Humans Suck (mostly Dog--)

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Something I realized recently, is that animals all look the same because they don't use visuals to tell each other apart.

eh? eh?
Yeah, I dont know about whether its incorrect, but two parentheses probably shouldnt be put in one another. Instead you could probably use a semi-colon or "..." (forget the name of that) to signal a different thought.
Something I realized recently, is that animals all look the same because they don't use visuals to tell each other apart.

eh? eh?


I think he means amongst themselves rather than across different species.
Something I realized recently, is that animals all look the same because they don't use visuals to tell each other apart.

eh? eh?



I bet if aliens were to observe our species, they'd think we all looked the same, just like how all mice/elephants/cocks look the same to us.
Yes in fact I saw an experiment on TV where they exposed babies to loads of chimps over a few months, other people couldn't tell the difference between different chimps 'they all looked the same' but the babies could becuase they had been exposed to chimp faces enough times.
Humans Suck (mostly Dog-- (j/k Dog-- is the best human)

Humans suck (mostly Dog--)...j/k Dog-- is the best human.

I accidentally your grammar.:farmer:
But usually things in brackets mean a different thought or a related thought to the topic sentence part right? Or like a side note? And since that j/k part is referring to the part in brackets shouldn't it still be in brackets?

i r qonfused
Humans rule dogs suck because they don't know how to brackets
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