How does HL rank with you?

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Frankly, I thought was above this. Why is the idea that there are other shooters that Valve could learn from so repugnant to anyone who hasn't long ago barricaded themselves in general chat?

Don't tar me with that brush.
Played tons of FPS over the years and I gotta say I think it HL & HL2 Episode1 Rocks, Only just got Episode two so cant say yet.

Voted #1, been playing HL since the first, mostly on PC
but I did play it on PS/2 and thought it sucked so much did not even bother completing it.
but on the PC, yeah! its awesome and my numro uno FPS

Episode 2 rocks!!!
It's so much better than episode 1.
Also welcome to the forum.
As far as the shooting goes, Lacklustre is your word, not mine. I've been pulled into an argument over the quality of something I've actually clearly declared to be, when taken as the sum of its parts the best example of its type.

Frankly, I thought was above this. Why is the idea that there are other shooters that Valve could learn from so repugnant to anyone who hasn't long ago barricaded themselves in general chat? (and no, I'm not stupid enough to specify these shooters, since I know for a fact that you've managed to dismiss them yourself). Playing Episode Two is like going to see family at Christmas time. It's fun but a little too familiar, and I'm starting to get bored by what it has to say. It was easily the weakest part of the Orange Box.

I respect your opinion. Maybe your more of a TF2 or Portal guy. It all boils down to personal liking, but your reasons for it make no sense to me, but hey, doesn't matter! Play the games you love, and that's what matter most.
I agree with Kupo, except that I thought Ep2 was fantastic and Ep1 was the weakest part of the series by far.

Still, the original HL is my #1 shooter, and HL is my #1 series.

Very high.
Ep 1 is definitely my least favorite of the series, but that doesn't mean it's bad. There wasn't a ton of variety in it, and, although an episode, it was far too short.
Episode 1 was definitely pretty weak in the grand scheme of things, but if you felt it did not have much variety, what would another two hours have done to alleviate the problem?
Episode 1 was definitely pretty weak in the grand scheme of things, but if you felt it did not have much variety, what would another two hours have done to alleviate the problem?

I agree with this.
Episode 1 was definitely pretty weak in the grand scheme of things, but if you felt it did not have much variety, what would another two hours have done to alleviate the problem?

Add another 2 hours with variety?

j/k I agree. Nevertheless, it still left me with a "that's it?" feeling upon completion.
Lets not be too hard on Episode 1. Its definitly the worst in the series, but that still means its a good game. Ive played it many times, and there are some awesome parts. I like how it continued the story and set alex as a more realistic character...

But Episode 2 had the amazing OMG! factor, episode 1 didn't.
Valve rushed episode 1, but it was only because of the major sucesses of Half Life 2. However, it can all be agreed on that another couple of hours of gameplay and episode 1 will be considered to be yet another great game.

Looking at how sucessful the Half Life story, as well as their cliffhanger was at the end of the first Half Life, it took quite a long while for devoted fans before news of HL 2 even came out.

When HL 2 did come out, even though it was incredibly lengthy, fun, and the end of it was yet another amazing jaw dropping cliff hanger, it did manage to piss some fans off. Too many unanswered questions, yet too long a waiting period. On one hand fans are really happy with the game, and the ending effects, but on the other, it was yet another kick in the nuts.

However, thank GOD Valve knows how to take their time. They know episode 1 was just way too short , so they made it much better with episode 2. Not only that, they threw in TF2 and Portal with it, and I actually struggled with "too many games, too little time".

If it was like Halo, a pretty above average first game (if it was judged as a PC game, then obviously Halo is NOT special), but the second game was just plain repetitive and boring. As for the third, I have yet to play it, but my friends say the series lost it's touch too quickly.
flamingdts made me think. Valve's games only have good endings because they're cliffhangers. That goes for HL (this wasn't a huge cliffhanger, but definitely ends at a point where you say "wtf just happened" and sets the stage for the next inevitable game), HL2, and all the episodes. While this certainly belongs in the ep3 forum, I believe Ep3 will end with a classic, abrupt, shocking, ending that doesn't offer full closure, and will elude to the next chapter of HL. If you ask me, I'm pretty sure that after we play through Ep3, we'll know whether or not Valve has nodded their heads to HL3.
flamingdts made me think. Valve's games only have good endings because they're cliffhangers. That goes for HL (this wasn't a huge cliffhanger, but definitely ends at a point where you say "wtf just happened" and sets the stage for the next inevitable game), HL2, and all the episodes. While this certainly belongs in the ep3 forum, I believe Ep3 will end with a classic, abrupt, shocking, ending that doesn't offer full closure, and will elude to the next chapter of HL. If you ask me, I'm pretty sure that after we play through Ep3, we'll know whether or not Valve has nodded their heads to HL3.

I much prefer the "lets leave our games on an 'unclear' note so when our next installment comes out, we'll have area to work with" rather than "lets add a complete ending to wrap everything up and then come up with a bullshit excuse for why the adventure continues in a sequal"....
Valve rushed episode 1, but it was only because of the major sucesses of Half Life 2. However, it can all be agreed on that another couple of hours of gameplay and episode 1 will be considered to be yet another great game.

Looking at how sucessful the Half Life story, as well as their cliffhanger was at the end of the first Half Life, it took quite a long while for devoted fans before news of HL 2 even came out.

When HL 2 did come out, even though it was incredibly lengthy, fun, and the end of it was yet another amazing jaw dropping cliff hanger, it did manage to piss some fans off. Too many unanswered questions, yet too long a waiting period. On one hand fans are really happy with the game, and the ending effects, but on the other, it was yet another kick in the nuts.

However, thank GOD Valve knows how to take their time. They know episode 1 was just way too short , so they made it much better with episode 2. Not only that, they threw in TF2 and Portal with it, and I actually struggled with "too many games, too little time".

If it was like Halo, a pretty above average first game (if it was judged as a PC game, then obviously Halo is NOT special), but the second game was just plain repetitive and boring. As for the third, I have yet to play it, but my friends say the series lost it's touch too quickly.

Haha, really??
Hl2 is not the best FPS, but it has best story for a fps. You would expect story like HL's for a rpg, not a fps.
Hl2 is not the best FPS, but it has best story for a fps. You would expect story like HL's for a rpg, not a fps.

HL2 is the best FPS, end of story. IF you want mindless games like Halo or Call of Duty, go play those...
That's what i am telling! There are better FPS games than HL2, but HL2 has the best story! Crysis has better FPS elements, but lacks a touching story. Halo has a story, but its shit and COD4 has a good story too but HL2 has better.
That's what i am telling! There are better FPS games than HL2, but HL2 has the best story! Crysis has better FPS elements, but lacks a touching story. Halo has a story, but its shit and COD4 has a good story too but HL2 has better.

I agree with everything, but except that Halo is shit.
That's what i am telling! There are better FPS games than HL2, but HL2 has the best story! Crysis has better FPS elements, but lacks a touching story. Halo has a story, but its shit and COD4 has a good story too but HL2 has better.

I don't know about you, but Crysis was flatout boring to me. The concept and idea was good, but they did not polish it.

Crysis is not the worse FPS I've ever played, but it is FAR from the best. It does not have better FPS elements, all it has is a super armor that does various things. However, the various things are just plain useless except for a few.

Ulimate armor and perhaps cloak are the only necessary functions needed to be used in Crysis. The rest, such as ultimate strength and speed, is just plain useless. The game was hyped a lot, and I thought there was much more to it, especially from what I saw in the trailer. Where you jumped over a car, causing the the enemy car to crash into another car. However, that was not the case in the game. The enemies would simply stop and shoot you.

That being said, HL2 is a better FPS than Crysis. However, we need to be able to define "best FPS". COD 4 is popular amongst many people (although I don't like it very much, the game is too dizzy for me), the game play element is realistic. Does it make it more fun though?

I for one know that COD 4 is one of those games that rewards camping, and finding your opponents first. Sure the game does indeed require skill, but as far as I know, you kill your enemies so quickly, that camping is the best way to achieve a high score. Hell if you catch an enemy from behind, they're gone within seconds.

Half life 2 on the other hand, rewards accuracy and use of strategy. The gravity gun for example. is a terrific use of strategy, using your environment to protect yourself on defense and attacking on offense.

So to sum it up, what I'm saying is, there are many different definitions of a fun First-Person Shooter. Though IMO, FPS should be a game that rewards skills and strategy. Of course, some will say camping is a strategy, but for some others it is just a way to get cheap kills, considering that in more "realistic games" you die too quickly to respond to campers.

For those of you that simply want to shoot and kill, perhaps Halo is the game for you. Since the guns are horribly imbalanced. For those of you who want more excitement and realism, go for COD 4, since you die very quickly, leaving you paranoid all the time. For those of you who enjoy more shooting, less dying. Then Half Life 2 is the game for you.
Definitely my favorite FPS series. I got addicted to the story.
Favorite FPS. I don't really play that many other ones. :LOL: Since about 30 minutes of gameplay makes me feel dizzy and horrible. I play RPG's and TPS more. :|

Second would probably be portal, then Call of Duty.
Close second or third, Call of Duty 5 is so engaging, but the story isnt as good as HL2. And halo sucks, end of story.