I hate SOME people

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May 24, 2003
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I can still feel myself shaking with anger. I was just out in the park taking pictures for someone, and as I was moving deeper into it, I hear a faint noise. I thought it was a vird at first, but as I got more andmore into the darker part of the park I realised it was a young woman screaming and then what sounded like a guy being kicked or something. I tried to find them, I just heard her shouting for help and I couldn't get to her, I just dropped my bike and ran into the trees and bushes, but I couldnt find them. Eventually it stopped, and it sounded like a guy said "someones there" I still didn't know where they were, and I realised there were two guys. I tried to see if I could find them, but then I saw two big shadows coming out of a bush. At that point I ran...I feel so bad for doing that, but I know I couldn't beat them up because they were both bigger than me and obviously there was two of them one of me. I just rode out of the park and went to the police station, which is closed. YOU DON'T CLOSE POLICE STATIONS! I think the guys were heading out of the park though, so those people could still be there. I don't know...Why do men do this sort of thing, it makes me sick thinking I'm the same sex as a man who would dare do that to a woman.
I mean...I don't know what else I can do now.

It happened about 30 minutes ago now...
I don't know what to say... you where right to run, getting beat up wouldn't help anyone. interrupting them probly scared them off as well.

they're closing police stations faster and faster these days...
Damn, man, that's really screwed up. I would definately write a letter to the City about what happened, so they can get the Police Station staffed 24/7 to prevent things like this.
Yeah at least you probably scared them off. I hope the woman is ok. I think if I ever came across a woman being abused or something I'd go beserk.

It's a sad thing but thats the way of the world I suppose. I think the statistic is like 1/3 of women experience domestic abuse here in the U.S. The rape statistics probably aren't pretty either.
Man ur noble for even stopping and seeing what the deal was... not many people would even bother doing that. Thumbs up and I hope the lady is alright.
Man Farrow, that's pretty scary. Could you call the police and report what happened,; perhaps on an emergency line? I'm glad to hear you're alright. Sticking around to fight them would have been a very, very bad idea.
you did what you could, dont beat yourself up about it. You did stop them from doing what they were doing. You should probably report it to the police, maybe they can send a car to check out the park
Farrowlesparrow said:
I mean...I don't know what else I can do now.

It happened about 30 minutes ago now...

Phone the police and tell them what you saw?

Hope she's OK. Good on you for investigating though.
Although I doubt that it will make you feel any better it may help you to know that you did far more to help than what seems like 99% of the population out there, male or female. Most people usually try to pretend nothing is happening and ignore it.

Obviously you were willing to actually try and stop whatever may have been occuring. Seriously if you think that woman may still be in danger then call emergency services as fast as you can and get them on the scene.
:(, that happened to my old best friend, maria... i was traumatized for a year... but another time, another thread for that story
wow, scary stuff man...
Hope everythings alright, whatever you do, don't go back without a little back up. Call a few friends, contact the police to make sure everything is ok.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I can still feel myself shaking with anger. I was just out in the park taking pictures for someone, and as I was moving deeper into it, I hear a faint noise. I thought it was a vird at first, but as I got more andmore into the darker part of the park I realised it was a young woman screaming and then what sounded like a guy being kicked or something. I tried to find them, I just heard her shouting for help and I couldn't get to her, I just dropped my bike and ran into the trees and bushes, but I couldnt find them. Eventually it stopped, and it sounded like a guy said "someones there" I still didn't know where they were, and I realised there were two guys. I tried to see if I could find them, but then I saw two big shadows coming out of a bush. At that point I ran...I feel so bad for doing that, but I know I couldn't beat them up because they were both bigger than me and obviously there was two of them one of me. I just rode out of the park and went to the police station, which is closed. YOU DON'T CLOSE POLICE STATIONS! I think the guys were heading out of the park though, so those people could still be there. I don't know...Why do men do this sort of thing, it makes me sick thinking I'm the same sex as a man who would dare do that to a woman.
I mean...I don't know what else I can do now.

It happened about 30 minutes ago now...
WTF?They close police stations in England?You couldn't have done anything...they were 2 big guys against you.Don't worry dude the police there will get them.That is if they open at a certain time.....
Yeah well I told em but I doubt they are gonna do anything. Cars cant get in the park, its a big park, its a dark park, and its got a million ways in and out. I doubt il even hear about it in the paper. I think im in shock because i just dont feel anything at all about the situation now. i dont know, its hard to explain. but I still just have a horrible feeling i should have done something more. and you can say all you want about not beating yourself up but you dont walk away from that shit not caring
yeah they close policestations in places like this. cars still patrol but thats it. usaually this town only gets a few drunken brawls, and even then its on the other side of the river, you almost never get anything over this side with the park
Well of course you'll beat yourself up, you seem like a nice guy... You care about what happens to that person, but please listen to what i'm saying, stay away from there (park) until this blows over, and if you do go back please, please bring friends (preferably muscular friends with bats and clubs)
Im surprised the Police station was closed. Isnt that illegal? Or do you mean permenantly shut down? If its not, it should be....
Its because of the way they run it round here. They have a big central station, and smaller ones around. I live in a town where they happen to have a smaller one. polcie cars patrol but thats it. You can call 999 and get help but it takes a while. I tried to flag down a passing police car and tell them but there really isnt much they can do about it.
damn bastards, that makes me mad. this is part of the reason I physically train and do jeet kune do, so if i need to step into a situation where a confrontation needs to happen i can have some confidence that i will **** them up good, unless they have a gun, then its time to retreat like hell and call the authorities.
god damn bastards

i also cant stand people that would do that to women. i hope they burn in hell. it makes me angry just thinking about it...
It was better for you to run, who knows, you could have been raped to.
the girl might have had a chance if 2 guys werent on her, you could distract one at least and still have a chance to run away if they were packing heat.
Personally I think you should of tried to take them out. Or at least give the girl time to run off, then she could of got the police. Unless you live in a bad part of England, doubt they would be carrying guns. Laws for guns in England are alot better then USA.
Its easy to say you'd have gone in there and taken the guys out... but this is a forum. In real life you would actually fear for your life - you cant simply close the browser and not get the life beaten out of you in the real world.

I'd probably have confronted the people or atleast get a look at them, size them up and get details that would help any police investigation - and then run like the wind if they were bigger than me.

You did the right thing farrow, this countrys going down the tubes and you should look out for your own safety - people these days get stabbed in the face with screwdrivers for doing nothing.
I agree men are seriously ****ed in the head. It's never a woman that kidnaps 12 co-workers, amputates their arms then rapes the torsos. It's always men.

Why are we so ****ed up? Why?
I'd have stayed. I would probably have been beaten up, but it would have given her a chance to get away. And who knows, She might have helped fight. I dunno...
And bigger/stronger means nothing in a fight. Knowledge and skills mean everything. I'd bet 50$ my sister could beat anyone here up. (Unless your a black belt with 8+ years of training on ya...)
I know a little, perhaps enough to do some good. Although, I AM overtly confrontational. I have the bad habit of now knowing when to back down. :(

But Closing a police station?!? Sheesh. :(
You could have chilled around the parking lot and got people license plate numbers. and then see if two burly looking guys got into cars...

Why didn't you call 911? ohh i just read you're in england, do they not have a 911 equivelant in england?
karate is overrated. a beginner jeet kune student can take down a black belt karate student easily.

anyway no offense, but i don't think the poster did anything admirable, hes just pissed off at the situation. but a learning experience nonetheless.(you might not have needed the ability to beat them up, the fact that someone stands up to them can be enough to disperse the situation)

and lepobz, shut it. not everyone is unrealistic on a forum. its easy to give that speech to people. i regard my life so low that i would have done something even if i was a weak shrimp.
god bless america, land of the concealed weapons permit. if i ever heard anything like that, id pull out my fiveseven and set things straight. i know one thing though, even if i didnt have my 5 theres no way in hell i would run from that, i couldent. i know even if i ended up hurt, or something i couldent live with having left that situation. i dont know, its just how i am. its the kind of attitude i have that is driving me toward law enforcement.

then again, you never know what it could have been. overall you did the right thing.
poseyjmac said:
and lepobz, shut it. not everyone is unrealistic on a forum. its easy to give that speech to people. i regard my life so low that i would have done something even if i was a weak shrimp.
Some people have better lives than you. Women get raped all the time - its a fact of life ... innocent people get stabbed to death with screwdrivers and kitchen knives... that's a fact of life too.

Running into a situation that will likely get you killed is just stupid - as I said, getting details of the attackers and getting the hell out would be the most appropriate course of action.
lePobz said:
Some people have better lives than you. Women get raped all the time - its a fact of life ... innocent people get stabbed to death with screwdrivers and kitchen knives... that's a fact of life too.

Running into a situation that will likely get you killed is just stupid - as I said, getting details of the attackers and getting the hell out would be the most appropriate course of action.

well that first sentence is subjective since you don't know what my life entails.

and crap like that is a fact of life because of people like you, thats for sure. you don't have to 'run' into a situation to handle it, it doesn't have to be a decision to either run away or charge them full force. like i said, just standing your ground and with the right expression on your face can do enough to stop things like that. many people aren't going to kill you and risk going to prison. rapists are some of the biggest pussies ever.
Rape gets you a one way ticket to prison. And generally people hang around in groups of 3 so they can overpower any would-be hero. I'm guessing they would have armed themselves with knives also - yes, they are pussies.

And no, I don't know what your life entails, but as you say - you don't think much of it ... well, some people don't want to die so early, they have things to live for.
gh0st said:
god bless america, land of the concealed weapons permit. if i ever heard anything like that, id pull out my fiveseven and set things straight. i know one thing though, even if i didnt have my 5 theres no way in hell i would run from that, i couldent. i know even if i ended up hurt, or something i couldent live with having left that situation. i dont know, its just how i am. its the kind of attitude i have that is driving me toward law enforcement.

then again, you never know what it could have been. overall you did the right thing.
Err, gh0st, not to disagree with you, but I thought Five-seveN's were illegal for civilians here in the states? It's not the weapon itself that's the problem, it's the armor penetrating round it fires (same as the P90, 5.7x28mm.) FN's page can be found here. It's a very nice weapon, but I just don't understand how you came into possession of one :thumbs:

By the way, all of you saying that Farrow should have done more to help her are either horrible human beings, or just internet tough guys :(. He is obviously upset that he couldn't do more to help her, but put yourself into the actual position, it wasn't a video game. If he would have tried to step in, he could have been killed. Even if is sound cheesy, it's the truth. Like others have said, people are murdered for no reason these days, so when there is an actual motive, the risks go way up :|

Quit insulting him, it doesn't make you look cool when insulting someone who just wittnessed something so horrible :hmph:
Yeah, someone should knit poseyjmac a superhero outfit or something.

Truth is, rape happens a lot. You can't stop them all, but you can help put them behind bars - and this doesn't mean risking your life by trying to take on 3 guys by yourself (a pretty stupid fight) - simply taking details would ensure they got put away.
frosty: do you think the girls family would think we were horrible human beings too?
lePobz said:
Some people have better lives than you. Women get raped all the time - its a fact of life ... innocent people get stabbed to death with screwdrivers and kitchen knives... that's a fact of life too.

Running into a situation that will likely get you killed is just stupid - as I said, getting details of the attackers and getting the hell out would be the most appropriate course of action.
Well some people aren't like you lepobz...Realisticly if it was me I would have distracted the guys...even if it meant death to allow her to run away.But of course you probally wouldn't understand that...now would you?Now in Farrows postion he couldn't do anything except tell the police what has happend.So he has done something to put those guys behind bars...and I for one am proud of farrow.
lePobz said:
Yeah, someone should knit poseyjmac a superhero outfit or something.

Truth is, rape happens a lot. You can't stop them all, but you can help put them behind bars - and this doesn't mean risking your life by trying to take on 3 guys by yourself (a pretty stupid fight) - simply taking details would ensure they got put away.

many people would do the same, im no different from an average unselfish person.

why is everything so black and white to you? you keep thinking i suggested that he charge them and fight to the death? all i was saying is he should have stood his ground for a while longer, which would still leave his life relatively safe, but it might be enough for them to disperse.

if not then it would be a decision to run away or do something else. there is always risk of being harmed in a situation like that, and they probably didn't expect someone to stand up to them, because if they did it would make the situation more complicated. punks like those don't like complicated situations.
poseyjmac said:
frosty: do you think the girls family would think we were horrible human beings too?
Oh great, this is where the thread spirals into flames...

Posey, all I'm saying is, what more could he have done? If you would have run in guns blazing, that's up to you, but personally I think he did what any of us would do in such a situation (unless in possession of a CCW, etc.) Rapists have a long history of killing people, and by rushing in, you would be endangering yourself and the woman being raped. He said that the rapists noticed him, and that was probably enough to stop them. I don't know how many high adrenaline situations you've been in, but things can go horribly awry in seconds. If one of the rapists were to panic, he could have turned violent and killed both of them.
lePobz said:
Its easy to say you'd have gone in there and taken the guys out... but this is a forum. In real life you would actually fear for your life - you cant simply close the browser and not get the life beaten out of you in the real world.

...What? Thanks for that, and hear I was thinking he was talking about something get raped (maybe) over a forum! Silly me! [/sarcasm]

I ment in real life.. geez. considering im a girl, I would'nt, as one, dont want to be raped as well, and two, I can hardly take out 2 or 3 guys, but he could of at least tried. But whatever... going to the police also would be the right thing to do.
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