Hydra mod

sorry if i missed it, but has anyone emailed valve asking for the Hydra model? i don't see any reason why they would say no
It was in the leak, but it had no AI. Just a similar version to what you saw at e3 (scripted) and then it sat there idleing for a while, it didnt try to kill you and you couldn't kill it
As I have been thinking all along... REBUILD the leak ;)

Someone do it!

I mean the phystown map has been made into a DM map and I have now officaly seen that map on my pc. It's a shame that there is no scripted AI to go along with the map.
Why exactly cant you use the model from the leak? Sure its "bad" :rolleyes: but who ****ing cares - get over it already.

Secondly like most of Valves work it probably requires some sort of node or input todo something.

Just do a search :)
...to those who said it was impossible...


  • hydra10019.jpg
    99.7 KB · Views: 326
Sure it is, damn attachment limits.

ATM it cant hurt the player and its shadows abit flickery.


  • hydra10015.jpg
    64.3 KB · Views: 320
it will come in an expansion why would they leave something so cool out
azz0r said:
Sure it is, damn attachment limits.

ATM it cant hurt the player and its shadows abit flickery.

dam awsome,

Half Life 3 100% going to implement it.
Honestly its quite cool, but it really is no fun to fight.
My god, why didnt Valve think those thing people are suggesting here? Those are just mind-thrilling, that waving the player in the air and stuff.
Valve dudes, for godsakes are you reading this?
azz0r you are the man OMG that is amazing. Is it possible you could post a dl for that so we could see the hydra in action.. please......
I didnt create this and no dl link, specially not on these forums.
Cukel said:
My god, why didnt Valve think those thing people are suggesting here? Those are just mind-thrilling, that waving the player in the air and stuff.
Valve dudes, for godsakes are you reading this?
they kept it out because it's not fun to play against. it does look cool but gameplay trumps graphics.
azz0r said:
Honestly its quite cool, but it really is no fun to fight.

I thought the hydra was bigger ;)

Is that a mod? if so, where can I download it?
I thought the hydra was supposed to have a bigger, main body. Since I doubt anyone has that, I doubt it would be possible to fight the thing anyways. They really should implement a modified one into an exapnsion or sequel, seems like waaayyyy too cool a thing to go to waste. That and a lot of other stuff (creamators and some creature the combine capture in space and send after you)
Flyingdebris said:
The effect is a long chain of manhacks that seem to work together, when they are not wrapping themselves around enemies they wave around threateningly.

lmao omg that's funny :LOL: :LOL:
Ive seen the picture, for your own sake i hope thats real and you continue to work on it, because that is quite an achievement!
azz0r said:
I didnt create this and no dl link, specially not on these forums.

Post it up on hl2world, they will probably allow it.
Megalomaniac said:
I'm curious how you got this infomation...I really would like to play the leak just to know what I missed and how it was before, but until Vavle says it's alright(which will probably be never), I will just sit here

You tend to pick stuff like that up over at hl2world.
AHAHAHAHA Goethe stop making stupid Hydra threads about illegal content, and YES i did see the Gabe call, and STOP IT *happy i got that off my chest* I am watching, but i wasnt fast enough that time...

The biozeminades are the best enemies in HL2 ever, that kid who got HL1 but with biozeminades in was a true hero. if only we got to fight them...
Hey Glenn, just so you know I was going to piss on your "Half Life 3 Picture" thread but it got locked very quickly. At least mine don't get locked 5 seconds after I post them ;)
**** me dead, I've been hearing about these biozenithingys all over the place! Everyone seems to have a mental issue with telling people what they are! What's the big secret?
**** me dead, I've been hearing about these biozenithingys all over the place! Everyone seems to have a mental issue with telling people what they are! What's the big secret?

The big secret is that they don't exist
Yes, I see that's what they told you, in your thread. :p You, just like me, wanted to know what they were... and apparently now you know. "They don't exist". Then why are people like me asking questions about them? And why do they have a name? ;)
Voodoo_Chile said:
Would you demand Van Gough(Sic?) to stick in a bunch of Yammering clowns into "The Scream" to further portray is insanity?

Just felt like being a pedantic prick and pointing out that it was Edvard Munch that did The Scream, not Van Gough.

Kinda like saying 3D Realms did HL2. Very silly. ;)
Give you a clue why it was locked Goethe, i was asking on its reliability which someone pointed out for me quickly and my question was answered, there was no need to let it run any longer, an ideal situation. At least i only made one thread on the topic, rather than more than a page...need i show you this link again? http://www.halflife2.net/forums/search.php?searchid=281416 Good job + 2 pages now :) and im not the only one to notice it either. You'd fit great into the steam powered forums :LOL:

edit: hahaha i notice the biozeminades thread as well! nice one :LOL: Now you know all about em! and btw even the HL2.net mods are onto you!

Crushenator 500 said:
Oh and Goeth for someone that joined last month how the hell can you have made 32 threads!?
The Hydra was cut, the models should not be included with the game. :|
Hectic Glenn said:
You'd fit great into the steam powered forums :LOL:

edit: hahaha i notice the biozeminades thread as well! nice one :LOL: Now you know all about em! and btw even the HL2.net mods are onto you!

At least 4 different mods answered to my thread. That must be because they like me :)

PS: What are the steam powered forums like?
Goethe said:
PS: What are the steam powered forums like?

var steamPoweredAggressivness;
var steamPoweredHelpfullness;

My PHP is rusty but... :rolleyes: