Holy ****ing Shit, I'd beat his ass!

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Jun 2, 2003
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FLS-EDIT:Sorry but this is too much.[color]

Save target and play it in Windows Media Player, man would I **** this guy up for pushing a skate board under me. And watch the end of the movie, that's unbelievable how much an asshole he is.

BTW, i got this at the xbox365 forums :D
What an arse.

[edit] - I just saw the ending. Sub. If I find his address, you wanna bust some heads?
lol I just double edited all my frustration out.. But seriously.. that mother****er is gonna die when he sees me.. die laughing.. then I will really ninjitsu him with my crazy screams and squeals..
Jhahn ;)

the sad thing is the dude has trouble walking at the end cuz he was ****ed up so bad, and the asshole just rides away. and takes his dick out as ID, man he's a grade A f*gg*t
And everyone is just standing there and doing nothing :hmph:

At those times I wouldn't mind if someone pulled a gun and shot his knees..
Exactly. Knee cappify him.. People just watched for some odd reason.
man, I wanna see it! how do I get it to work? media player says it can not play this file.
I hope they caught that asshole...if I was that guy in the white shirt at the end...I would've f*cking kicked his ass from the start.

I wanna see a sequel to this video where they goto this guy's house and hit him up side the head with a tire iron a couple of times.

Either that or curb the bastard American History X style... maybe that's a bit extreme..
I believe its set up , hed have gotten punched. But this is also the reason Im buying an retractable baton.
Yesss.. I'll go to his house--

Publishers Clearing House!

I mean - *hits doofus upside the head with a turkey
HOLY SHIT! I think he just made that guy retarded, no joke. Did you see the way he was walking? Maybe he just ****ed up his head, but, that was some crazy shit.
Also why I plan to carry a Glock 26 , 2 shots to the kneecaps , **** that dude up for life. He was threatining the guys life. Off scot free and that guy is ****ed.
DimitriPopov said:
I believe its set up , hed have gotten punched. But this is also the reason Im buying an retractable baton.

I dunno.. those hits looked pretty solid.

I wouldn't take a spill from a skateboard just for a video..

People are too passive nowadays...they'd do anything to avoid a fight.

Your first homework assignment....

Start a fight with a complete stranger.....and lose

Errr...that's Fight Club talking for me..
Wow, if anyone ever hit me like that I'd simply snap their filthy little neck.

What the hell was wrong with those people, just standing around like a bunch of little cowards. Help the poor bastard! He just got nailed in the head with a skateboard! Run that jackass over with your car or something!
Ok , hate to chain post. But I seriously want to ****ing kill that guy right now. Hell **** up sometime and get his ass killed , and noone will care.
Too bad ge doesn't live in Russia. He would have become a handicape.
AmishSlayer said:
Either that or curb the bastard American History X style... maybe that's a bit extreme..
Absolutely not, these type of guys are hard learners. If you would want to get it in his head that this kind of behaviour isn't tolerated, you should give him something to remember...
Truth be, that most of you talking big here would do nothing if you were in that situation. I wouldn't, Id be standing there with the rest of the people, not getting involved.
=)PoLo(= said:
Absolutely not, these type of guys are hard learners. If you would want to get it in his head that this kind of behaviour isn't tolerated, you should give him something to remember...

He won't remember though...if you curb him hard enough...

God... that just gives me the jibblies... Curbing..... jibbly jibbly

We need to get him a human booster shot from a guy named Molly.....


EDIT: I most definitely would get involved. I wouldn't just watch someone getting their ass kicked for no reason...I'd go and tackle that little shit...hold the guy down until cops got there. If there's one type of person in this world that really pisses me off...it's the people that think they're the shit..when they're just assholes.
The Terminator said:
Truth be, that most of you talking big here would do nothing if you were in that situation. I wouldn't, Id be standing there with the rest of the people, not getting involved.

If I had a glock , I wouldnt hesitate to shoot him after that first hit. I have a temper and I know it. I wouldnt shoot to kill , but hed be going down. I care about 3 things. Family , Car , and Justice. This falls under 3.
The Terminator said:
Truth be, that most of you talking big here would do nothing if you were in that situation. I wouldn't, Id be standing there with the rest of the people, not getting involved.

Don't jump to conclusions. You have no idea who any of us are, nor do you know what any of us have been through in life. I know exactly what I'd do, because I know how I have behaved in the past.
OK, shooting him is different. I mean I really doubt anyone would go in and fight him.
qckbeam said:
Don't jump to conclusions. You have no idea who any of us are, nor do you know what any of us have been through in life. I know exactly what I'd do, because I know how I have behaved in the past.

You work at the movies and you enjoy writing programming and reading. Doesnt exactly sound like the biography of an ass kicker. No offense if you can, but you dont sound typical thats for sure.
The Terminator said:
Truth be, that most of you talking big here would do nothing if you were in that situation. I wouldn't, Id be standing there with the rest of the people, not getting involved.
I have been in a situation like this. Maybe that's why this get's me so pissed. Been in a pretty horrible fight and got punched for no reason, I turned completely stonecold and pumped with adrenaline and gave the guy a kick against the head after that a punch up the chin and he was down.. I surprised myself, didn't knew I could handle like that in that kind of situation..
The Terminator said:
OK, shooting him is different. I mean I really doubt anyone would go in and fight him.
It doesn't take much of a fight to "calm" him. Hand block, grab his arm, twist - brake wrist or dislocate the ram from the socket.
Damn that was really ****ed up, I would have seriously beaten that dudes ass. This actually reminds me of this one time when me and my friends brother josh(hes 33 i believe), who taught me how to grapple, were walking down the street and this skate boarder ran into josh. The skater was probably 23 yrs old and josh and him started to fight josh goes "come on homie you can use your skateboard come on lets do it" that dude raised his skateboard and josh just grabed that mother****er and took it away, hit him across the face (with his fist not skateboard) and he started running like a bitch :D.
The Terminator said:
You work at the movies and you enjoy writing programming and reading. Doesnt exactly sound like the biography of an ass kicker. No offense if you can, but you dont sound typical thats for sure.

Read my profile a little closer ;)

But seriously, I have been through things like this more times than I care to count, at school, on my street, and twice in the forest down my street (those were really, really awful fights). I'm no slouch physically either, I could break a guys neck with my hands.
The Terminator said:
OK, shooting him is different. I mean I really doubt anyone would go in and fight him.

Shooting a guy for hitting someone with a skateboard? The guy's an asshole...but that's a bit extreme. That's worse than fighting him off.

The guy could prolly sue you. Just tackling him would probably be the safest bet because you aren't doing long-term damage that he could whine about. The cops would probably like it better too.

That's probably what I'd do in that situation..(as I said earlier)
wtf, wait Qckbeam, your like 15? arent you? 16 tops. Just from your age Im doubting again wether you could really do damge to a guy of that age and size with a skateboard. But like you said, if you can kick ass, by all means, KiCk SoMe AsS!!
AmishSlayer said:
Shooting a guy for hitting someone with a skateboard? The guy's an asshole...but that's a bit extreme. That's worse than fighting him off.

The guy could prolly sue you. Just tackling him would probably be the safest bet because you aren't doing long-term damage that he could whine about. The cops would probably like it better too.

That's probably what I'd do in that situation..(as I said earlier)

If you were the guy getting hit? I wouldnt hesitate to shoot him. A skateboard is definetly a deadly weapon , especially when he obviously went for the head. If I was the audience Id be tempted to shoot him , but if I had a baton or something Id rather use that. The thing that most pisses me off is that he had to use the skateboard cause hes a pussy and the other guy didnt even get a hit in , and the ****ing pussy audience didnt even pretend to help.
DimitriPopov said:
If you were the guy getting hit? I wouldnt hesitate to shoot him. A skateboard is definetly a deadly weapon , especially when he obviously went for the head. If I was the audience Id be tempted to shoot him , but if I had a baton or something Id rather use that. The thing that most pisses me off is that he had to use the skateboard cause hes a pussy and the other guy didnt even get a hit in , and the ****ing pussy audience didnt even pretend to help.

He went for the head with skateboard trucks. The metal part that holds the wheels n stuff for you not skateboarding 1337's. Its like being hit with a small solid metal baseball bat.
DimitriPopov said:
If you were the guy getting hit? I wouldnt hesitate to shoot him. A skateboard is definetly a deadly weapon , especially when he obviously went for the head. If I was the audience Id be tempted to shoot him , but if I had a baton or something Id rather use that. The thing that most pisses me off is that he had to use the skateboard cause hes a pussy and the other guy didnt even get a hit in , and the ****ing pussy audience didnt even pretend to help.

Yea I agree call me extreme but if I had the chance I would have shot him too. A skateboard to the head could do some heavy damage and has the potential to kill. If I was in the crowd I wouldnt have hesitated to grab him, beat his ass, then hold him down so the guy in white could get his hits in. Even though he was able to get up from those hits, there is also emotional damage which is worse if you know what I mean.
DimitriPopov said:
If you were the guy getting hit? I wouldnt hesitate to shoot him. A skateboard is definetly a deadly weapon , especially when he obviously went for the head. If I was the audience Id be tempted to shoot him , but if I had a baton or something Id rather use that. The thing that most pisses me off is that he had to use the skateboard cause hes a pussy and the other guy didnt even get a hit in , and the ****ing pussy audience didnt even pretend to help.

I was looking at it from a bystander POV...I think that'd be out of line. You could get in serious trouble..the guy could sue the shit outta you for starters. A gun would be completely unneccessary if you were in the crowd because you could get the jump on the guy by charging at him and just either tackling him or grab and throw his skateboard away. The guy probably could've stopped the skateboard hit if he had thought, "This guy is seriously gonna swing that at me" If I were him...I wouldn't have thought, "He's gonna jack me in the head with that skateboard unprovoked"

I like how you changed your profile qckbeam :)

EDIT: "FatCombine"

Alleged? I'm pretty sure by now we've confirmed the asshole part
Notice that the alledged asshole actually rides the skateboard square into that guy's side. I'm still amazed at how stupid the people on the sidewalk were, they did shit to help the guy.
The Terminator said:
wtf, wait, your like 15? arent you? 16 tops. Just from your age Im doubting again wether you could really do damge to a guy of that age and size with a skateboard. But like you said, if you can kick ass, by all means, KiCk SoMe AsS!!

Yep, 16 years old, 6 foot 3, 270lbs. (that's not fat mind you, I just have a very big build). I also have a very bad temper, and like I said, I've been in these situations more times than I would like to count, and have had things done to me that were more violent than the beating shown in that video.

edit: I just realized that this sounds pretty cocky. I'm not cocky really, and I'm sorry if it came off that way.
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