Hostile-Planet Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Helk, from the very promising MMOFPS/RPG modification Hostile-Planet, sends us some news together with a very special treat:[br]</br>

My apologies for the website troubles, but your patience will not go un-rewarded! I have updated the gallery with 2 new screenshots, and 2 ingame videos in the video section! Partly for the technical troubles and partly due to large numbers of people suggesting our work was photoshopped or an April fools joke, Enjoy!"

You can access both videos by clicking here, while the two screenshots are available below. [br]

[br]Don't forget to visit Hostile-Planet's website right here.
Either to dark to to blurry to make out anything and why doesn't the fire brighten up the environment, I do remember that it did during HL2 single player (or so I think).
okay, wow. that looks good.
I cant believe how much work they've got done in such a shot ammount of time.

That blur effect is old school....perfect dark style....which i liked.....except hopefully it won't still be blurry when you respawn or die and start the level again, like in perfect dark.......................anyway these mods are really starting to shape up. With the custom models and stuff, it's going to be really cool and they're gonna be coming out hopefully soon. I can't wait for these mods.
I love that buy system. And the scrolling web sites. And the hacking. I'm just wondering how fast paced this game will be. In CS, its buy in .3 seconds and Go! Go! Go! But this seems well thought out and a lot of time is needed for tasks. It also seems teamwork oriented, trusting your teammates to protect you while your hacking or buying. I can't wait for this mod. Seems to be coming along fast.
They have effectivly combined doom 3's monitors with star trek: elite force 2's hacking method of connecting circuits. Looking good!
WhiteZero said:
I cant believe how much work they've got done in such a shot ammount of time.


Yeah, I am thinking about that myself......I wonder if they got a "jump" start on most mods....

Never the less it looks awesome.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yeah, I am thinking about that myself......I wonder if they got a "jump" start on most mods....

Never the less it looks awesome.
I bet they were one of the teams that got to test the SDK before release.
Great stuff. :D

Progressing very nicely. :)
The hacking system looks like the one from System Shock.

This is looking great, cannot wait for it to be released.

this mod looks amazing, really makes me happy to see some mod progress. i have a feeling were going to be seeing some great mods over the next few years.
Very interesting mod. Cant wait. Props on the great job so far guys! :D

That is good shit, and like people have been saying amazing at the progress that has been made. Well, so far there is good competition in the mod world, very exciting, it seems Source is very capable in the hands of capable mods :p. Learn from the WoW interface it is good.
god thats looks sooo lame, there n00b skillz are to high ! no just joking.. very very very good job guys :thumbs:
Some pretty blurry and dark screens there, but judging from the past media it looks nice. Reminds me of Deus Ex.
Not to take anything away from the Hostile Planet team (or any other mod team) but all these "wow, they've done so much in such a short space of time" comments lead me to believe that most people are seriously overestimating the difficulty of creating content for a mod.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Not to take anything away from the Hostile Planet team (or any other mod team) but all these "wow, they've done so much in such a short space of time" comments lead me to believe that most people are seriously overestimating the difficulty of creating content for a mod.

its the human nature
when we see pretty things we praise them

the mod does look good btw
Take that Valve! I think Valve can learn a lot from those mod teams, thats why they love them and invite them to there studios.

It really looks pro, and if you compaire it to DODs ... hmm
(btw I dont say DODs will be bad)
Why is everybody saying: "omg this mod kicks ass. the mod is going to rule them all!!1"

I'm not trying to flame this mod but all we see from them are almost all edited photoshopped flashy screenshots...
sharp said:
Why is everybody saying: "omg this mod kicks ass. the mod is going to rule them all!!1"

I'm not trying to flame this mod but all we see from them are almost all edited photoshopped flashy screenshots...

Are you completely daft?

Did you even try to watch the videos?

Or are those photoshopped too?
mitya said:
Did you even try to watch the videos?

Or are those photoshopped too?

Yes, ofcourse a nice GUI but in the future there will be more mods with that kinda interface. I am also not impressed with the gfx and leveldesign...

yeah I know this is early beta stuff, we'll see...
sharp said:
Why is everybody saying: "omg this mod kicks ass. the mod is going to rule them all!!1"

I'm not trying to flame this mod but all we see from them are almost all edited photoshopped flashy screenshots...

Like we have stated before, none of our images have undergone post-processing.
sharp said:
Why is everybody saying: "omg this mod kicks ass. the mod is going to rule them all!!1"

I'm not trying to flame this mod but all we see from them are almost all edited photoshopped flashy screenshots...

the only thing thats photoshopped in those pictures is the nice little watermark in the bottom-left. Seriously, don't talk shit about nothing you know of. Do you even work on any mods yourself? I'd like to see the amazing progress yours is producing (if any). Only a brick would say its photoshopped after seeing the videos.
+ it will be a mmofps game so its normal some things dont look detailed.
Did you ever try to make a mod? Its very impressive what they did and they only have one coder!

Always complaining and never happy! tsss
Betelgeuze said:
+ it will be a mmofps game so its normal some things dont look detailed.
Did you ever try to make a mod? Its very impressive what they did and they only have one coder!

Always complaining and never happy! tsss

So true.. People need to stop complaining and get off their asses and do these godly games they are expecting themselves.
sharp said:
I'm not trying to flame this mod but all we see from them are almost all edited photoshopped flashy screenshots...

There is no photoshop involved in those screenshots. Where do you get off saying that? And trying to devalue something because "mods will have that in the future" is a senseless argument. If we were to run in that logic, bumpmapping, high polycounts, and advanced physics are nothing to get excited over.

Me? I've already run over there and registered on the forum.
Yes me to! Its pro modding, Im working on a big mod myself ...but when I see stuff like this :hmph:
Looks great, you guys have sure put a ton of work in. Looking forward to this mod :)