How would you describe love?

Angry Lawyer

May 31, 2004
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Simple, if not obscure question. And please don't drag this down with dirty posts.

How would you describe love? What would you describe the feeling as? How does one know if they are in love?

What do you do when you know they love you back?

What do you do when you know it'll never be - and no matter how hard you try, you know you'll never get to be together?

-Angry Lawyer
haha pendragon, thats pretty good. I can't answer most of those questions either. I've recently started a long term relationship, i'm not entirely sure if the feeling is 'love' but my feelings are so strong for her, always on my mind, and i'd die without her(not literally thats bordering cheesy). I don't know if i could feel anymore serious about i assume its love, well i hope it is, because it feels good, not in that way though! Just in my heart kinda thing.
Pendragon said:
I thought the general idea of love was accurately and humorously summed up by whoever said this: "Falling in love is like wetting your pants - everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth."

Of course it's more complicated than that, but big picture... :)

i'm SUUUUUURE that quote is from scrubs
Love is a great feeling that I feel where my heart is...weird really. But it scares me. Its not that I feel vulnerable. However trusting someone else with all that emotion is difficult, when you don't know what the right thing to do is.

I'd say, its a ride you have to take if you want to feel all the fulfilment of life. I wouldn't say that I know I'm love, but rather I trust that I am. When they love you back, never take it for granted and enjoy every moment as if it will end. If they don't... let them go :|

Its most deffinately, at once the most wonderful and most frustrating thing I've ever felt. But I'm all about confliction and contradictions when you really get deep down inside me.
love...hmm...can't be described! it's something that once you feel it you get addicted!

like your sig chu!
Farrowlesparrow said:
That was Ritz's location last time I checked. Somehow I don't think thats the case with her. I could be wrong....
Ritz and I are madly in love...woops i dropped the bomb :o
I'd say love is a bittersweet cocktail made from every other emotion.
sounds like a pretty shitty situation you're in, lawyer.
well, that's because you're a fish.
Mutual infatuation? I'm guessing, since infatuation is really the most I've ever felt towards someone. I wish I believed I could fall in love.
Laivasse said:
Mutual infatuation? I'm guessing, since infatuation is really the most I've ever felt towards someone. I wish I believed I could fall in love.

Infatuation... big word, but lets see what it means on

Main Entry: 2in·fat·u·ate
Pronunciation: -"wAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Latin infatuatus, past participle of infatuare, from in- + fatuus fatuous
1 : to cause to be foolish : deprive of sound judgment
2 : to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration

OMG PWNED! *sigh*
"I ain't got no body, and nobody cares for me. Yakka tak ta a yakka tak ta ha!"
Being in High School, I haven't felt real love, nor have the desire to at the moment. The closest thing I have really felt to love lasted for about a week.
Love is like a box of chocolates..ya never know what you're gonna get.
Love is longing, longing and a deep desire to be near this other person. That feeling itself is positive, but it's the results and circumstances that may turn love into something you detest, if for instance you simply don't have a chance to be near this person, then the longing just becomes painful.
Kinda like longing for a game, the hype creates an almost euphoric feeling when it's only a week left before the game is released, but that feeling will turn oh-so-painful if the game is delayed. *cough* Half-Life 2 *cough*

Anyway, I don't want to compare love to games, but as an emotion the longing for both are very similar; in fact, anything that has to do with longing for something is almost identical to love.

Thus, I think we can conclude that longing is one of the most positive emotions around.
Danimal said:
A signal in the brain.
No doubt in my mind that love is an enzymatic reaction, but it sure feels good. Hard to put my finger on it - everything I think of doesn't quite describe it accurately.
"Love is never having to say you're congested."

Wow... does anyone else really ****ing hate that commercial?
Long distance relationships are really painful. But the feeling of getting together each time is so good.

I believe this describes love from one point of view.
Ennui said:
well, that's because you're a fish.

That's not a fish, that's a super mario thingy. I read somewhere that only 15% of all people will ever find true love... probably bs though.
Tr0n said:
****...more like walking through hell.

actually, its more like staying in hell while your friend is in heaven.
15357 said:
actually, its more like staying in hell while your friend is in heaven.
Not really.

More like hell for both of you.

I would me.
Pendragon said:
I thought the general idea of love was accurately and humorously summed up by whoever said this: "Falling in love is like wetting your pants - everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth."

Of course it's more complicated than that, but big picture... :)

You should add "...until it cools off, freezes your legs, starts to stink and becomes very uncomfortable." then it would be complete and describe love...
A trick of the mind :O


Actually better describes as something that other people do :P (I'm not bitter, I just don't do 'love' )
ComradeBadger said:
A trick of the mind :O


Actually better describes as something that other people do :P (I'm not bitter, I just don't do 'love' )

Well...I guess I shouldn't be saying anything.