I had one of the best and worst dreams ever last night

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just remember though, life is utterly short and before you know it you'll grow old and your balls can't make kids anymore

no it's not, it's the longest thing you'll ever experience

Yes, then again I am not as dependent as other people.

Everyone treats it like a necessity, a status of who you are. At which point, most relationships become more like owning an object rather than having a mutual symbiotic relationship.

So most are a pain and a waste of time, because most people are not willing to do with the whole "mutual" aspect.

no it's not, it's the longest thing you'll ever experience

No, you're the longest thing I've ever experienced babi!!!!!
To explain the context of this first I have to say I have never had a girlfriend and I am now ****ing 18 and it really depresses me.
18? When you count all those girlfriends the rest of your mates have had that make you jealous, stop counting the ones they had when their balls hadn't dropped. You're still in the majority if you haven't been in a "serious" (ahahahaha) relationship at 18, and most people your age won't go with a girl for more than a month until it goes tits up anyway.
Yes, then again I am not as dependent as other people.

Everyone treats it like a necessity, a status of who you are. At which point, most relationships become more like owning an object rather than having a mutual symbiotic relationship.

So most are a pain and a waste of time, because most people are not willing to do with the whole "mutual" aspect.

Call me naive and idealistic, but I think you're missing out on some aspect about having a girl/boyfriend
18? When you count all those girlfriends the rest of your mates have had that make you jealous, stop counting the ones they had when their balls hadn't dropped. You're still in the majority if you haven't been in a "serious" (ahahahaha) relationship at 18, and most people your age won't go with a girl for more than a month until it goes tits up anyway.

Strange. Most people I know are in serious relationships.
You are what I call, a Co-Dependent person, you worry too much about the things other people are doing that you think it is "bad" to not have a girl freind at the age of 18. We are all going to die, but living life thinking that it is "bad" that you are lonely is bad, you obvously have not found your calling or what I call "Substitute of Life", mine is game design, and unless you have not found yours yet, dont worry, there are better things than women on this planet.

Dreams Never Die, Women Do.
And then dreams die when you die. After your woman's mutilated in a horrific car crash and your only son becomes a Republican.
Ease up, dude. Like several have said, it's not bad to not have a girlfriend. Personally, I can't stand the nasty little bitches. (I'm 17 though.) At the last few years of High School girls think they know everything, and that all guys are just stupid, which is why you shouldn't waste time. Some people find a high school sweetheart and stay with that person, but that seems boring to me. One of my friends actually told me this: "Well, dating in High School is like practice. If you don't get it in now then you won't know how to do it when you get out in the world." And then i proceeded to slap him over the back of the head. If being with someone fun requires practice, I don't ever want to do it. It seems silly to me that everybody has turned relationships into a game. If it's going to be a game, I'll gladly sit on the bench until someone comes and takes me elsewhere. It's bound to happen. That or I'll see someone that I just can't stay away from, and at that point I will make friends and be sure, and then date, and see where it goes from there.

I wouldn't worry about it, man. Girls will come and go like weather. Figure out who you are before you worry about who someone else is. Get a ****, sure, but don't waste time on a girl. All it does is cause stress, as far as I see.

On another note, lately I've been having a dream where I get into a fist fight, seemingly with a really little guy, and I punch him and it hits him, and he doesn't appear to be hurt at all. He just stands there, as my punch has done nothing, and he proceeds to knock me down, and that's where I usually wake up and punch my bed to reassure myself... I know in reality if i did punch someone it would really **** them up, but this is really frightening to me... Maybe I should get in a fight and deck some dude.
Call me naive and idealistic, but I think you're missing out on some aspect about having a girl/boyfriend

What I'm saying is I know how the majority of them are from my own experience and experience my friends and people I know have had.

The simple fact is, most people you meet are not good potential mates, this is obvious.
Yes, then again I am not as dependent as other people.

Everyone treats it like a necessity, a status of who you are. At which point, most relationships become more like owning an object rather than having a mutual symbiotic relationship.

So most are a pain and a waste of time, because most people are not willing to do with

All of this. Honestly, high school relationships are such bullshit it makes me sick to my stomach.
I have these kinds of dreams all the time, except it's about someone very much real and someone I should very much be with. The crushing disappointment from waking up is I how I start nearly every single day. You really can't win with dreams, the bad ones make you feel brainraped for the whole day and good ones make you want to kill yourself.
^ the truth he speaks.

I ****ing hate those dreams, those perfect dreams of a perfect life, then you wake up and realize you got to deal with your usual shit for the day and the perfect dream is gone.
Yeah, I had one a couple weeks ago with Amazing Girl. Definitely depressed the shit out of me, and I'd forgotten it until now.
I had this crazy dream where my girlfriend came out of the closet, and started making out with some girl named 'Cindy', yes, I remember the name and it was odd that that named turned up.
It was a truly weird dream, because then I woke up and felt better.
Your GF is making out with some babe named Cindy and you feel better when you wake up? Fruit.

It was really distressing at the time.
Strange. Most people I know are in serious relationships.
That may be what it looks like now, but come back to this thread in a year or so, and you may change your mind. I know of two 'serious' couples from that age that actually still speak to each other (well, they're on better terms than that. It's just every other relationship went apocalypso). The main reason is that at 18, you're just about to step out into the real world, and most people realise that their dollhouse romances are a hilarious facade, or that there's more to life than popping your cherry. Or that fidelity can really go suck one when there are so many people out there, and Venereal Diseases should be collected like Pokemon.

Of course, I'm completely the wrong person to be lecturing on relationships. But I just calls them like I sees them. This close to Valentines day, it's always essential to have a catalogue of other's people's romantic miseries. My philosophy of "don't try, don't fail" will see me through. Well, not through university. That didn't work out too well :p
My ex made out with a lot of women during our relationship.
^ the truth he speaks.

I ****ing hate those dreams, those perfect dreams of a perfect life, then you wake up and realize you got to deal with your usual shit for the day and the perfect dream is gone.

I think this is the first one I've had that was so good that's the thing :|

Oh well this topic has actually cheered me up immensely, thanks guys :)
Ease up, dude. Like several have said, it's not bad to not have a girlfriend. Personally, I can't stand the nasty little bitches. (I'm 17 though.) At the last few years of High School girls think they know everything, and that all guys are just stupid, which is why you shouldn't waste time. Some people find a high school sweetheart and stay with that person, but that seems boring to me. One of my friends actually told me this: "Well, dating in High School is like practice. If you don't get it in now then you won't know how to do it when you get out in the world." And then i proceeded to slap him over the back of the head. If being with someone fun requires practice, I don't ever want to do it. It seems silly to me that everybody has turned relationships into a game. If it's going to be a game, I'll gladly sit on the bench until someone comes and takes me elsewhere. It's bound to happen. That or I'll see someone that I just can't stay away from, and at that point I will make friends and be sure, and then date, and see where it goes from there.

I wouldn't worry about it, man. Girls will come and go like weather. Figure out who you are before you worry about who someone else is. Get a ****, sure, but don't waste time on a girl. All it does is cause stress, as far as I see.

On another note, lately I've been having a dream where I get into a fist fight, seemingly with a really little guy, and I punch him and it hits him, and he doesn't appear to be hurt at all. He just stands there, as my punch has done nothing, and he proceeds to knock me down, and that's where I usually wake up and punch my bed to reassure myself... I know in reality if i did punch someone it would really **** them up, but this is really frightening to me... Maybe I should get in a fight and deck some dude.

agreed. and Pesh, your right. some people just havent got out into the world to see what trickery gays get up to. Pesh is not gay, my brother is not gay. all is good. this thread about straight relationships is turning into one about gay people.

i think this thread is sorted now after what van halen said. lets get back on topic or it might as well be locked
I think this is the first one I've had that was so good that's the thing :|

Oh well this topic has actually cheered me up immensely, thanks guys :)

see what i mean. 'cheered me up immensely'.
I suppose this another classic case of helplife2.net but last night I had a great dream but it was so good compared to real life it has put me down all day

To explain the context of this first I have to say I have never had a girlfriend and I am now ****ing 18 and it really depresses me. But for some reason last night I had a dream that I did have one and she was ****ing beautiful and I was really truly happy, unbelievably so.

Then I woke up and I came back to reality :| The crushing difference between that and reality saddened me and I wanted to go back to sleep :(

This makes me wonder if I am ****ed up :(

Any thoughts on this weird thing?

omggg u must be messed up in da head d00d

You can't be serious?? I have dreams like this every week. And as for you being 18 and not dating: rofl stop being dramatic!! I'm ****ing 22 and I haven't had an actual girlfriend since I was 15.
When my dog died I had dozens of dreams about him coming back to life. They were so common and so believable that eventually I would remember the previous dreams within the current dream, and be suspicious of what was going on. As a result of this I would seek further confirmation within the dreamstate - I'd ask dream family members if what I was seeing was really real; whether this time Kerry really had returned unlike the previous times which were just dreams. And they would look at the dog and pet him and be all like 'wow, it's crazy but it certainly seems to be the case...' Then I'd wake up and be even more depressed :(

I know exactly what you mean. I've had that several times, dreaming of our old hamster, Champstar. I was really crushed when Chammy died and I still have dreams about him. I've had a lot which are just like the ones you described.
When you get older you'll realize that having a relationship/spouse is overrated. You'll figure out that girls like guys for different reasons. As quickly as they appear, they dissapear, like snakes.

I don't have dreams as much as I used to. Not since I realized they aren't reality and it's likely that I want something I can never have.

Not that I'm saying you aren't ging to find someone, and good luck with that, it's just that my old self is tired of searching.

So yeah, good luck finding the right person who will not murder you. Also, beware the Closet Dragon and Woobie From Hell.
omggg u must be messed up in da head d00d

You can't be serious?? I have dreams like this every week. And as for you being 18 and not dating: rofl stop being dramatic!! I'm ****ing 22 and I haven't had an actual girlfriend since I was 15.

Okay, it's just I've never actually had a dream like that before and so the idea really shocked me.

And like I said everyone that I do know is dating.
I had a dream the other night where I played Bruce Willis' annoying sidekick in one of his movies. Then we met up afterwards and took a ride in his car through Chinatown while having a surreal discussion about how recession proof the gaming industry is.

That was a pretty awesome dream.

this is you, OP

you're alone

also you'll never dream of her again no matter how hard you try
Yeah... No. Sure you can dream about a day like that, but after the good feeling wears off, you'll realize what a bitch she is and you'll want to kill yourself for ever wanting to date that girl...

Happened to me plenty of times, tbh. Then again, I live in podunk where everyone thinks they know every god-damned thing, when they just happen to know... DAHN DAHN DAAAAAH: NOTHING! :D

Isn't life grand? -.-
I didn't lol.

[strike]I cried.[/strike] I shed manly tears.

You are a mean, mean person. And I am just now realizing that. :(

The internet is a cruel mistress.
Oh damn you darkside


*shakes fist wildly into the air*
You will never get a real life hug from a woman.

The internet hugs you receive will leave you feeling empty and hollow.

You will try to hug yourself, but it won't be the same.

Sulks you ruined my perfectly placed hateful comment and made me have to edit this post

Kudos to you good sir

Also I punch the internet because I love her