Honestly is anyone considering remaking Perfect Dark?


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
It was quite possibly one of the best games of all time. They don't make quality games like that anymore. Dozens of all useful weapons, a good story, and fun as hell multiplayer. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard in source, and the multiplayer would be bitchin with the laptop gun and skedar rocket launcher and all the other awesome weapons from PD. Anyone else think PD would be amazing on the PC? Ok sure, can't call it PD for copyright reasons, fine, name is something else, and rename everything in the game who cares. Anyone agree with me?
Lol yeah i was playing a mates copy the other day for the first time in ages and thought someone should do it for HL2, i thought i would but my mates want to make something different with me instead. Would be really cool though...
Tell ur friends theyre morons if they have the talent to do it and they wont!
Tell your friends that they are morons if they have the talent to do it and go ahead with it. What makes you think that Rare/Microsoft won't come crashing down on them with their "copyright law" boots?
Call it Imperfect Light and the lead character will be Joan Light.

... bad joke but you get the point. I'd love to map and design for a Perfect Dark remake, I LOVED the original.
The people Rare had back then were truly talented, creating both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, two of the best shooters of the era and arguably ever. To bad Rare is a shell of its former self now.
most of them left and created Free Radical Design which made Timesplitters 1 & 2, both of which are very reminiscent of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, with lots of nice little throwbacks to them (like the watch-shaped menu in TS2).
it doesnt take a massive amount of intelligence to get passed copyright laws. you change the names of literally everything and they have nothing. also u cant use any logos or trademarks (are there even any for pd?) they made goldeneye for hl1, noone said anything. i really think a talented mod team should try to at least recreate the multiplayer portion of it, sp may be hard idk.
I've been playing some of Rare's games over the past week, they were one of the best gaming companies around! Although the voice acting in CBFDay is the worst I've ever seen...
i think that perfect dark is a very good game, i would play it for hours on end with my friends, with assination mode (or whatever its called i forget the name) and all the other great stuff. would love an updated version
i think everyone would love an updated version - renamed or not, its still would have that feel. the challenges, the mp, the sp, the weapon variety, the shooting range...there was so much to do in that game and so much variety it was amazing. they dont make quality games like that anymore. which is why i recreation on the pc would be ****ing awesome. cmon there has to be a talented team out there that wants to do this. :)
awesome mrman! see? ppl WANT to see this happen. come on all you mod gurus! make the most wanted mod in the world!
I'll get back to you in January when i've done my map for the comp ;)
I'd certainly go on for general design, mechanics, and mapping...
Great, maybe we ourselves can start a team up?
I just met AgentXen in his amazing replica of GE's temple. He said he'd be more than happy to after he makes his submission map, to map the datadyne map and the villa multiplayer map. :)
I already made Grid for CS, with different texturing though (I like it more than the 64 textures). When I made it I used an emulator while I was working so it would be to pretty good scale. Here are a few pics (low quality) of my dark version of it (meant to be kinda scary I guess).



I was gonna work on making Complex, but I have never got around to it yet.
awesome coolcps. if ur interested let me know. between agentxen, audiophile, coolcps, and a personal coder that i know. if your all willing....why dont we form a team and do it ourselves?
I'd be happy to contribute a few levels here and there if ya need it.
Well it looks like this has gone even farther than I thought. We have assembled a mini team so far. If you wanna join up just let me know (pm me or just post here.)

General Manager - ShinRa
Lead Mapper - AgentXen
Lead Coder - IgNIGHTX800
Modellers: (Need)
Skinners: (Need)
Animators: (Need)
Mappers: (Need)

If you can fill any of the positions and would like to see perfect dark recreated, just let us know!
hey foo, I'm in too!

Lead Designer - Audiophile :p

I can do minor mapping and texture work, as well as web design too
ShinRa said:
it doesnt take a massive amount of intelligence to get passed copyright laws. you change the names of literally everything and they have nothing. also u cant use any logos or trademarks (are there even any for pd?) they made goldeneye for hl1, noone said anything. i really think a talented mod team should try to at least recreate the multiplayer portion of it, sp may be hard idk.

... Notice how Complex was taken out of CS when it went retail...? Now the Microsoft owns Rare, they probably will care more, even more so that there is a PD sequel in the works...
We could just make a game that looks, feels, and plays like it.
If someone can provide me with textures (im crap at them) ill help with mapping. I know i havent displayed any of my work but im not bad ykno :p Will be able to take part after the mapping compo is done and dusted
General Manager - ShinRa
Lead Mapper - AgentXen
Lead Coder - IgNIGHTX800
Modellers: (Need)
Skinners: (Need)
Animators: (Need)
Mappers: Audiophile, MrMan
Webmaster/Lead Design: Audiophile

And Sidewinder, don't worry I'll handle the legal issues myself. Wheter it means changing the name, characters, and names of every single thing in the game, so be it.
reckon everyone should post their emails on here so we can start becoming a team :)

mines TravisBickleTaxiDriver 'at' hotmail.com

Also might be able to get my mates to help, ones good at texturing and one at modelling (we are all studying our respective arts at uni atm)
I highly recommend you take a similar route that AgentX for UT took with a remake. They remade Goldeneye's multiplayer aspect perfectly, and made it better in a lot of ways, but they changed the name and every other name in it, so theoretically it wasn't actually stealing anything. I thinkg the site is still around on www.planetunreal.com/agentx

Edit: I guess they steered a away from a goldeneye remake and took a more 'modern warfare' approach. It was originally just a Goldeneye mod though.
Thanks psychanalysis. We're actually just starting out now with the design decisions and planning for the replication of perfect dark in source, and how we can make it even better. Soon our site will be up and we'll be taking suggestions during this time period. After the dm map contest is over and our staff is fully ready to go, we'll begin actual work on the mod itself. I refuse to take any credit for the mod whatsoever, I'm just going to keep everyone together like a manager. And once the sites up, I hope we have some supporters :)
well if the mod gets going youll have one supporter in me, a perfect dark mod will rock. If i get in to modelling for hl2 i may try to join even, atm im finishing up some d3 work.
We're going to need a decent coder or two very badly in the future, and even right now we need texture artists and modelers, as well as several more mappers but that won't be necessary for quite a while.
Least we have a month or so to recruit some :)

BTW its an odd question but did anyone ever play a game called swat3 and download maps for it?
i was just reading that article on intellectual property, are u guys sure that just changing names and shit will make it all cool?
its not just a matter of changing the names. we'll change the looks slightly as well, and any trademark logos wont be included.

And we have one very..very good coder. We may need another in the future, but for now he's fine. Mappers, AgentXen and Man seem like theyll be able to keep us moving along smoothly for a while, of course we'll always get more mappers though. Texture artists and modelers we definately need. Anyone out there? lol. Anyways, actual production begins in Jan 2005. We'll use this time wisely to plan things out and build up a stronger team.