Holy ****ing Shit, I'd beat his ass!

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Ridic said:
maybe its the one related to the video....maybe not.

It was from another forum where they were discussing the video. Too much coincidences IMO.
Man, that guy annoyed me so much. He is the type to give not only skaters a bad name, but the human race also. I bet if that happened round here, someone would beat him down and as soon as one person did, everyone else would. He had a skateboard...well so do i and several of my friends. We would probably end up tying his head to the skateboard and then throwing him in the canal...Perhaps tied up into a bundle and sitting in a trolley. Actually, we would have confiscated that film, given him more than his share of beatings and then dropped him outside the police station tied up and with the video in a bag.
I apologize for my last post. I was too angry :( I had a bout of severe anger, inner violence, and then I expelled it by working out really hard. After that I showered, and cried in the shower. It's sad how someone's negativity can illicit so much negative emotion from a relatively peaceful person. Let's all hope he finds out some day the happiness in loving your fellow humans.

that news story wasn't about the attack in the video.
well, i haven't read the whole thread, so apologies if i'm repeating matreial..
obviously that skater pos needs not only an ass-beating, but he should have fun trying to be a badass in prison for a few months. however, hopefully that guy learned not to **** with people unless yo know what you're doing. i mean, i'm not defending that ****, or saying the other guy got what he deserved or anything, but if you don't know how to **** someone up, then don't accost them.

it's basic self-defense, back out (preferrably circle out) of the range of the skateboard as soon as he klifted it behind him OR shoot him and take him down, the SB wouldn't be much use if you're on toip of his ass on the ground. dude was bigger of the two also. i've actually been in a similar fight once, the guy didn't have a SB, but he had a trashcan lid (can you believe that shit?). as soon as he grabbed that shit i just rushed him and did a double leg takedown and just took the lid away from him and then the fight sorta stopped, he just left. kinda a lame story i know,m but if i wanted to i could have really ****ed him up. now i was a lot bigger than him, but if you know what you're doing, it shouldn't matter that much. and if you don't then you shouldn't jump in like you know your shit.
mrchimp said:
Yes I was refering to a bystander shooting him, I don't know what would happen to you if you were being attacked and were liveing in America but in England you would be arrested for owning a firearm not to mention carrying it around with you.

Well, in US you could open fire as soon as the guy hit him with the SB on the head. Obviously you would still be in a legal mess, but since there were plenty of witnesses around you would eventually come off clean.
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