How to be an asshole in one lesson.

what you need to do is perform democracy correctly, dont let a few nut-jobs speak for your whole country. Thats when other nut-jobs see it and go "lets kill them".

We dont, there were people with opposing viewpoints on the show. This clip didnt demonstrate that fact because it went against their motive. Honestly, what would entertain you more, listening to two extremists duke it out or two moderates agreeing on everything?

Hey, I have nothing against Americans.. in fact, alot of you still seem to carry around the genuine will to do good for the world, but since WWII, power has slowly been dropping out of the hands of the people and into those of the super-rich/powerful.
Fixing it is the job of the individual. Its basically up to you get control and show the world you can be the 'good guys' again, instead of a conquest-driven machine.
I agree with bits and pieces of this, but the reality is very few Presidents have ever been elected when starting from nothing.
seinfeldrules said:
but the reality is very few Presidents have ever been elected when starting from nothing.

I can only wonder if the day comes again when we (Australia) looks up to the US- we kinda do, but its nowhere like what it used to be.

oh, and before I go back on topic, seinfeldrules, while I was posting, I missed the end of seinfeld :( it was a good one too.... :p
seinfeldrules said:
Just buy the DVDs :D . 'em off the internet. They're rich enough...

*sigh*...where is everybody on these forums this time of day? I mean, I know it's not 2:30 in the morning everywhere...
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
*sigh*...where is everybody on these forums this time of day? I mean, I know it's not 2:30 in the morning everywhere...
it's now 3:39 for me, good night guys.
Thank you for makeing me angry. Just hearing what the woman said made me sick. I am now going to sleep goodnight.
Sure, there's nothing completey awful with that woman needlessly insulting an entire nation. But, in a time when the US is being precieved as distinctly undiplomatic, it's not exactly going to gain you any friends (to say the least).
In this political climate it's frankly dangerous. Really, it's people like her that are taking the negative american stereotype and making it into a reality. Terrorists are fueled by such stereotypes. The more evidence they can get that americans are arrogant and narcissistic, the easier it is for them to convince people that americans are a threat. And here's ann coulter saying that Canada doesn't deserve to share the continent with the mighty US. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Al-queda says america is too arrogant, and america's response is to start broadcasting even more about how great america is.
In such a situation, there's really something to be said about humility.
meh one crazy extremist hardly represents the majority of americans on how they feel about canadians least I hope so

boy Tucker Carlson is a complete idiot ...I've never been dogsleding in my life ..seal clubbing yes, but no dog sledding
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Well, I LOVED Quebec...I was there during ya'lls festival...oh, what do you call it...well, it might as well be ya'lls "National Festival"...and it was awesome. I couldn't understand a word any of the people on stage were saying, but a lot of the music reminded me of Cajun Zydeco...also, it's silly to equate Quebec with France.
Was it during summer or winter? Cause if it was during summer it was probably the St-Jean-Baptiste, the national holyday,
And Cajun Zydeco must be from louisiana? :E :cheers:
She's our female counter-part to Michael Moore. Hooray!

:D I liked her on Bill Mahr. They both made me laugh. :D
meh one crazy extremist hardly represents the majority of americans on how they feel about canadians least I hope so

I still think you're our neighbors, damnit! :D
K e r b e r o s said:
She's our female counter-part to Michael Moore. Hooray!

I think a more fair comparison would be Joseph Goebbels
chimpmunk said:
Was it during summer or winter? Cause if it was during summer it was probably the St-Jean-Baptiste, the national holyday,
And Cajun Zydeco must be from louisiana? :E :cheers:
It was during the summer, yeah. I was this HUGE celebration in Quebec city, down by (you'll have to excuse me for this next description) that big green-rooved government building.

Yeah, Cajun Zydeco is from Louisiana, but the people that invented it are originally from way up in Nova Scotia.
Tr0n said:
Seal clubbing? :|

Sounds bad...

Oh just because you don't like to drink and dance with aquatic animals, your better huh.... Pfft :p
bliink said:
He's the 'means' she's the 'motive'
Actually, the left could be "pinned" more to 'blame.' It is not the left, nor the right's fault. But a major part of the reason why these sickening terrorists attack us, is immorality, etc. many things the left supports.

But it is our RIGHT to be immoral, be right winger, be whatever we please. It is neither's fault, and it's NOT people like her as you said. It's the terrorist mindset, Islamofacism and all it's variants, that must be crushed.
K e r b e r o s said:
She's our female counter-part to Michael Moore. Hooray!

:D I liked her on Bill Mahr. They both made me laugh. :D
But you see how dangerous extremist rights are compared to extremist left. All Michael wants is a hotdog.

If that woman was President, she'd invade Canada and call it North-north-America.
RakuraiTenjin said:
But it is our RIGHT to be immoral, be right winger, be whatever we please. It is neither's fault, and it's NOT people like her as you said. It's the terrorist mindset, Islamofacism and all it's variants, that must be crushed.

It is, but why make the immoral, right wingers/whatever extremists be the ones who happen to be projected to the rest of the world? I mean, they're quite possibly the ones that would upset the rest of the world to the greatest extent, and they're the ones getting the most international exposure? Somethings wrong there. - I turn on the TV and theres some American activist/extremist telling me I'm inferior or news of how the US has interfered with our elections, or how the latest trade agreement completely screws our country... I mean, when such an image is put forward, can you be surprised that some people want to take up arms and fight back?
bliink said:
It is, but why make the immoral, right wingers/whatever extremists be the ones who happen to be projected to the rest of the world? I mean, they're quite possibly the ones that would upset the rest of the world to the greatest extent, and they're the ones getting the most international exposure? Somethings wrong there. - I turn on the TV and theres some American activist/extremist telling me I'm inferior or news of how the US has interfered with our elections, or how the latest trade agreement completely screws our country... I mean, when such an image is put forward, can you be surprised that some people want to take up arms and fight back?

Because it is the right of them to say what they please? And if it irks you so to have that "projected" onto you, why are you watching American TV Channels? If it's your own channels showing it, that's a problem you should take up with your subscription provider.

And I mean, even look at your last sentence. They are taking up arms against an image that's put forward. Hell, a stereotype. Not all Americans are San Franciscan gays dancing naked in the street, nor are all Americans crusaders who want "your holy land" for greed. The terrorist have ZERO justification, and it is NONE of the victims fault in any way. The terrorists need to be eliminated.
i pity her and think she should be spayed. anybody that stupid should be forcibly kept from breeding.

she reminds me of the chicken lady we have locally.
Mechagodzilla said:
Sure, there's nothing completey awful with that woman needlessly insulting an entire nation. But, in a time when the US is being precieved as distinctly undiplomatic, it's not exactly going to gain you any friends (to say the least).
In this political climate it's frankly dangerous. Really, it's people like her that are taking the negative american stereotype and making it into a reality. Terrorists are fueled by such stereotypes. The more evidence they can get that americans are arrogant and narcissistic, the easier it is for them to convince people that americans are a threat. And here's ann coulter saying that Canada doesn't deserve to share the continent with the mighty US. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Al-queda says america is too arrogant, and america's response is to start broadcasting even more about how great america is.
In such a situation, there's really something to be said about humility.

So I should go bomb Canada because of the remarks the Canadian lady made, correct?

The more evidence they can get that americans are arrogant and narcissistic, the easier it is for them to convince people that americans are a threat.
You're right, just forget the whole freedom of speech thing unless it is approved by the international communtiy first. I dont agree with what she said, but I agree with her saying it. If that makes sense to you.
that blond chick is wicked stupid that its not funny anymore
gotta love this section of the fourm, pme topic is one side bashing the other while the other is justifying the means, and vise versa in another topics. oh politics how i love thee
Revisedsoul said:
gotta love this section of the fourm, pme topic is one side bashing the other while the other is justifying the means, and vise versa in another topics. oh politics how i love thee

heh.. its a good section, it lets people get all their argumentative steam out.. and keeps the other forums neater.

Its fun for all politics/debate lovers
seinfeldrules said:
So I should go bomb Canada because of the remarks the Canadian lady made, correct?

she stepped on a bush doll on a canadian tv comedy show ...oh and she called him a moron ..big deal!

seinfeldrules said:
You're right, just forget the whole freedom of speech thing unless it is approved by the international communtiy first. I dont agree with what she said, but I agree with her saying it. If that makes sense to you.

oh how freakin ironic, YOU defending free speech????
you defend freedom of speech yet deny freedom to choose
she stepped on a bush doll on a canadian tv comedy show ...oh and she called him a moron ..big deal!
Coulter said Canada couldnt be on the same continent as us, and she isnt in any position of power.. big deal!

oh how freakin ironic, YOU defending free speech????
you defend freedom of speech yet deny freedom to choose
Civil unions grant equal rights to gays.
I think they both were trying to be funny but failed... miserably. The one guy with the bowtie was obviously joking near the end but god...I can only hope that the scenes that were cut out showed something of importance.
no, tucker carlson (bow tie guy) is an idiot, always has been always will be'd think he'd give up trying to be humourous after Jon steward made an ass of him on his own show
She is an ignorant bitch, and the guy in the bow tie is a moron.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Because it is the right of them to say what they please? And if it irks you so to have that "projected" onto you, why are you watching American TV Channels? If it's your own channels showing it, that's a problem you should take up with your subscription provider.

And I mean, even look at your last sentence. They are taking up arms against an image that's put forward. Hell, a stereotype. Not all Americans are San Franciscan gays dancing naked in the street, nor are all Americans crusaders who want "your holy land" for greed. The terrorist have ZERO justification, and it is NONE of the victims fault in any way. The terrorists need to be eliminated.
Ummm.. did you actually hear what obl said the reasons for attacks are? It has nothing to do with what you said, that was just what the american media would like you to believe, and probably what you yourself would like to believe.
Edit: that woman is a complete ****.
thats odd. I think I found a pearson I hate more than bush. No wait I was wrong :p
I'm all for freedom of speech; but on national tv? Inciting racial(?) hatred? Neh!

But no, the vast majority of americans aren't like those t***ers. If they were I'd probably start a war with them...

As for freedom of speech, I'd keep an eye on that Patriot Act II if I were you.
You mean to say that you only support freedom of speech in some cases? or are you simply disgusted by their ignorant displays?
And we definately need to keep an ey on the patriot act
There is freedom of speech, which applies to what you say/do as an individual out in public... and then there is what corporations are trying to turn it into: A way for them (the corporations) to say anything they want on the news (true or false, nice or slanderous, unbiased or biased, etc) or any other media outlet without being reprimanded. They also want to be able to have unlimited ability to create a news monopoly anywhere they can afford to do it. This is what they mean when they talk about "deregulation" although they obviously try to put it in a better light. Corporations were never intended to have all of the same rights guaranteed to individuals in the Bill of Rights... but that is what some people are trying to argue now. I guarantee that Rupert Murdoch is pushing for it. News channels used to really be about just bringing the news to the people. News anchors were respected by both sides... not just praised for agreeing with people's own views. It used to be merely a conduit of information. Now, everywhere you look, it's turning into a propaganda and sensationalism machine. It's moving toward pretty faces, big flashy graphics, background music that makes it sound important even when it's not, blending opinions seamlessly with facts, playing out like an espisode of Jerry Springer, and doing anything to get high ratings. The FOX News Channel is the leader of the pack in those aspects (don't take it the wrong way... the rest of them are following suit). Is anyone else disgusted by this?

Oh, and don't you think the arrogance of our international politics and our involvement with Israel & the surrounding areas might have a little bit more of an impact on Middle-Eastern views of the USA than our arguable immorality? Think about xenophobic people you know. Are xenophobic people in the USA concerned more about the morality of Mexican people living in Mexico or Mexican people trying to come to the USA? Unless it affects people directly they usually don't care very much about it. That's true of most people in the world. You won't see that on the news very often because we don't like being blamed or even being slightly responsible for the consequences of our actions... and a network that does that would probably get a significant ratings hit. By saying that the people are just angry at us because they are jealous of our freedoms or racist it lets us off the hook. It is a two-edged sword. It makes us feel good that we aren't the cause... and it makes us feel scared that there is nothing we can change about ourselves to stop the terrorism. That makes people more willing to give up freedoms for extra safety or go to war to get rid of the bad men. Am I the only one seeing this trend in the media as a whole?

This is not an issue of conservative vs liberal. This is an issue of "act now, before it's too late." If the people don't start saying something it's just going to get worse. We've already dug a nice hole that will be hard to climb out of... but it's not impossible... as long as people do something about it. If you watch TV just for drama watch fictional shows. Some of us just want the truth.
1. They didnt include the liberal rebuttals, they were probably equally extreme going the opposite way. It was a debate show, the debate wouldnt have been interesting if two moderates were going at it agreeing on every point. If you want real news at that hour, turn on CNN Headline News.

2. I am still waiting to see why it is OK for a Canadian member of Parliament to say things 10X worse and not come under the microscope. Maybe she deserves equal blame for the remarks Coulter made.
OCybr; Spot on, I think that's called.

And I believe that if anybody abuses the right of free speech to put across widespread purposefully hurtful or dangerous notions, they should be stopped. Freedom is all good, but when you use it to harm others it needs to be examined.

Eg; That man with the hook in Britain, who stood preaching in London streets telling people to become suicide bombers, or to kill non-Muslims; he abused his right. If he'd said; "Look, I don't much like non-Muslims." He should be allowed to, because it is unlikely to lead to somebody being harmed.
