How does HL rank with you?

HL ranks:

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It's a close second or third for me, but a classic like wolfenstein 3d (the origional 6 episodes) will always be my favourite.
I am playing HL2 the first time, and it is out of my expectation! Having played some newer games, I've found this way better then I thought. It has all the elements to make the game enjoyable and exciting. My only complaint will be the movement control being too loose, that I've got myself killed so many time just because missing my steps. Adding a map and objective menu would be great.

Can't wait to finish that and go to episodes 1 & 2.
I beat Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 1 but non of the episodes but im going to give it so far a #1.
its pretty up there, but i dont feel like i should give it #1 until episode three finishes the arc.
I love the game as a whole. I don't like the long ass boat adventure from City 17 to Eli's Lab. That shit was wack.
A close second. (Not third.)

Sorry, Half Life, but you can't be my #1 favourite. The Marathon series booked early, so they got the best position.

It might be third if I could include the Myst series, but that's not a FPS.
1st in my book. Love everything about the series, just wish we had more of it to enjoy right now. My friend gave me HL1 back in the day and it took me like the entire summer to give it back to him. I could not stop playing it

HL1 is pretty old now but the graphics are still nice but with all those new FPS games HL1 is maybe 3/11 which is very high.
Second best game, but when the new Black Mesa: Source remake of the orginal HL comes out then you know what's gonna be my No.1 XD
Top of my games, along side TF2 which it rivals - TF2 has the Multiplayer top and HL has the Singleplayer. Second is Fable series - I think. And third or fourth is Fallout 3 :3
i generally play first person shooters and i tend to go for the more realistic shooters like Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six... but the half-life series still is my favorite and i have played the half-life games more than any other games. even spanning genres. i always come back to half-life. i feel that it engages the player more than any other game and really creates a unique experience
Dammit I read the poll wrong. My favourite FPS series of all time, but whether its my favourite series period remains to be seen.