How often do you get drunk/high?

How often do you get drunk/high?

  • Never (I've never gotten drunk/high)

    Votes: 48 46.2%
  • Once or twice every year

    Votes: 12 11.5%
  • Once or twice every month

    Votes: 13 12.5%
  • Every week

    Votes: 24 23.1%
  • Every day

    Votes: 7 6.7%

  • Total voters

Well, I was a little uncoordinated in Japan from quickly drinking some uber expensive sake (Had to go in 30 seconds), but, I wasn't exactly drunk.

EDIT: Yeah, to young for Alcohol, I rarely like the taste of it. Only 3 drinks I found out of the tasting of atleast 50, and even then, I'd only drink it in 1 little shot glass, perhaps once a year.
I also have the greatest fear against drugs... Someone talks about Cocaine, ice, heroin, I start to feel like I'm going to vomit.
A) Too Young. B) Don't like the taste of alcohol yet. C) Drugs bad.
I don't like the taste of alcohol... so never drunk. I don't like the idea of doing drugs, so never been high.

I've been on plenty of natural highs, though. :E Nothing like almost getting your head crushed in with a hundred-hundred and fity pound railroad tie(I don't know the weight) to get your blood pumping and adrenaline rushing.
about every couple weeks I would say, although theres some times when I will every day or like a week or so, so I'll average it out and say once a week :)
I used to get high every day, but i've since quite smoking and instead drink twice a week.
You can't put drunk/high into one selection because then I have nothing to select since I don't get high anymore, but have a couple of drinks on occasion.
Never been either. I dont drink and have never touched drugs, nor do I intend to.
Skaadi said:
Never been either. I dont drink and have never touched drugs, nor do I intend to.

Good person! I eventually plan to drink, but only socially and never to get drunk. Nor will I drink until I get drunk.

I never plan to do either. My mother was an alchoholic so theres a chance I inherited that and I don't want to go down that lifestyle. I also dispise the many people who get drunk/high all the time and make it a lifestyle. Not to mention the many many bad things that can happen.

It really isn't for me, I can have fun plenty of other ways.
Im drinking right now.

Raziaar said:
Good person! I eventually plan to drink, but only socially and never to get drunk. Nor will I drink until I get drunk.

Rofl at th pics :D

I only get drunk at parties... so like maybe once every 2 or 3 months... But when i do ghet drunk i'm sure i make up for all the time i've missed being drunk inbetween parties :D

Usually drink the spirits, mixing is also fun... until you puke violently and black out :D haha. good time.

I don't do drugs.

I'm an occasionally drinker, only at parties. But even then only one or two glasses. I'm sure I'm never going to cross the line.

And drugs are a big nono.
Drinking, contrary to many common misconceptions, is both big and clever.

I've got nothing against people who smoke pot or whatever - personally I don't like it, and find stoners to be a bit boring, especially if you're not stoned with them.
Just came back from my friend's kickback party. I drank enough to get a warm fuzzy buzz.. ahh I was relaxed! Now, i'm cool.

I smoke pretty often though.
The closest option to me is every day D:.

I usually get drunk >3 times a week :p. But thats okay it's an unwritten rule for university students to be drunk all the time lolol
Rarely drink. As for smoking, I do it occasionally (maybe once a month), but I'm always responsible about it. Also, I really can't physically smoke more often than that. I was asthmatic as a young kid, so now my lungs are sensitive :x. Smoking doesn't damage them any more than it would normal lungs (I asked my doctor) but I cough an unbearable amount :/
Every couple of days. I get high occasionally, but that's from spacecakes as opposed to smoking - I think it's a nicer feeling.

Anyway, I don't endorse it at all.. but by and large I'll be out more than 3 times a week getting hammered and having a great time :)
I used to get more ****ed up more often, but I've slowed down recently... no doubt that'll go away when I head to uni next year
Been drunk, been high, never made a habit of it. Actually got a distaste for drinking and being around drunk people... really don't see the appeal.
Will often have a drink or two, haven't gotten smashed for quite a while D:

Never done illegal drugs tho
I used to get high every week. I stopped definately three weeks ago. And I only drink to parties that usually occurs one time a month.
i don't drink ever (haven't in years, don't plan on it for the future), and i probably smoke pot about once a week average (though really it's more like 3-4 times in one week then not at all for a few weeks, then once a week for a couple of weeks, then not at all for a while, then a little, etc, so it's not with any sense of regularity).

i do other drugs on very rare, planned occasions, like mushrooms. we're talking six months here, though.
I used to get drunk regularly (in high school and Uni days). Now I rarely get drunk, I have maybe 4 or 5 beers a week. Trying to be economical more than anything, alcohol is expensive D:

No interest in drugs.
//edited - I sounded like a bit of a twat.

Drugs are bad m'kay.
Been fairly drunk a few times, but i can count on one hand.

Havn't drunk for ages now.
As far as drugs go, never...........unless you include some rather odd thing's i've nocked up.