Holy Shit!

haha thanks, I got the inspiration from some random person ;)

No I meant that almost all religions hate each other, like the thing you posted before "the iraqi's kill jews, etc"

yes hate stopping seems fun
Hi all, I think I'm to late to post here as the discussion seems to go down but consider this: We are currently overpopulating the planet. There's just too many people for all the resources to go around. So, God thinks up a solution, (kindoff) he makes more and more people gay!
As gay people can't reproduce themselves the problem gets smaller. I know that the population boom is mainly in Afrika and Asia and that many Gays adopt and stuff but it's just a thought in my head.......btw I'm an agnostic (sp??) and I don't hate anyone. (except extremists....any kind of extremists/fundamentalists) So before you start to hate anyone because of your own religion, THINK!
Haha yes, the population problem should be solved by mandatory homosexuality! Haha classic man
Thanks mate....Finaly someone that appreciates my thoughts.....
Originally posted by Tull91
Thanks mate....Finaly someone that appreciates my thoughts.....

I do too, though what you said was unorganized, very well put

Originally posted by Bass
Haha yes, the population problem should be solved by mandatory homosexuality! Haha classic man

Hey, no complaints here
Originally posted by MrWhite

Hey, no complaints here

One request, can I be left as the one heterosexual? Ladies would be breaking down the door! Or lesbo-ing it up instead, im down with either or ;)
Sure, hell if we're making the rules

oh by the way im bisexual, so save a few for me ;)
we... well... I dont know.

I think we should stop this though this is getting into the spamming area
Well, I'd never thought this thread would encourage people to come out of the closet like that .. or talk about religion .. but I'm glad that happened. Because that pic is an example of homosexuality and should be discussed as such.
Am I the only one who finds it amusing all this gay acceptence stuff? I mean to begin with look at those same people's views 10 years ago and they would have said at least that they didn't like them. I mean the media is so manipulative of the simple minded. Ok I saw on the news a few years back stuff about gay people being genetic, then that was disproved and said their was no genetic things having to do with it that it was a matter of opinion, then the violent outburst of gay acceptence in the media, so I'm going to hold my thoughts on that subject. But I mean honestly the whole homosexual acceptence hippy regime comes up with the following statements that are completely ignorant
"If you dislike gays in any manner your a homophobe" and than attach such a negative connotation to that in that 'you might be gay if your a homophobe, just repressing yourself' I mean honestly how does that even make sense? Show me so proof of that if you please? I mean what kind of redundant crap? And I am totally aggravated at this misconception.....
WHAT is true homophobia in my opinion is that people will so blindly, so cowardly, change their sole and base opinions in the fear that they may themselves be gay.... that is true homophobia, phobia is a fear, and that is expressing a blind fear to be associated with that.. cowards.. fear is not a hatred, to mix together hate and fear as the same emotion is not only blatantly ignorant but offensive. Now I do not hate gays personally.. but not in the sense of oh no I'm fine with them, like every other coward on these boards, who is so afraid of not being accepted by everyone else with the same defaultive beliefs to be accepted I would be lying to myself, however I will state that I am fine with them, for another reason in that most people I tolerate, regardless of their misconceptions, and personally I don't care if their gay, I mean whatever its not like their reproducing as rapidly as the chinese and consuming resources, i can commend them for that... would be kinda funny if they found out it was a genetic response in humans to limit the population to their resources, kinda like how lemmings commit suicide if their are food shortages... however I don't know the details, on if its their choice or not, and I don't care what your personal conceptions are of them, or do I believe mine matter, I am simply against the blind changing of your beliefs based on fear and not on thought, and societal manipulation...despite what topic its covering... ok so no offense eh? whatever you can argue with me, i attempted to type this in such a manner as not to offend everyone and spent like 25 minutes rechecking it..
Uh please dont stereotype me or call me a coward you ignorant prick, you dont know me. I never "changed" my beliefs to be socially acceptable, those were my beliefs the whole time. Spare the me the seminar Dr. Phil.
you arsehole, seriously, we had just settled this in a friendly manor, and you come in and stir things up again

i was taught acceptance and tolerance by my parents, i've always distrusted the media, so don't come in here and call me simple and weak minded because i accept gay people
Exactly its a win-win situation. The more gay guys around. the more women available
Homophobia is the irrational fear of people who are gay. Fear is most often expressed as anger and hate. Therfore those who hate gays do so because they fear them. People do not like change and they do not like what is different. Instead of embracing diversity (or at least accepting it) some decide to fight it. The idea that someone who is a homophobe may be gay is plausible. I have known a few people who acted 100% homophobic because they themselves were gay. They thought that acting homophobic would make themselves look straight to their peers. Some went as far as beating other gay students. Luckily those people were able to come to terms with themselves. I don't want everyone to like me or like that I'm gay, that's not what I ask. I ask to be treated as an equal, and with the same respect as everyone else. Sadly I hardly ever get that.
oh ROFL!!

Another thread about these look-alike dykes. That brings the count up to 17 pages that have been discussed. When are you people gonna learn it was just a mtv publicity stunt. Britney IS a virgin and she wouldnt go around kissing random people of the same sex.

get over it already.
Nevermind, the youth of today ;)
He was the lead singer of Culture Club, and as I say, if Britneys a virgin, hes straight
I think doom3>hl2 is like Brittany spear's number one fan and can't bear to see her kiss a girl because he thinks its "icky"
LOl! He thinks if he says: Owned, that means we're owned. It's like this:
Doom3>hl2:I'm retarted-OH I OWNED U!
You're all going to hell, every damn one of you for the roller coaster you just put my dick through. Straight or gay I don't care, you're all going to hell. I just saw two very hot women making out and then I scrolled down to see if anyone posted a link to a video and I get bombarded with male anal sex conversation. It was just so happy, and then you had to stomp the life out of it.

I honestly don't give a rats ass if people want to be gay or not, but I don't want it shoved down my throat (no pun intended) all over the news and media. I am straight and honestly I don't enjoy seeing men kissing or anything like that on TV. I do get kinda creeped out whenever I see it and my penis shrivels up and cowers, but if you wanna do it then thats fine - just not on my furniture. That's basically my philosophy, don't tell me about it we'll be fine, I'm not a homophobe.
I think you should stay on the picture and not scroll down untill your "finished"
Haha we interuppted his wanking by talking about anal sex, thats great