How to be an asshole in one lesson.

lord dubu said:
I love the concept that a lack of hatred recieved somehow indicates goodfullness and niceosity. If no one hates you, it doesn't always mean you're a good person (or in this case a country) it just means not enough people care about you to hate you.

I don't hate Micronesia either, but then I couldn't find it on a map either, and frankly I have no need to.
true.. I don't live on a border state, so I only hear about Canadians from the Internet and the media.. And, frankly, that is the same type of unbalance that the rest of the world has with us. They don't understand how Bush could won because defeat was ineluctable( or so it seemed ) because nobody liked him in all of the US they see; AKA the Media.
I second that. Terrorists have a REASON to exist, they don't kill, maim, rape and destroy for sheer pleasure.

Yes but if your REASON to spew terrorism is derived from 'holy text' and that killing is a good thing then I think you are misguided.
I also wouldn't say that all terrorists have a "reason". If you do some reading on the subject of the psychology of terrorists, you'll find that many only use reasons to justify thier own sadistic penchant for violence. Terrorism is in many (if not most) cases the manifestation of sociopathic disorders.

Take a look at the Chechen terrorists. I am usually loathe to generalize, but if ever there was a group of more purely evil people I can't think of one. (I want to emphasize that I said -terrorists-. I do not imply that everyone from Chechnya is by any means a terrorist) Here you have a group who don't just murder for thier own cause, but will go anywhere in the world there is conflict in order to be part of the violence there, whether it's directly related to thier "cause" or not.

No. Terrorists don't have to have a legitimate gripe, a reason to exist. Many are just sick depraved individuals who have managed to make a carear out of serial violence and murder.
(lord dabu) - I agree with your latter statement. Even terrorists have to eat.
peoplesuc said:
(lord dabu) - Even terrorists have to eat.

Why did that line make me picture Ahnuld holding a heavy machine gun and saying "Yah, dey kan eat lead!"?
Johan_Tayn said:
I think we are hated because we aren't owned by the UN.

Yup. That's why.

you got it all wrong. The US owns the UN, not the other way around
Never seen that before. :frown: Ann Coulter is a lying bitch and Tucker Carlson is a little, arrogant prick.

If you read into any of Coulter's "facts", you'll see that she lies time and time again. She doesn't want whats best for America, if she did, she'd keep her mouth shut. I think she has some mental problems, seriously. :hmph: What a dumb broad.

Thats the Fox News network for you. They run that crap all the time. The show should be written like this: Hannity and Colmes. (Thx to Al Franken)
chimpmunk said:

Speaks for itself, thank you USA for "allowing" me to exist on the same continent as you.
The xenophoby of this made me wanna puke.

wow they really pissed ya'll off.


that's exactly what they try and do. They're tongue in cheek and not taken very seriously. The more they say and do things that piss people off the more $$$$$$$ they make. People tune in to watch, listen, and yell at them on TV.

It's hillarious.

Kudos to them for figuring out a way to become very wealthy at the expense of their political/sociological/idealogical opposites.

good times. :bounce: :bounce: :thumbs:
Scoobnfl said:
Kudos to them for figuring out a way to become very wealthy at the expense of their political/sociological/idealogical opposites.

And yet the people that say this are the same ones that throw a fit over Michael Moore. Why am I not surprised?

Any way, aside from her just being a bitch, I am concerned by what she promotes (regardless if she's legit or not). She has the right to free speech, so I can grudgingly respect that. But God knows how much she contributes to xenophobia in the United States.
Scoobnfl said:
that's exactly what they try and do. They're tongue in cheek and not taken very seriously. The more they say and do things that piss people off the more $$$$$$$ they make. People tune in to watch, listen, and yell at them on TV.

It's hillarious.

Didn't find it funny at all... they may as well have been "tongue in cheek" about genocide if you think that was "hillarious"
Absinthe said:
And yet the people that say this are the same ones that throw a fit over Michael Moore. Why am I not surprised?.

I think Michael Moore sucks, he's a piss poor movie maker, worse even than Goebels. His schtick is old and busted. I do like that there is a cottage industry that has sprung up that makes $$$$ exposing his lies and cleverly edited 1/4 truths.

Absinthe said:
Any way, aside from her just being a bitch, I am concerned by what she promotes (regardless if she's legit or not). She has the right to free speech, so I can grudgingly respect that. But God knows how much she contributes to xenophobia in the United States.

Not too much xenophobia here in the USA. If there was we wouldn't have all of the Mexicans here that we do. She is incapable of promoting anything other than herself. Very very few people take her seriously.

somebody need to buy her some cheese burgers too.
bliink said:
Didn't find it funny at all... they may as well have been "tongue in cheek" about genocide if you think that was "hillarious"

you weren't supposed to. you were one of the ones that it was supposed to piss off. probably because you're in Canada and with Fox just getting on the air up there it was done to get people talking and to watch the show in hopes of being able to see her dumbass to yell at her on the TV.

looks like it worked.
Scoobnfl said:
you weren't supposed to. you were one of the ones that it was supposed to piss off. probably because you're in Canada and with Fox just getting on the air up there it was done to get people talking and to watch the show in hopes of being able to see her dumbass to yell at her on the TV.

looks like it worked.

..hilarious :hmph:

(nope, i'm not in canada)
Scoobnfl said:
I think Michael Moore sucks, he's a piss poor movie maker, worse even than Goebels. His schtick is old and busted. I do like that there is a cottage industry that has sprung up that makes $$$$ exposing his lies and cleverly edited 1/4 truths.

I think Ann Coulter sucks. She's a warmongering bitch that exhibits some of the staunchest ignorance and arrogance that exists.

And good luck to that supposedly booming industry of anti-Moore films, even though they all pale in comparison and can be considered utter failures when juxtaposed with Moore's work. And for every lie or half-truth they "expose", they create another one. Ain't that irony?

Not too much xenophobia here in the USA. If there was we wouldn't have all of the Mexicans here that we do.

There are other countries that exist aside from Mexico.

She is incapable of promoting anything other than herself. Very very few people take her seriously.

But she does have a following. She does have supporters. And she does have a degree of influence. While I'm not suggesting that she's going to disrupt the American social fabric as we know it, I still think that her thoughts and opinions can be dangerous.

you weren't supposed to. you were one of the ones that it was supposed to piss off. probably because you're in Canada and with Fox just getting on the air up there it was done to get people talking and to watch the show in hopes of being able to see her dumbass to yell at her on the TV.

looks like it worked.

What a ****ing dumbass.
news of the day:

Tucker carlson ...the same bow-tied moron on CNN's crossfire will NOT be getting his contract renewed

*me smirks uncontrollably*
Absinthe said:
There are other countries that exist aside from Mexico.


the xenopohobia you are phobic of does not exist. It may have in the past (chinese immigrants in the west late in the 1800's) but not now.

This is exemplified in the fact that a different looking and speaking people are welcomed here as the Mexicans and other central american people are.

Most of the people here in the USA want everyone across the world to enjoy the same freedoms we have here, and we welcome people that come here in hopes of participating in and embracing those freedoms. If you come here to complain about things, leech off of our hospitality and exploit our freedoms for your own idealogical gain then no, we for the most part don't want you here and do not welcome you.

Absinthe said:
What a ****ing dumbass.

back to personal attacks, I'm shocked. :x
Scoobnfl said:

the xenopohobia you are phobic of does not exist. It may have in the past (chinese immigrants in the west late in the 1800's) but not now.

This is exemplified in the fact that a different looking and speaking people are welcomed here as the Mexicans and other central american people are.

Did I ever say that the xenophobia was widespread? No, I didn't. But to deny it's existence (no matter its size) is stupid. I think that Anne Coulter contributes to something that I consider dangerous, and when people like her start to get more and more attention, then they find themselves having more power and influence. That's why I dislike her and what she thinks.

Most of the people here in the USA want everyone across the world to enjoy the same freedoms we have here, and we welcome people that come here in hopes of participating in and embracing those freedoms. If you come here to complain about things, leech off of our hospitality and exploit our freedoms for your own idealogical gain then no, we for the most part don't want you here and do not welcome you.

Exploit our freedoms for what ideological gain? Am I not allowed to criticize the system if my humble abode is located on soil belonging to the United States?

Tell me if I'm wrong. Does your line of reasoning go something like this?

"The United States is better and offers more than any third world shit hole you came from, so why are you bitching?"

Because I don't buy it. Even if the United States was a country of better quality than everywhere else, I don't think that should absolve it from its problems.

back to personal attacks, I'm shocked. :x

Somebody didn't find her amusing, but offensive and ignorant. So you went ahead and assumed that "Oh, if you're angry at her, then you must be some kind of angry Canadian".

May I even ask what Canada has to do with this?

If that wasn't an act of idiocy, then I don't know what is.
Idonotbelonghere said:
I live in Canada, therefore I wear a parka and I dogsled.

I'm thinking of adding on that Icefreeze Polarzone 2000 extension attachment for my Igloo... Any comments on it?

Absinthe said:
Did I ever say that the xenophobia was widespread? No, I didn't. But to deny it's existence (no matter its size) is stupid. I think that Anne Coulter contributes to something that I consider dangerous, and when people like her start to get more and more attention, then they find themselves having more power and influence. That's why I dislike her and what she thinks..

I don't like her much either, but I do find her entertaining.

My point in reference to xenophobia is that there is probably just as much in Switzerland, Holland, Denmark etc..... allbeit small, therefore largley irrelevant.

Absinthe said:
Exploit our freedoms for what ideological gain? Am I not allowed to criticize the system if my humble abode is located on soil belonging to the United States?

Tell me if I'm wrong. Does your line of reasoning go something like this?

"The United States is better and offers more than any third world shit hole you came from, so why are you bitching?"

Because I don't buy it. Even if the United States was a country of better quality than everywhere else, I don't think that should absolve it from its problems.

You missed it completely. That was more towards the likes of the 19 hijackers on 9/11, muslims that want Sharia law applied here in the USA, muslims that don't want to take their drivers license photo with their face showing, Sheik Rah'man, etc.........

Absinthe said:
Somebody didn't find her amusing, but offensive and ignorant. So you went ahead and assumed that "Oh, if you're angry at her, then you must be some kind of angry Canadian".

May I even ask what Canada has to do with this?

If that wasn't an act of idiocy, then I don't know what is.

I assumed that he was Canadian, because both Coulter and Carlson were referring to Canada in the clips provided in the link, and if I were a Canadian it would have pissed me.

Did you even watch the link, or did you forget that the content of the clips in the link was about Canada?