Horrific racing accident

i remember in 9th grade these two persions raced and one of them died.

they came to every class to donate some money for the poor mother.

when that i happned i could my believe that kind of stuff actually happned in my high school but it was sad though
Holy shit....

When I watched the first video and saw the porsche crash...I thought that was the one that was gonna go up in flames.Then when the ferrari hit it and exploded...I actually jumped out of my seat..
wow thats actually sad why the hell did you put that on here! i think you should take it off..
wow im so serious at least take the after math video off..youd have to be sick in the brain to watch it
anti-elf said:
wow im so serious at least take the after math video off..youd have to be sick in the brain to watch it

This is coming from our resident hard core punk?

I think the videos are very sad, but I'm thankful the driver survived, and got his payout. Personally I think the race organisers deserved jail time.
Theres nothing really sick about it.No one died and there was no blood or guts...
Damn, thats sad :( I wonder how the Ferrari got throw off the course into the porsche like that? Damn, I hope he isn't blind because of the burns to the helmet.
maybe its just me i lost to many friends in car accidents...

the guy is fine, just a bit shaken up. if you cant handle seeing that, elf, good luck with life in the years ahead. too bad though, definatly a scary experience for the driver.
*pukes on ghost* nope i couldn't handle it my bad...want a tissue?
Wow, why race in fog when you can't see ANYTHING almost?

Also, anti, Emo was my favorite character on Sesame Street :/
anti-elf said:
*pukes on ghost* nope i couldn't handle it my bad...want a tissue?

Ewwwwwwwwwwww. :p

I never saw the aftermath video until now. That guy must have been temporarily unconscious or something, because he sure woke with a start. I'm surprised they just left him there for a while. Surely someone was supposed to keep him calm/still to avoid any further injury (good thing he was wearing his helmet).

I can see why he was sueing. That emergency team was very poor.
lol elmo is so emo....i bet he listens to emo that fagget...you know on vh1 they did research on elmo and and (hes mentally retarded) yea! weird huh!
anti-elf said:
lol elmo is so emo....i bet he listens to emo that fagget...you know on vh1 they did research on elmo and and (hes mentally retarded) yea! weird huh!
It's a puppet.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Wow, why race in fog when you can't see ANYTHING almost?

Also, anti, Emo was my favorite character on Sesame Street :/
It wasn't fog...it was a big mist cloud rain coming off the tires of the Pace car.Ever notice that on a highway or road?Like when it rains one day and you go out and drive...your tires pick up the rain off the road and it makes a mist cloud behind you.
anti-elf said:
lol elmo is so emo....i bet he listens to emo that fagget...you know on vh1 they did research on elmo and and (hes mentally retarded) yea! weird huh!
What the hell is emo?Is that like some new high school trend thing or somethin?
Tr0n said:
What the hell is emo?Is that like some new high school trend thing or somethin?
emo kids listen to shitty music and cut themselves and make poems when they get dumped by their whiney girlfriends. the urbandictionary sums it up well

"the type of music you listen to when, try as you might, you cannot get laid..and cry about it.."

"Music for whiny homos."

"Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter."

"Emotional music ... with ovaries."
Hobbes874 said:
Damn, thats sad :( I wonder how the Ferrari got throw off the course into the porsche like that? Damn, I hope he isn't blind because of the burns to the helmet.

The Ferarri was following the pace car (which was doing 150km/h when it was supposed to be doing 60km/h) and the pace car braked sharply and unexpectedly. This was not at race pace, it was a warm up lap. The guy in the pace car is obviously a moron.
gh0st said:
emo kids listen to shitty music and cut themselves and make poems when they get dumped by their whiney girlfriends. the urbandictionary sums it up well

"the type of music you listen to when, try as you might, you cannot get laid..and cry about it.."

"Music for whiny homos."

"Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter."

"Emotional music ... with ovaries."

couldn't have said it better myself
it was funny how the dude tried to walk at the aftermath but sad, good thing he did not die and can tell his grandchildren about that stroy :E
the first link isnt working, downloading aftermath now.
The links dont work for me :(

Oh well.... we can always do the Emo Mic Hug!!!