How to be an asshole in one lesson.

Ugh I never realized what a crack-whore Ann Coulter looked like until I saw that :: pukes::
AzzMan said:
Ugh I never realized what a crack-whore Ann Coulter looked like until I saw that :: pukes::
I don't know her, but i hate her.
As a person deeply rooted in world-wide political history as well as sociology, I try to avoid internet arguments like this.
I try, but this time I fail.
Terrorism and the destruction of American lives must be stopped.
However, being impolite like that (on the video) is not going to help us in ANY cause. Stop being cocky Republicans (I used to be one) and let's get back to maintaining a small federal government! Don't forget your roots!
I live in Canada, therefore I wear a parka and I dogsled.
Raziaar said:
Yeah, but you see, many conservatives like myself, think that woman is a moron and her views are completely skewed.

I second that.
People like Ann Coulter are the reason terrorism occurs on US soil.
Boy, that did come across assonine, didn't it?
But the UN was established for purposes to watch out for lives across the world, and I simply cannot condone America acting as "World Police"
In fact, if you looked at the founding fathers of this country, they were very much isolationists who did not support the "intangling alliances" that we often get ourselves into today.
It's not that we DON'T care if other people die, it's moreso that we CAN'T care.
bliink said:
People like Ann Coulter are the reason terrorism occurs on US soil.
No...people like Osama Bin Laden are the reason terrorism occurs on US soil.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
No...people like Osama Bin Laden are the reason terrorism occurs on US soil.

He's the 'means' she's the 'motive'
I second that. Terrorists have a REASON to exist, they don't kill, maim, rape and destroy for sheer pleasure.
He's the 'means' she's the 'motive'
So you are faulting the attacks of 9/11 on Ann Coulter. Riiighhhtttt. Was her mamma at fault too?

She is in no postition of power and has the right to speak her mind, like it or not. Freedom of speech. If Osama cant handle that, then f*ck him.

I second that. Terrorists have a REASON to exist, they don't kill, maim, rape and destroy for sheer pleasure.
You're right. They do it for the 101 Virgins.
bliink said:
He's the 'means' she's the 'motive' say a woman cheats on her husband, and her husband kills her. Is it her fault? Not in my opinion.
I think it was some kind of metaphor, he didn't actually and literally BLAME her.
chimpmunk said:
I think it was some kind of metaphor, he didn't actually and literally BLAME her.
He blamed people like her for speaking her mind. Maybe I should kill the next 1000 or so Palestinians I see because they were in the streets cheering after 9/11.
I think he blamed people with the same opinion in positions of power.
chimpmunk said:
I think he blamed people with the same opinion in positions of power.

Like who? Show me somebody in a position of real power who said Canada cant share our continent.
seinfeldrules said:
Like who? Show me somebody in a position of real power who said Canada cant share our continent.
I was talking about that whole ethnocentric "america-is-the-best" attitude, but bush was pretty undiplomatic in his last visit in Canada, especially on the matter of the Star Wars project.
I'm sorry...this is picky of me, but it's gonna bug me...I think "ethnocentric" is the wrong word. Americans aren't an ethnicity.

...I know what you mean, but all the same...
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I'm sorry...this is picky of me, but it's gonna bug me...I think "ethnocentric" is the wrong word. Americans aren't an ethnicity.

...I know what you mean, but all the same...
I couldn't find a better word, english is not my native langage.
chimpmunk said:
I couldn't find a better word, english is not my native langage.
I got ya...I can't really think of one either...but ANYWAY...

chimpmunk said:
I was talking about that whole ethnocentric "america-is-the-best" attitude, but bush was pretty undiplomatic in his last visit in Canada, especially on the matter of the Star Wars project.
Well, Canada hasn't exactly been sending us roses of late. And yes, we've been a naughty America, but if you don't scratch our back we sure as hell aren't going to give you a foot rub.
I was talking about that whole ethnocentric "america-is-the-best" attitude, but bush was pretty undiplomatic in his last visit in Canada, especially on the matter of the Star Wars project.
You mean arrogance? Yet you tell us how to operate and who to vote for. Didnt you have somebody in Parliament call Bush a Nazi, or something akin to that?
I ask not to be referred to as a Canadian anymore.

Also, my main concern was the racism of that woman.

'Cause they're french, we have no problem with the english canadians.
(or something close to that)
This is what "offended" me the most.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I got ya...I can't really think of one either...but ANYWAY...

Well, Canada hasn't exactly been sending us roses of late. And yes, we've been a naughty America, but if you don't scratch our back we sure as hell aren't going to give you a foot rub.
I only express my opinions, as you do.
(or something close to that)
This is what "offended" me the most.
And because of it, you feel the need to judge all of America or all conservatives as such?
seinfeldrules said:
So you are faulting the attacks of 9/11 on Ann Coulter. Riiighhhtttt. Was her mamma at fault too?

She is in no postition of power and has the right to speak her mind, like it or not. Freedom of speech. If Osama cant handle that, then f*ck him.

You're right. They do it for the 101 Virgins.

I said people *Like* her.. people who have media attention, who whip up that kind of "we let them on our continent" type of frenzy in the media.

When thats what occupies your media etc, thats what gets broadcast to the rest of the world.
You have no comprehension how bad it makes people feel to have that being shoved down your throat by a superpower every day.
It happens, US media virtually dictates the climate for all media because they're all part of the same $$ system.

Its not safe to support these people, because then they end up preaching their crazy hate on mass media.
'Cause they're french, we have no problem with the english canadians.
Wow...that would piss me off, too. It's bad enough you've got the English Canadians hating on ya'll there in Quebec, now you've got to deal with assholes like this bashing you. Just what is everybody's problem with people from Quebec, anyway? The fact that ya'll want your own soveriegn nation? The fact that ya'll are proud of your heritage and culture?
Oh how I wish we'd go back to the days of old, where where it was either conquer or be conquered, no questions asked. Or rather, questions were asked but they didn't matter. Glory for the victors!

Joking... joking.
seinfeldrules said:
Didnt you have somebody in Parliament call Bush a Nazi, or something akin to that?
One deputy called him a war monger (translated)
and Jean chretien's secretary called him a moron, the first one got fired also, it's like spitting on freedom of speech to please US's goverment.
bliink said:
Its not safe to support these people, because then they end up preaching their crazy hate on mass media.
Kind of like...terrorists! Grrr...silly extremists! They're almost as bad!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Wow...that would piss me off, too. It's bad enough you've got the English Canadians hating on ya'll there in Quebec, now you've got to deal with assholes like this bashing you. Just what is everybody's problem with people from Quebec, anyway? The fact that ya'll want your own soveriegn nation? The fact that ya'll are proud of your heritage and culture?
It's more some rivalty going on for about 4 century, think of a cultural/historical power struggle.

Also, off topic, Vermont has an association wanting to sperate from the US and join a sovereign Quebec. (funny, kinda cool)
I said people *Like* her.. people who have media attention, who whip up that kind of "we let them on our continent" type of frenzy in the media.
Freedom of speech, maybe the American media should supress this to make you happy. They can say what they want as they have no real power. How about the Canadians in Parliament calling Americans "a coalition of idiots", President Bush a "moron", and "Damn Americans ... I hate those bastards". This was the same lady on one of the clips, yet her responses were cut out. I wonder why. Man, time to go kill thousands of Canadians, because that is understandable right?
chimpmunk said:
It's more some rivalty going on for about 4 century, think of a cultural/historical power struggle.

Also, off topic, Vermont has an association wanting to sperate from the US and join a sovereign Quebec. (funny, kinda cool)

Heh...."The United Disenfranchised States of North America"

That is kinda cool...but then we'd have to make Puerto Rico a state so we wouldn't have to change our flag.
And honestly i most say, this hatred is mutual, in some poll i saw 80% of quebec's population was anti-american, also Right winged americans associate quebec with france (wich isn't in love with USA either).
chimpmunk said:
And honestly i most say, this hatred is mutual, in some poll i saw 80% of quebec's population was anti-american, also Right winged americans associate quebec with france (wich isn't in love with USA either).
Well, I LOVED Quebec...I was there during ya'lls festival...oh, what do you call it...well, it might as well be ya'lls "National Festival"...and it was awesome. I couldn't understand a word any of the people on stage were saying, but a lot of the music reminded me of Cajun Zydeco...also, it's silly to equate Quebec with France.
seinfeldrules said:
Freedom of speech, maybe the American media should supress this to make you happy. They can say what they want as they have no real power. How about the Canadians in Parliament calling Americans "a coalition of idiots", President Bush a "moron", and "Damn Americans ... I hate those bastards". This was the same lady on one of the clips, yet her responses were cut out. I wonder why. Man, time to go kill thousands of Canadians, because that is understandable right?

No, dont remove your freedom of speech (if you still have one).. what you need to do is perform democracy correctly, dont let a few nut-jobs speak for your whole country. Thats when other nut-jobs see it and go "lets kill them".

Hey, I have nothing against Americans.. in fact, alot of you still seem to carry around the genuine will to do good for the world, but since WWII, power has slowly been dropping out of the hands of the people and into those of the super-rich/powerful.
Fixing it is the job of the individual. Its basically up to you get control and show the world you can be the 'good guys' again, instead of a conquest-driven machine.
A country can't simply lose or forget what it used to be, its just becoming smothered and mis-directed.