Holy Shit!


May 24, 2003
Reaction score

You don't see pics like this a lot. Madonna and Britney kissing. Damn, now I need to watch VMA just for that moment.
yes i am sure theyw ill both make a lot of album sales over the media hype that this little planned out lesbianic kick will get them.
Who cares what they sell or not, picture just looks too hot for my eyes :)
Omg, my grandma saw that and freaked out. It was so hillarious
I know what a post as the offical CS boards would look like.


When did they do this?
LOL ok

Their message is: "Being gay is cool. Everyone does it."
I don't wanna sound like some coservative wacko, but come on? Imagine you have a son and he becomes gay because he saw two guys kissing each other on MTV (yeah I'm sure MTV is not beyond that either). WTF???

Oh well ..

/me goes to admire lesbian pr0n
male gayism is totaly different. It cuases extreme sickness and diseases.

supposdly 60-70 percent gay males have a type of STD's. Not healthy...

but i dont hate them.
thats because its easier to spread stds through anal sex because the anal wall is easy to tear and it puts fliud directly into the bloodstream
exactly. Thats not really a good life-style to be "Spreading".
Aaaaagh! Jesus people i was enjoying the maddonna brittany pic and then i read down and here anal sex and anal wall tearing fluid ewwwww /me puke
i don't really care about gay people, they can be gay, it doesn't bother me in the least

60-70% of gay ppl have STDs? yeah, i'm sure, get me some numbers from a reliable source and i'll believe it

and i HIGHLY doubt anybody would become gay because they saw 2 guys kissing, that's just downright homophobic
yesir, the amount of homophobia in the gameing community is INSANE must be alot of repressed homosexuals poor guys..and gals
sorry to say but after i seen that picture i immeditatly got slapped in the face..... by my weiner. lolol
im not homophobic but regardless i don't want to hear people talking about anal sex and tearing and fluid swapping its just discusting
hey look, an avi of it http://files.pornshare.net/store/britneyandmadonna.avi

and i love this, haha http://www.iupload.net/072003/justin-owned.jpg HAHAHAHA
60-70%? My dad's gay and I'm bi and I know a lot of gay guys and non of them have any stis as far as I'm aware....
As long as you play safe there's not much more risk than boy girl...

Oh and that's the most blatent and pathetic publicity stunt I've ever seen (please nobody mention tatu...), you wouldn't see a guy and a girl making out on stage at something like that.

ps: that owned pic = teh funnay ^_^
For **** sake...
Anyways, ever heard of t.A.T.u? They're a lesbian Russian girl group, just 2 girls(I think sisters too):|
they're not sisters, they're "lovers" but they're using it to sell thier music... I beleive its been said they're not even lesbians
I didnt! i swear it was tredoslop first!... *insert shifty eyes*
Originally posted by MrWhite
60-70%? My dad's gay and I'm bi and I know a lot of gay guys and non of them have any stis as far as I'm aware....
As long as you play safe there's not much more risk than boy girl...

Oh and that's the most blatent and pathetic publicity stunt I've ever seen (please nobody mention tatu...), you wouldn't see a guy and a girl making out on stage at something like that.

ps: that owned pic = teh funnay ^_^

Nice to see another (atleast half-gay) person here Alanity... I thought I was the only one

I have a girlfreind currently
Im gay, I hate christians?

No thats not true.

I reall hope your joking, anyone whos still anti-gay at this day and age needs to grow up
yes, cus chirstian is synonymous with homophobe :dozey:
it's stupid ignorant people who post comments like "i'm christian, i hate gays" that makes this thread sick
I'm afraid I'm not kidding, in the bible, it says god forbids homosexuality, but, hey, at least I'm being mature-I mean, God made us in his image, you'd think he can un-gay us. My religion says no, but I think everyone has a right...