How to be an asshole in one lesson.

seinfeldrules said:
2. I am still waiting to see why it is OK for a Canadian member of Parliament to say things 10X worse and not come under the microscope. Maybe she deserves equal blame for the remarks Coulter made.

who are you talking about?
CptStern said:
who are you talking about?
The candian lady in the video did not seem to say anything offensive to me either, but I assumed he meant something else. But just what I don't know
bliink said:
I can only wonder if the day comes again when we (Australia) looks up to the US- we kinda do, but its nowhere like what it used to be.

oh, and before I go back on topic, seinfeldrules, while I was posting, I missed the end of seinfeld :( it was a good one too.... :p

Australia would look up to America, if our goverment weren't allready stuck up their president's ass.

On Being British & European
[British Studies Newsletter III.6., February 1999]

As a boy, I was entirely English. There was nothing else to be. . . .

Allegiance, to me, no longer has to be so exclusive. I still need it, as a psychic prop, a way of belonging. But the [European] threat to national identity now strikes me as bogus. We are all invaded by America. If cultural defenses are needed, it's against transatlantic domination. But do I hear a single soul, on either side of the Channel, contend that France is less French than it ever was because of the European Union? So it will be with Britain. This reality won't come easy. Decades of propaganda defining national identity in the language of scorn for other nations can't be wiped out at a stroke. --Hugo Young in The Guardian Weekly, 10 January 1999.
The thing about all this is that the differences between The Americans (alright maybe I mean the government, maybe I mean it's actions..just play along for a bit ok?) and The Terrorists are starting to diminish.

Terror? People run away from bombs about to land on their head. Why? Terror.
Religious fervor? Bush these days seems to spend a lot of time invoking the power of his God and the Rightousness of their actions seems to be explained by his religion...

While The Americans arn't wearing white turbans (okay, scuse my sterotypes :)) or holding up AK47s the lines are becoming blurred.

To this, some will reply about, for example, the fact that The Americans don't cut people's heads off..

Bullets are good at doing that. Gibs from bombs are sometimes found to be fashioned from parts of heads. And you know what? More people are killed, maimed or severely mentally scarred (Think of the children! :p) by The Americans.

I'll just stop for a breath now. It's good to be back :)
Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish-

referring to Americans "a coalition of idiots"

referring to President Bush as a "moron"

then my personal favorite "Damn Americans ... I hate those bastards"

They were posted earlier in the topic, I apologize for not being more specific.

The candian lady in the video did not seem to say anything offensive to me either
How would you know, they cut out all her remarks for some reason :angel:
seinfeldrules said:
Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish-

referring to Americans "a coalition of idiots"

referring to President Bush as a "moron"

then my personal favorite "Damn Americans ... I hate those bastards"

They were posted earlier in the topic, I apologize for not being more specific.

How would you know, they cut out all her remarks for some reason :angel:

you're jumping to conclusions ..first of all she was fired from her position for those same reasons ..second a few of her comments were said as a joke: she appeared on a canadian tv comedy show and stepped on a doll of george bush

and lastly: she's entitled to her opnion which were nowhere near as inflammatory as Ann "I goosestep for kicks" Coulter was
and lastly: she's entitled to her opnion which were nowhere near as inflammatory
She was in a position of power in the Canadian gov't, Ann Coulter is merely an American citizen with an extreme view. Now that she is out of power, I really dont care what this lady says, just as you shouldnt care what Ann Coulter says.

you're jumping to conclusions ..first of all she was fired from her position for those same reasons
Good, I'm sure if Ann Coulter was a member of the Bush Administration she would have been fired too.

she appeared on a canadian tv comedy show and stepped on a doll of george bush
And if Bill Frist stepped on a doll of Jacques Chirac you would claim a jihad against America. The double standard is glaring in this debate. Dont put all the blame on Coulter when it exists in every country.
seinfeldrules said:
She was in a position of power in the Canadian gov't, Ann Coulter is merely an American citizen with an extreme view. Now that she is out of power, I really dont care what this lady says, just as you shouldnt care what Ann Coulter says.

Good, I'm sure if Ann Coulter was a member of the Bush Administration she would have been fired too.

And if Bill Frist stepped on a doll of Jacques Chirac you would claim a jihad against America. The double standard is glaring in this debate. Dont put all the blame on Coulter when it exists in every country.

I disagree, Parish was never came across as a psychotic madwoman unlike coulter who's brand of hate should have died with the third reich. I am non-violent but people like her scare me enough that I would probably smile if they pubically flogged her for the white-supremascist-wanna-be that she is. Parish' comment are extremely tame compared to the vile hateful crap coulter spews out
I disagree, Parish was never came across as a psychotic madwoman unlike coulter who's brand of hate should have died with the third reich. I am non-violent but people like her scare me enough that I would probably smile if they pubically flogged her for the white-supremascist-wanna-be that she is. Parish' comment are extremely tame compared to the vile hateful crap coulter spews out
Still, do you agree that Coulter should be allowed to spew this garbage on an entertaining debate show?
I don't think the debate shows on news channels should be there for entertainment... so, no. I mean, she deserved to have her chance to show that she was willing to discuss the topics as a reasonable adult without resorting to inflammatory remarks... and, every time, she has proven that she isn't worthy to be a TV News pundit. On a live debate you can't help a newcomer (who you may not know is a racist) saying something disgustingly inappropriate. When that happens you normally don't invite them back. Yet, FOX News still frequently uses her as a pundit because she is controversial and conservative. Those shows should be there for intelligent debate that actually helps the political discourse by allowing people to see both sides of the issues presented on a level playing field (unlike Hannity & Colmes). Will it get worse? Yes. Can my opinion change that? Probably not... unless I can get a lot of people to boycott the news channels.
Wasn't that person fired? Honestly, I didn't read the entire thread.
What is that supposed to mean? If it is a live debate show you can't expect them to know exactly what she is going to say. She got her chance to have civil discourse, she blew it, and she got fired. That is what should happen to people in office... but what happens to pundits like Coulter? She gets called back for more appearances... and the publicity probably sells copies of her equally hate-filled books.
What is that supposed to mean? If it is a live debate show you can't expect them to know exactly what she is going to say. She got her chance to have civil discourse, she blew it, and she got fired. That is what should happen to people in office... but what happens to pundits like Coulter? She gets called back for more appearances... and the publicity probably sells copies of her equally hate-filled books.
And this Canadian lady keeps getting called back... She was on one of the clips. I think it was with Tucker. Again, its OK if people bash America, but its not OK for America to bash back.
No, your wrong. Its okay for America to bash Canada, so long if Canada bashes America.

But see, then we'd have an infinite amount of bashing. ^^ I like Anne. But she does'nt represent me. Strong women, bitchy type -- excellent combo. She could put an apple in my mouth and tie me down S&M Style to my bed whilst spanking me; any day.

But I'm glad we got some big guns like her. ^^ Big, in the sense she riles everyone up. :D
seinfeldrules said:
And this Canadian lady keeps getting called back... She was on one of the clips. I think it was with Tucker. Again, its OK if people bash America, but its not OK for America to bash back.
Unless she got put on (the second time) to apologize or offer some sort of explanation for her words/actions, you're right... she shouldn't have been brought back. I never said otherwise. No matter who is saying what about whom on a debate show, it should stick to the facts as much as possible and avoid insulting remarks. If the participants don't follow the rules they should be kicked off and/or not allowed to come back.
Unless she got put on (the second time) to apologize or offer some sort of explanation for her words/actions, you're right... she shouldn't have been brought back. I never said otherwise. No matter who is saying what about whom on a debate show, it should stick to the facts as much as possible and avoid insulting remarks. If the participants don't follow the rules they should be kicked off and/or not allowed to come back.
You still arent seeing that the purpose of the show is to entertain, not report the news. Not a single news outlet performs that anymore, your best bet is CNN Headline News during that hour. I dont know about you, but I'd rather spend my time watching Hannity & Colmes than that. Every station does shows like this MSNBC, CNN, FOX all of em.
You still arent seeing that the purpose of the show is to entertain, not report the news. Not a single news outlet performs that anymore, your best bet is CNN Headline News during that hour. I dont know about you, but I'd rather spend my time watching Hannity & Colmes than that. Every station does shows like this MSNBC, CNN, FOX all of em.

Yup. ^^;;
seinfeldrules said:
You still arent seeing that the purpose of the show is to entertain, not report the news. Not a single news outlet performs that anymore, your best bet is CNN Headline News during that hour. I dont know about you, but I'd rather spend my time watching Hannity & Colmes than that. Every station does shows like this MSNBC, CNN, FOX all of em.
You still aren't seeing my point. The NEWS channels should do just that... the news. We don't need "debate" shows that more closely resemble the Jerry Springer show (instead of any kind of official, civilized debate) making their way onto NEWS channels. Real debates have rules. Real debates aren't exciting... those are called fights or arguments. The more you allow dedicated news channels to get away from objective journalism the more biased and ignorant the people become. I don't care if FOX or any other corporation puts a show like that on one of their channels that aren't called the "Fox News Channel" or something similar but I take offense at people calling that shit "news." If I want yelling idiots fighting each other I would watch professional wrestling... at least that has better fighting (and occasionally a breast pops out during the fighting)... but I don't. News shouldn't try to compete with fictional shows by making everything more exciting and emotionally charged. Why? The more emotion that gets involved the less likely reason will be involved. Any psychologist will tell you that. Hell... any decent actor, screenplay writer, novelist, director, etc will say the same thing. They all understand emotions and know how to manipulate them. Please, I beg of everyone, try to keep the news as calm and collected as possible... so the viewers will remain in a state of mind that is able to use reason. News is turning away from information and toward persuasion (in the literary sense), which doesn't give you the whole picture and doesn't involve logical thinking. I'm studying to become a psychiatrist (basically a psychologist that can prescribe medication, if necessary). You don't even have to be that specific to learn about the stuff they are doing to the news. My first year English Composition class taught all kinds of techniques that become quite obvious once you know what to look for... and the "news" channels are using more of them than ever before. If you complain about people being ignorant, as you do so very often, you're not helping your own cause by supporting this activity.
Fox News has some of the most entertaining shows out there... because they break all the "Big Media" rules.

I don't suppose you think that there was, as Wold Blitzer said, a little tongue in cheek going on in there?

Do you deny that the Torys, the draft dodgers, disgruntled liberals, and now perhaps gays migrate up there? I thought it was pretty much historical fact.

Does Canada have the ability to protect itself from a full scale invasion? I see you have approximately 19k soldiers, but, as she mentioned, Norway has more. To the tune of 89k or so. Admit it, you are protected by the US.

I know you will hate me for saying it, but I really enjoy Ann Coulter( as does a lot of people, considering all the books she sells ).

Eh, the Internet liberals can't take it. I thought it was humorous, but noooo..

I would like to see a full version and not just the biased edit job.
Real debates have rules. Real debates aren't exciting... those are called fights or arguments.

They are arguing then.

The NEWS channels should do just that... the news.
You would seriously sit there and watch some monotoned voice droll of the news events of the day? Come on now, everybody likes a little excitement in their life. People want to see these debates, and the fact that there are so many of the shows backs that up. My life is boring enough at school and work, TV should provide me with some entertainment.

I take offense at people calling that shit "news."
Nobody is calling it news, it is called opinion (during these shows)

If you complain about people being ignorant, as you do so very often, you're not helping your own cause by supporting this activity.
Yes, but again, these stations have the right to put on these shows and the right to say things as they feel (within reason). I dont care if the person is from the right or left. Put on Ann Coulter vs. the Canadian Parliament lady and give me some popcorn. Occasionally I want to see an exciting debate, not CSPAN.

I would like to see a full version and not just the biased edit job.
What do you expect when every liberal's hero is Michael Moore? :rolleyes:
seinfeldrules said:
You would seriously sit there and watch some monotoned voice droll of the news events of the day? Come on now, everybody likes a little excitement in their life. People want to see these debates, and the fact that there are so many of the shows backs that up. My life is boring enough at school and work, TV should provide me with some entertainment.
If you want facts and logic you must try to stay away from the kind of emotions associated with excitement. If you want drama watch dramas. If you want comedy watch comedies. If you want action watch action movies. For the people that honestly want to get just the news (without all of the distracting, useless fluff) the options are becoming slim. I would honestly prefer to get my news from a station like PBS or C-SPAN than MSNBC, CBS News, FOX News, etc... and I do. Which channels have viewers that, statistically speaking, get the facts right much more often than the rest? That's right, the most "boring" channels... like PBS, C-SPAN, NPR, etc. Say what you will about their excitement factor... but at least they do their primary job, which is telling us the news.

seinfeldrules said:
Nobody is calling it news, it is called opinion (during these shows)
If part of the name of the channel is "News Channel" they should have a bare minimum amount of opinion shows (and all of the opinions presented by that channel should be contained in those few opinion shows... rather than having a lot of it mixed in with the news stories). Also, the debate shows they do have should follow relatively strict guidelines so each side can get a fair chance to discuss their views in a civilized manner... instead of allowing the already biased host constantly interrupt people he doesn't like, along with insulting them, yelling at them, cutting off their mic, etc. If you call yourself a news channel you should act like a news channel.

seinfeldrules said:
Yes, but again, these stations have the right to put on these shows and the right to say things as they feel (within reason). I dont care if the person is from the right or left. Put on Ann Coulter vs. the Canadian Parliament lady and give me some popcorn. Occasionally I want to see an exciting debate, not CSPAN.
Who says they have the right to show whatever they want while claiming to be a "news" channel and saying they are "fair and balance"? That would happen to be the same people that constantly get lobbied by the media corporations and, undoubtedly, bribed by them as well. Isn't that convenient? At one point, freedom of the press didn't include lying and slander/libel... but I guess it does now.

seinfeldrules said:
What do you expect when every liberal's hero is Michael Moore? :rolleyes:
... and every conservative's heroes are Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, etc? That would be an insulting remark about conservatives... as is the one about liberals idolizing Moore. You used to keep preaching about how everyone else needs to be less ignorant and avoid stereotyping conservatives. If you're not going to follow your own advice regarding people that don't share your beliefs you're credibility will go down faster than an intern on a person in the oval office.
I'm tired of people sterotyping us Canadians and I'm damn tired of Americans thinking they can own everything and everyone. It saddens me that they didn't have enough intelligence to cut out Bush from the election. How about it America? Lets have a Vietnam 2. Lets go f**k some people up in Iraq because we want there oil. Another pointless war for you Americans.
I'm in favor of some kind of painful and bloody spiked dildo torture for Ann Coulter.

Did I just cross the line with this post?
colson said:
I'm tired of people sterotyping us Canadians and I'm damn tired of Americans thinking they can own everything and everyone. It saddens me that they didn't have enough intelligence to cut out Bush from the election. How about it America? Lets have a Vietnam 2. Lets go f**k some people up in Iraq because we want there oil. Another pointless war for you Americans.
I'm tired of people sterotyping us Americans and I'm dang( that's better ) tired of Canadians thinking Americans think they can own everything and everyone. It saddens me that they think less of me because I think they didn't have intelligence because they didn't cut out Bush at the election. How about it Canada? Lets have a Vietnam 2 ( so we can improve your quality of life by sending up some more draft dodgers or rather those who dodge a perceived oncoming draft? )

I hope everybody knows, I have nothing against Canadians, nor do I think their people less impressive than we Americans. I just think our country is more impressive when you consider the economy, history, laws, and especially our military( booyah ;). You are free to ignore the cited reasons I consider, and consider reasons that might make Canada better than us because that is your right(!).
Johan_Tayn said:
I'm tired of people sterotyping us Americans and I'm dang( that's better ) tired of Canadians thinking Americans think they can own everything and everyone. It saddens me that they think less of me because I think they didn't have intelligence because they didn't cut out Bush at the election. How about it Canada? Lets have a Vietnam 2 ( so we can improve your quality of life by sending up some more draft dodgers or rather those who dodge a perceived oncoming draft? )

I hope everybody knows, I have nothing against Canadians, nor do I think their people less impressive than we Americans. I just think our country is more impressive when you consider the economy, history, laws, and especially our military( booyah ;). You are free to ignore the cited reasons I consider, and consider reasons that might make Canada better than us because that is your right(!).


there's a one fundamental difference between canada and the US:

no one hates canada
CptStern said:

there's a one fundamental difference between canada and the US:

no one hates canada
Also theres another difference...we don't give a damn if people do hate us.

Which is currently why we are in the shit hole with the world.
bliink said:
It is, but why make the immoral, right wingers/whatever extremists be the ones who happen to be projected to the rest of the world?

We do not choose, which sound bytes the world chooses. I'm married internationally, so I've seen this first hand.

I don't personally believe that the "right" is fairly represented by Anne Coultier (who I personally believe is a leftist schill), but she's definately not the prevailing voice here in the U.S. in fact I'd argue rather strongly that the left is the predominant voice in the media.

I lived in Germany for 10 years, and Beligum for 3, I married a Korean, and so my own perception of the U.S. might be more objective than others. Still I can say pretty matter-of-factly, that there is a strong bias in the media overseas, that joyfully pulls soundbytes like this one out to "represent" an America that doesn't really exist.
Tr0n said:
Also theres another difference...we don't give a damn if people do hate us.

Which is currently why we are in the shit hole with the world.

unfortunately it's all too true
I love the concept that a lack of hatred recieved somehow indicates goodfullness and niceosity. If no one hates you, it doesn't always mean you're a good person (or in this case a country) it just means not enough people care about you to hate you.

I don't hate Micronesia either, but then I couldn't find it on a map either, and frankly I have no need to.
I can find Micronesia on a map.

Still, things like this racial bickering - kind of make me think maybe an army of extra-dimensional Combine coming and enslaving us would be better. At least, that way, we woudln't be fighting amoungst each other. But we'd be lobotomized, which is kinda bad.

-Angry Lawyer
lord dubu said:
I love the concept that a lack of hatred recieved somehow indicates goodfullness and niceosity. If no one hates you, it doesn't always mean you're a good person (or in this case a country) it just means not enough people care about you to hate you.

I don't hate Micronesia either, but then I couldn't find it on a map either, and frankly I have no need to.

so in essence you're saying that since the US is hated then it must be because people care enough about the US to hate it?
Well that's what my Mama always said anyway... "you have to care about someone to hate them, indifference on the other hand is much more cruel."

Mama always says cute little things like that.