I am building a headcrab!!!

thats awesome. little things like that that i would have never thought of will be so much fun to discover
Problem is though that anyone who reads this won't discover it in-game. It's been given away.
Posts with beta spoilers have been edited. Continue reading :)
Yes, you can not sell HL2/HL related things without legal permission from Valve and Vivendi.

That'd be breaking the TradeMark law, just wanted to make that clear!.
naw not planning on selling any of this, hell i wouldn't be able to mass produce em anyway

anyway i've put vinyl on 65% of its main body, i still have the legs to cover too. After that its painting time
kaf11 said:
can you hear the moaning in the videos, or in the playable beta?

I wouldn't know, I haven't played the beta...

Glad I got here after the spoiler had been deleted...
Maybe use paper mache to build a model capable of holding a more realistic rubbery skin. You can probably get fake animal fangs and claws from a costume shop and put them on the head crab too. Better yet, make a clay model of a headcrab, make a mold from it, use some kind of rubber compound to make a headcrab from the mold, fill the rubber headcrab with filler, paint, and you got yourself a headcrab suitable for outdoor wear!
A person I know suggested lycra or something similar, painted with fabric acrylics. Shiny, to give the appearance of slimyness, but tough and supple, with a fine weave.
well its too late to do those other techniques, though i admit they could probably yield better results. i was planning on using the vinyl as the first layer of skin, then paint, the grease it up with gesso and rubber cement, then paint over that. tthat would give the skin a slimy look
I asked: That'd probably work too, though she'd personally go with the lycra.

I wonder how many people are at first going to mistake you for someone doing the Mr Bean "I've Got A Turkey Stuck On My Head" routine.
that will have cement?
thats is no heavy?
cuz you will use that over your head

one thing impossible to do is

yeah yeah yeah make a full sized alex with 3 working orifices...............
The correct answer is... Alyx!

Congratulations Brian_Damage you get to the finals.
/me throws flowers at Brian.
Bri, who the hell is Friggy?
You've been around for ages, yet you do not know of the (very small) horror that is Friggy?

/me is amazed.
Brian Damage said:
You've been around for ages, yet you do not know of the (very small) horror that is Friggy?

/me is amazed.
You told me once. I never payed attention.
A common problem.

Friggy = Small, possibly nonbiological lifeform (I call him a Datasprite) that arrived via my computer, ruining a good monitor in the process. Now I can't get rid of him. A complete egotist, he eats everything, seems practically indestructable, and plays nasty tricks on those that he considers to have slighted/annoyed/disparaged him.

Ever had your fingers tied to your toes while you sleep?
dewd.... that r00lz..... im gonna make a hazard suit from cardboard or something, im gonna make it real too.... plenty of recycling centers around here so getting cardboard wont be a problem.... hehehe anyway im at the library and my time's ticking.... hazard suit.... *drool*
a hazard suit!?!?!?!?! you dont want a hazard suit, you want an Alien Grunt suit.... (with a hornet gun)
yeah that alyx comment was really pathetic, but your true motives were revealed with your "alex" freudian slip.
You could always pray to Zeus that the full sized Alyx would come life after you made her... :naughty:
well right now i'm still in the process of attaching "skin" to it, its hard work and i've had to start over a few times on certain areas.

it is currently covered with white vinyl which i plan to paint


  • headcrab 2.JPG
    headcrab 2.JPG
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with a mesh over the top you could use paper mache, it would save the sewing and would be good for texture!
Hope you don't mind suggestions, FD...

Now that you are using vinyl and your budget is tight. Go to an autoshop and try to find a product that is used to dip tool handles to give them a rubber grip. This could be painted over the vinyl to give it texture. When you start to paint make sure you use a special additive that adds flexability to the paint so it wont crack from movement of the vinyl... since you have an art background I'm sure you have a better alternative for the paint flexability issue.

Good luck.
i never heard of that rubber grip stuff, can you tell me what its called?
dude, that's like the coolest thing i've ever seen, i think the wire frame itself is better the completed combine mask...........SO COOL!
I don't think that they do. They probably sense movement.

As for an additive for the paint, Copydex comes to mind.