

Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
instead of doing my homework tonight i worked on this


Tri count=2597
You really should have done your homework :p
welp since u seem like a guy that doesn't take criticism/suggestions to heart... in a nutshell, it looks very primitive tbh :/ also might wanna keep proporitions in mind, ie. the butt looks a bit too tall, reciever looks kinda short, etc. just my .02 though.
thank you, i dont know if it is actually the model or just the perspective of the render but ill work on it. and i was trying to be rude to ichi i just wanted to know the meaning of his comment, and if he thought it was bad wat about it was bad.
the stock is far too big methinks
add more detail to the barrel especially and the handle(cross hatch grip)
Homework is important... You did not do enough homework on the rifle though. I guess you have one side reference and 5-10 others with views of some details... Dig up more reference.
.. o_O are u telling him to model the texture of the grip on the handle? (i don't mean texture as in 2d)
JudasKing said:
.. o_O are u telling him to model the texture of the grip on the handle? (i don't mean texture as in 2d)

Was that aimed at me?
yeah. the butt's too tall, but other than that, not bad actually. Skin it.
sorry i meant the details on the handle like finger grooves ans the slightly raised box where the crosshatch is on the handle
a guy i know adds every little detail on the model and then puts a plain black skin over it and it looks incredible - very skilled guy
ah ic ;) thot u meant to actually model the crosshatch :p also, that's a looot of polies for something with that level of detail (or lack of)