Tut...lol

im glad they've put a friendly fire thing in, i feel guilty when i shoot/kill allies CoD with one-off SMG spraying, ide die if i shot a scientist and saw his/her facial expression lol
It'd be a great to have a "lower gun" button you can press, but I don't like the automatic holstering. I'd prefer to decide for myself what I can and can't aim at.

It wouldn't be too tough to put in, either: press "h" to holster, then press "h" or the trigger to unholster.
There's always grenades if you want to kill a friendly, but I guess not if you're in a scene like the one with Eli, and Alyx, and that lady in the white shirt with big boobs.
Just watched this and am now certain it's an automatic lowering for friendlies. Try placing your mouse pointer in the centre of the screen where the gun's crosshair would be. You can see that it lowers at the exact moment Gregori crosses that point.
Yeah, its obvious your gun is lowered to prevent you gunning key charactors. Im not sure how they can prevent you lobbing grenades or dropping heavy objects on them however :p
I'll bet the gun will go back into regular position and shoot if you press fire. They just made it like that because real people would get pretty freaked out if you had a gun pointed at them every time you looked at them.
I reckon this lowering of the gun only applies to people who play a critical part in the story. I'm sure you could still shoot a random citizen if you really wanted (considering Gordon never lowers his gun in the strider scenes, even though there are citizens in every corner of the courtyard).
I think lowering your gun when a friendly is near is common sense, and standard procedure in the military...
ElFuhrer said:
I'll bet the gun will go back into regular position and shoot if you press fire. They just made it like that because real people would get pretty freaked out if you had a gun pointed at them every time you looked at them.

I agree..

I guess he just does like that so he won't aim at everyone all the time, and if you shoot it just goes back to normal holding.
Yea, I agree because if you can't shoot friendlies that will really suck....

Also, anyone really want to find out what those combine guys would in the first stages of the game if you shot at them? I'd love to see the reactions.

Like if you use impulse 101 or something
Aye... That's how it is in Americas Army when you're standing up against a wall or looking at a friendly soldier. It lowers the gun with 45 degrees or so, but if you click your fire button though, you'll teach the bastard never to walk in front of ya again...