How NOT to steal a cellphone.

If you look at the main part of this guys webpage you realize that he's a total douchebag.


Every one of his pictures he has the same expression.
I don't have the time to look through that whole page, but which guy is the Goodyear blimp in that picture? Is that the boyfriend or the brother?
Bad^Hat said:
Trying really hard not to criticize the american eye-for-an-eye mentality here...

We ARE We DO hate America.
I think it's you that needs the 12 gauging in the face. You racist asshole.

- Danimal
madog said:
regardless of if he is a douche, the girl who took the phone needs to be 12 gauged in the face for taking a phone and even worse trying to act like a gangster. She should be ashamed of her sorry thieving black ass. Get the phone and then some and DESTROY HER!

The guy's doucheyness is kinda making me care less about this predicament, but the bitch is so stupid I would like to see her pseudo-mature ass get hauled off to juvy.

Going by the dude's update things, I figured he was like 16 or 17.
I got half way through reading it, and when I came back, the link isnt working D:

I wanna know what happened!!
I was enjoying the fight oh a man of age around 19's battle for HUMAITY and U had to go and ruin it by bringin up his being a bag of douche... Whatever still sort of funny.
Muffin Man said:
I was enjoying the fight oh a man of age around 19's battle for HUMAITY and U had to go and ruin it by bringin up his being a bag of douche... Whatever still sort of funny.
Could you fix your sentence stucture/spelling so I can understand you, please?
There is no link from the mainpage to the stolen sidekick page as of when I last checked so I doubt the guy named "evan" is actually the guy thats posting on the other page. Possibly a friend.

Site not working now?
You know, I actually work for T-Mobile (Sales), and I get people who come in all the time that have lost their phones or the phones have been stolen. These things aren't cheap. It just seriously makes me irritated, that people steal this relatively expensive stuff from others and expect no consequences at all. Just return the owners stuff people!

I actually had someone come into my store wanting to activate a line with a phone they already had. Which is no big deal, but when I looked up the serial number of the phone, it had been reported lost or stolen to us. We CAN track this you know. The guy was like 'But I just found it!' Yeah, and you just decided that it would be okay to keep someone else's property and use it for yourself without even trying to find the original owner?

I confiscated the phone and got ahold of the guy who owned it. Seriously, some people have no concept of what it's like to buy something on your own.
Originally Posted by Madog
She should be ashamed of her sorry thieving black ass.

And you should be ashamed of your racist, ineloquent ass :|
madog said:
O RLY? Care to share kami? Ok... Well please, annhiliate her just because of the way she acts. Gangster black and shaking her ass on camera. Plus she listens to rap. Seriously someone do me the favor or teaching this scum a lesson.

Jesus loves everyone except you.
Muffin Man said:
Jesus doesn't love me........... :(
No-one loves you.
You're an old man with no freinds or familly letting time past as you watch daytime television.
This campaign is turning out to cost more than half the sidekick (175). Obviously that guy has enough money to be wasting and is just a crusader for justice or whatever.
Who the hell cares? Its funny as hell watching those douchebags get PWN3D!!!
AzzMan said:
Who the hell cares? Its funny as hell watching those douchebags get PWN3D!!!

Yeah, but it would be so much funnier if the guy wasn't a douchebag himself.
Whats the update number with our forum on it? anways who say the photoed guy is the writer...
I'm really curious to know what the friend who actually had her sidekick stolen thinks of all this.
That girl is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly.
Bad^Hat said:
I'm really curious to know what the friend who actually had her sidekick stolen thinks of all this.

I wonder if she even exists. It's not unreasonable to think so, but all we have to go on is word of mouth. :o
DreamThrall said:
Yeah, but it would be so much funnier if the guy wasn't a douchebag himself.

I think thats the best part :)

Mess with a guy only to find out he's an even bigger asshole than you, great stuff.
"Mess with my friends, I'll douche you out on the INTERNET."

This is the new generation. The age of the net crusader.
what a moron... said:
I called the main line as well as the line I was told to call to get the complaint #. NO one picked up either line for three hours.. Finally, a woman picked up the main line and said that they were very busy and to call back at 3:45 after their shift change. Well I did wait..and then called at 3:45, 3:55, 4:05, 4:15, and now BOTH lines and still no one is picking up. I can't call 911 because this is not en emergency. I have better things to do today then to make my phone busy calling over and over. I don't know what else to do. If you work for the NYPD or for the city/state of New York, and you can accelerate this, please email me at the address below from a official email address and put where you work in the subject. I will not reveal your identity online if you ask me not to. For others, please do not spoof email addresses as I am trying to get this reolved.

Yes, apprently the NYPD has nothing better to do than investigate the theft of your CELL PHONE. Really, what a douche. Someone needs to shoot him and put him out of his misery.
As has been said before.


Unfortunantly this doesn't work because he's not anonymous. But at least people aren't driving in front of his house shouting 'Thief!'
I'm glad.
I like when punks get wtf pwnt.