How many times you completed hl


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
How many times have you completed half life and on what difficulty
I've completed Hl 3-easy,1-Med.,1 Hard. Op4 2-easy,1-Med. Blue Shift 2-easy,2-Med.,2-Hard.
and i'm currently right b4 the pit worm in op4 on hard setting.I probably would have played less of Blue Shift if it was atleast 12-16 hours long.
Once on half life easy.

twice op4 medium hard

0 blueshift got bored.
I've only played HL1 once. I might give it another go before HL2 comes out.
I've never played or even seen a second's worth of footage of Half life. Crazy huh?
Errr... about three times at HL, twice at OP4, and I haven't finished Blueshift...
HL - 1 easy, 1 med
Blue Shift - 1 easy, 1 med
OpFor - 1 easy.

Why does no-one like blueshift? I loved it!
I'v lost count and i'm playing it though again now, I know it so well now I didn't lose any health on hard untill about a quater of the way through the game and thats because of fall damage.

I know some people have played it like 17 times or something rediculess like that.
I've never completed HL.. *runs away from angry mob*

I tried to complete it once and for all about a month ago but I got stuck and got tired when all those other games where there to play..

I've completed Opposing Force once on Medium though, and Blue Shift aswell.

And yeah, Jabberwock, I liked Blue Shift alot aswell! It wasn't really that bad.
I play all my games at their highest difficulty ( the way I see it, is I want to get the most out of the game the first time around... since chances of me replaying it are slim)

HL - highest difficulty = about 4 times all the way through (I tend to go back to old games every now and then.. like undying)

Opfor - highest difficulty = once

blueshift - highest difficulty = once

The Gunman Chronicles - highest difficulty = twice

and so on and so forth.

I love undying :)
1 one half way through when my saves were deleted

1 time on medium through the whole game and now I'm doing it on hard.
Mr. Redundant said:
I play all my games at their highest difficulty ( the way I see it, is I want to get the most out of the game the first time around... since chances of me replaying it are slim)

I see what you mean, but usually I play on the easiest difficulty first, so I notice other things about the game without worrying about dying all the time. Anyone else do this?
I've got that obsession too, Redundant.. Although on some games I stop playing them because it gets too hard or i get stuck because of low health or something.. Hehe....
HL: 5 times on hard.
OpForce: 4 times on hard.
Blue Shift: 2 times on hard.
hl:never on medium or easy (lost my saves both times) probably 4 or 5 times all the way through on hard
OpFor: beat it once on medium
Blue Shift: once on easy never on medium and like 2 times on hard

i play parts all the time though, this is just straight thru
2 times on Easy
1 time OP4 on Easy

I'm a wimp :D BUT, I pledge to not use cheats on HL2 just like I'm doing on WC3 and Max Payne 2 :D It's no fun with cheats :p
i lost count, im actually on residue processing right now. im taking my time so i beat it again the day before HL2 comes out. I plan on starting HL2 on medium the first time just so I can appreciate it, then all 500 times after that itll be on hard.
1 med when the game first shipped and playing right now through hard setting. One of the threads here in these forums made me want to play through it agian I think it was soemthing to do with what characters would you like to see return from hl to half-life 2 . Man I hate the bull squids :D DIE GRRRRR
2-3 times. The last few levels I don't usually bother with any more. They aren't that fun.
I played HL in har the firth time, because i though back in `98 that it would be just as easy as quake 2 and Unreal, but i was wrong, so i restarted the game in Easy :D.

Today i think i played HL SP bout 5 times in hard difficulty, and Opposing Force, Blue Shift at least 2 times each.

I never get tired of Half-Life....
Half-life I finished once on easy, twice on medium and once on hard. Opposing Force I finished at least once on medium, and I think I finished it once more on the same difficulty. Blue shift again I finished at least once on medium, and think I finished it again on hard.
I've done HL¹ three times on medium
OP4 about 75% through
BS about 60% through

I rarely complete games unless they are majorly interesting. Generally after your 3/4 of the way through everything becomes one big meatgrinder with most games and the fun factor dissappears bigtime. I like a challenge, but I hate it when the game designers just stack the odds against you in the latter stages instead of being inventive. I like the notion of playing things through on hard (it's a nice theory), but I also like to take in the atmosphere a lot rather than worry the whole time about ammo etc.
hl = 4 times
op4 = 2 times
bs = 1
gunman = 1

Iv'e lost count of the amount of times iv'e completed Half-life although iv'e only finished both blue shift and OF twice on the highest difficulty.

P.S. does anyone else suffer from chronic reload syndrome, even in the middle of a gunfight i Instinctively press for the reload key after only firing once or twice.
hl - 2x hardest
op4 - 1x hardest

that's all.

edit: do most ppl play w/o saving? i find it adds to the suspense.
I never finished it. Steam decided to go out of beta when I had finally gotten around to trying to play it again sooo... yeah... didn't start over.
half-life once and a half.......
the first time on easy..... the second time i was supposed to start on hardest but i ended up taking over my sister's game which she had started on easy (she got through the beginning intro part, heh) and then i forgot to start over on hardest. by that time i was too far through and too lazy to start over.

op4 once on easy; haven't really had time to play that again.
Wow...........I thought there would be someone like me who just played it constantly.

Seriously.........not joking what so ever....

normal- 32

just normal...probably about 6 times.

I've been meaning to see exactly how fast I can compleat HL. So far I've never managed to beat it in a day....but I've never really started playing it very early in the day anyway.

[edit] LOL, yeah I do the reloading thing to. Even if its 1 bullet. Somthing about having a not full clip freaks me out. [/edit]
RE: Reloading -- yup. I'm an active "Reloaders Annonymous" member.
Running around in CS for example--I've fired 2 of 30 shots. Have to reload. What if I NEED those 2 extra bullets?! =(
I'm a member of Reloaders Anonymous too. When I play DoD I shudder everytime I see a Garand on the ground.

I played through Half-Life about 2 times, I played through both add-ons only once. It's the mods I come back to, especially DoD, NS, CS, and TFC to a much lesser degree.
I have finished HL about 3 times easy, once med and about 5 times hard.

The last time I did it I finished in about 2 hours, I killed nearly every monster and that was with bunnyhopping through every level.
HL=maybe 3 or 4 times in easy, 1 on normal and 1 on hard
OP4= 1 time in easy, 1 time in normal and 1 time in hard
BlueS= like 5 times in normal and 1 time in hard
Ahnteis said:
RE: Reloading -- yup. I'm an active "Reloaders Annonymous" member.
Running around in CS for example--I've fired 2 of 30 shots. Have to reload. What if I NEED those 2 extra bullets?! =(

My thoughts exactly... :naughty:
Quicksave anonymous?

More embarassing to admit to than reloading... do you reach for f9 before walking round each corner? try not to... try be strong... have will-power... then you get killed by a dum ass piece of falling ceiling or collapsing floor.

(3 times hard only - never tried e or m)