Hot Damn, I got invited to visit Valve!


May 22, 2003
Reaction score
and I can't go!

I wrote gabe newell to for a little more info on why the eyes seemed a bit off in the Softimage GDC vid... that e-mail got forwarded to Bill Van Buren, and I got this in response.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for writing. Yes the shot you sent of Dr. Kleiner definitely didn't feel like he was looking at me. That might be due to Softimage using an older version of our tools for their demonstrations, as I can't get Kleiner to 'look past me' like that in our current version. I've included a shot from HLMV.

Additionally, a good deal of our eye technology isn't even active in our tools like HLMV (the model viewer) and Face Poser - character's eyes are at their full manifestation only in the game engine. You can see better examples of our characters' eyes in action in the movies from our E3 demos last year - or if you find yourself in the Seattle area, give us a call and we'll set up a time for you to stop by and see things firsthand.

Best wishes,

Bill Van Buren

AND I LIVE IN NEW YORK! This is essentially an opportunity that I have always hoped for, and now I have it, and I can't fly to Seattle to go to the offices. My live is ruined.

*deep breath.

ugh, what a drag :(
oh my god, im so sad for you :( can't you like, hold some one for ransom or rob a bank and take a plane to there HQ :(
you can get there buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just hitch hike
Yeah, why can't you go?

And that's a little too open for Valve if you get my drift. The game must be pretty close to gold if they're just asking any old bum to come visit :)
oo spiffae an old bum?? ooo u learn something new everyday.
damn dude, that sucks. Maybe you could ask them if you could speak to them over the phone even? but that still wouldn't be the same. Ah well, at least you got invited
As far as I know, they have an open door policy, with of course calling or emailing first. I live in washington, and plan on visiting them soon, when I can schedule a trip across the state. Pretty much all you have to do is ask, and they will most likely let you come and see.

If you dont remember, earlier two people posted about their trips to valves offices. So theres nothing really special about his invitation, although that fact that he told you to come by if you were around, is good enough motive to fly over and go.
it would be expensive, but i bet it would be an experience worth going for. when i read about the others going and getting to meet everyone, i wanted to go so bad. if you could manage to get out there for a few days, i doubt youll regret it.
Chapel, sure, they are accomodating to fans, but it's sort of the same as inviting yourself to someone's house.

I wouldn't do it. I think the invitation means a lot... it does to me anyhow. I hope you do get to go and see cool things, I just think it's an awfully nice gesture of Valve to invite me.
I could take a 16 hour bus ride to the valve offices...

or not.

But dude, that really sucks, I would kill for the chance to go to valve.
I'll fill in your spot :D

But really.. its too bad you cant go, especially since you got invited.
You wouldn't have to kill, just ask like spitcodfry and the others (sorry i forgot names) did.

But If we were to do an interview. . . who wants to "be" spiffae for a couple hours to a day that lives in WA : )
Hah. There will be no Spiffae impersonation... I just sent Bill V.B. and Gabe Newell very nice thank you note.

So don't even try it.
Dude hitchhike there it would be incredible, you'll need the cocaine, and the hawaiin shirts, that ruins my weekend because i'm going to have to come with you. We need total coverage!

fear and loathing rocks:devil:

wait, sorry back to the point,you have to go any way possible, just quit worrying about it take out a weekend and do your best, if all else fails you could always pull the cheque trick at a pawnbroker and pay the debt off later.
I live in Florida but I will probably be flying to Seattle with my sister to visit a friend... tell Gabe I'll go in your place. :D
I would help u get there but what can a 14 year old do about that. Well i just hope u can get there. Did u try hitch hiking ur way there?
blahblahblah said:
Spiffae - Dude, get in your car and drive. 1 or 2 day car trips are great.

try a week to get there. it's farther than you think.
Ezboy04 said:
I would help u get there but what can a 14 year old do about that. Well i just hope u can get there. Did u try hitch hiking ur way there?

I could just drive... i just don't have two weeks to go and come back.
Ahhh, you could prolly manage it in a couple days if you brought someone along to take shifts driving! :)

24 hours exactly from here to NY doing that... and KC is pretty much halfway.
Letters said:
Ahhh, you could prolly manage it in a couple days if you brought someone along to take shifts driving! :)

24 hours exactly from here to NY doing that... and KC is pretty much halfway.

that'd be quite the trip... and it might just be worth it.

don't have 5 days to give to this though, and valve is closed on weekends.

maybe bill van buren will fly me in :)

599 posts!
get a plane ticket if you have any money :eek:

If you don't have money, start begging on the streets and hold up a sign that says "Will work for Valve trip"
Spiffae said:
try a week to get there. it's farther than you think.

I've got a perfect solution to your problem - ask Valve to mail you a demo of HL2. Both sides win. :monkee:
blahblahblah said:
I've got a perfect solution to your problem - ask Valve to mail you a demo of HL2. Both sides win. :monkee:

well, that was the first thing that popped into my head... somehow, i don't think that would happen. Too bad. That'd make me the envy of these forums.

that's post number 600. do i get a new rank?
EDIT: Certainly do... say hello to Spiffae: Prowler.
I live in Sweden, and if i was going to get an invitation... i whould try to get $1000+ to get there :p
asdf said:
oh my god, im so sad for you :( can't you like, hold some one for ransom or rob a bank and take a plane to there HQ :(

break into a gun shop and get a tact automatic 12gauge shotgun and some extra ammo then just blow the door down and roba bank lol race to the Aport and get a ticket to valve
oh dear god!, I feel so sorry for you man.

If I got the invatation I couldnt go either cause' i'm in the UK :/, unless my parents went with me! \o/
Is it possible to make a donation for him to buy his plane Tik?
Awwww, man I feel for you. I am also in the UK. So I wouldn't be able to go if I got the chance as well. Not a nice feeling I imagine... :(
Every once in a while Valve will do something nice like this (invite a fan to the office, save a website like this one, etc.) Good job on the invite Spiffae!

... and it warms my heart, I mean that "father and son" pic of Gabe and Spitcodfry is really very touching... ;(

But then that idiot Lombardi goes shooting his mouth off on some insincere promotion junket with some magazines or CNN - tossing out fake release dates left and right and completely wrecks the good feeling!!! :flame:

:dork: I'm going back to my sinical self now :)
lol ^

But seriously one of you guys needs to go in and ask "is PC zones claims true?"

or just a "hows hl2 coming along?" "on schedule?"

I'm sending praise mails to Valve, Bungie and Rockstar for a couple of months now.

No answer thou...
We could all start a donation fund to buy his plane ticket. :)
Keeson said:
Every once in a while Valve will do something nice like this (invite a fan to the office, save a website like this one, etc.) Good job on the invite Spiffae!

... and it warms my heart, I mean that "father and son" pic of Gabe and Spitcodfry is really very touching... ;(

But then that idiot Lombardi goes shooting his mouth off on some insincere promotion junket with some magazines or CNN - tossing out fake release dates left and right and completely wrecks the good feeling!!! :flame:

:dork: I'm going back to my sinical self now :)
