I honestley believe half life 2 is gonna be the greatest gaming experiance ever.

HL2 will be fun, we know that, we don't need 300 threads saying so.
etzel90 said:
HL1 is to spiderman as HL2 is to spiderman 2, Just a little comparison to how good it will be, nad how much better it will be compared to the first one.

HL1 one is Godfather, and hopefully HL2 will be Godfather II.

Now those are classics - spiderman is a newbie compared to them.
Thats pretty much all we can do til it gets released...

Man I can't believe how long I have been visiting these forums, I have never EVER looked forward to one thing so much.

In fact I feel bad for you guys, I'm cursed, and so the one thing I look forward to will probably never come out.

The only other computer game I have been interested in for a while was warhammer online, and they stopped it's development not long after I started waiting for it :(

So yeah, my luck has destroyed you all :( I caused the delay, not the hackers :(
Whos going to pass out the crowbars to beat him?
yeah but it had so much more when it was all a suprise. It's like a haunted house where you know what's gonna happen. It is a kick ass ride but, it's missing the *BANG*.

Like a grenade you didn't know was there. BOOM. in yah face.

That's the magic of Fps gaming.
lans said:
HL1 one is Godfather, and hopefully HL2 will be Godfather II.

Lets hope HL3 isn't like Godfather III.....that one sucked.
Arrives with a giant wooden box of crowbars...ummm....

Hey! Does anyone have a crowbar???
Crusader said:
Thats pretty much all we can do til it gets released...

Man I can't believe how long I have been visiting these forums, I have never EVER looked forward to one thing so much.

In fact I feel bad for you guys, I'm cursed, and so the one thing I look forward to will probably never come out.

The only other computer game I have been interested in for a while was warhammer online, and they stopped it's development not long after I started waiting for it :(

So yeah, my luck has destroyed you all :( I caused the delay, not the hackers :(

For real dude?
:| I am just worried about when I go into the store the first day it is released and it's all gone. Maybe I should invest in Pre-ordering, because I KNOW for a fact most of you will have that junk like the first minute it comes out, I will be jealous missing out on what you guys discuss about getting it and playing it. :frown:
Ah i remember, a couple of weeks ago. I had a dream. I was walking up to my computer. It was turned on. I go into Steam. I opening the Games menu. I cannot believe my eyes. On top of the menu, I see the words I never expected.

Half-Life 2.

First I thought it was some kind of bug, but eagerly double-clicked it.

'Preparing to play Half-Life 2...'

Then the menu came up. The same menu I saw from the E3 2004 trailer. I was astounded.

I was in shock for a minute. But all the sudden, I screamed out

Then I woke up... damn my alarm clock.
My school is starting on August 16. I won't get to play it during the summer break. Come on valve release it on August 15? One day of Hl-2 would be enough for me.
kidrock450 said:
Nice sig. Do you post on the RTW boards?


The org.

and i lurk on the .com but dont post their.
you know, i used to be as pumped as your about the game
trying to convey my feelings to other gamers, both hardcore and casual
but for some reason i lost that feeling months back...
i guess its because i got sick of waiting
but dont get me wrong, as soon as it's released, ill be going NUTZ
Dougy said:

The org.

and i lurk on the .com but dont post their.

i post on the .com and legiontotalwar.com and browse the .org

YOUR THE COOLEST KNIGHT YELLOW! lol i love how u compared BFME againts RTW and completely blew BFME out of the water :bounce:
uziholda said:
I never doubted it for one minute,but after watching the e3 vid again and examining it really closely i am just astounded,a game that actually feels like effort has been put into it,this game literally defines a perfect game already,and i think valve are due a very very very big pat on the back,once this game is released and i believe valve will stick to their guns this time and deliver it when they say they will,it will be the most awesome game ever created,doom 3 looks good,i wouldent doubt that for a second either,but as far as story,ai interaction,and graphics (yes many of you doubt hl2`s graphics,i wouldent if i were you) i think this game is gonna simply destroy everything on the market,this is another classic in the making im telling you guys,in 4 years from now,we are still gonna be talking about that time in hl2 when.....

yes belive it,its so close we can smell it 2 months guys 2 MONTHS AND WE WILL BE PLAYING THIS GAME ON OUR PCS LOCKED IN OUR ROOMS AWAY FROM LIFE!!!!!

once we complete it (or take breaks but who wants them? :cheers: ) we will come here for id say 5 mins,then its TO CS SOURCE OR DOD OR TF2 TO DO SOME OWNING!!!!

then we will have pictures of ragdoll deaths all over the boards,and then after all the dust has settled and we have literally experianced perfection on a disc,we will be anticipating hl3

god i love valve.

god i love you guys


I like the enthusiasm, but in the future remember that ecstacy is BAD!
Half Life 2 should be remembered as the "The Empire Strikes Back" of the Half-Life series...just as long as HL3 does not follow the trend and introduce Ewoks because a planet full of Wookies might be too scary for the kids (damn you George Lucas - that would've been so damned cool!)
Half Life 2 should be remembered as the "The Empire Strikes Back" of the Half-Life series...just as long as HL3 does not follow the trend and introduce Ewoks because a planet full of Wookies might be too scary for the kids (damn you George Lucas - that would've been so damned cool!)
Let's hope its not the "Return of the Clones" of the HL series or anything released within the last 6 years buy Lucas.
Actually on the day of HL2's release, I'm going to make a special thread - it's going to be a little sad but it will also be very poignant as well and hopefully, make the community realize how very lucky we are.
You're all a bunch of wierdo's, and if any of you butt in front of me while I'm waiting in line to purchase it, I'll hit you with my Collectors Edition Box. :E
Wow. Some of you guys are going to be really disappointed when HL2 is released. Honestly, you think this game will change your lives? Jesus Christ....

BTW I think the thread poster, uziholda, is just taking the piss out of fan boys. If he really is serious, he needs professional help.
HL 2 looks amazing dudes. Half Life 1 was my favorite FPS ever since 6-8 this game has something very secret in it. Yes a lot of effort been put in that game, this game will be awesome. Delay of the game or note there is only one thing I know. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, ever week, every months, we are getting closer and closer to Half Life 2 to play it in our locked up isolation rooms!
yeah some of you need lives or GIRLFRIENDS or something...if you get THIS excited about a VIDEO GAME you need to just turn the computer off and go outside lol. taste reality its a lot sweeter
kidrock450 said:
yeah some of you need lives or GIRLFRIENDS or something...if you get THIS excited about a VIDEO GAME you need to just turn the computer off and go outside lol. taste reality its a lot sweeter

Yeah but reality is so hard when your an overweight child in a community that demands perfection.......*farts* hehe...
Most memories or in some cases, out of the trilogy...the first one rocked, second was better, third one blew.....HL2 will probably end up the best one out of the 3.
Not necesserally, tokin.

Look at the Matrix series :p
Me too. Every other game seems to be so normal. HL2 doesn't seem to be normal. It is HL2 :O
Actually on the day of HL2's release, I'm going to make a special thread - it's going to be a little sad but it will also be very poignant as well and hopefully, make the community realize how very lucky we are.

The last thing these forums need are more posts about "OMG HL2 is so great"
kidrock450 said:
yeah some of you need lives or GIRLFRIENDS or something...if you get THIS excited about a VIDEO GAME you need to just turn the computer off and go outside lol. taste reality its a lot sweeter

how predictable. it was just a matter of time, before someone spouted this idiotic way of thinking in another thread that hinted at enthusiasm for a video game.

telling people the right way to live, the right things to like or dislike. making blind assumptions like a clumsy dolt. and you happen to be that dolt right now. but consider yourself lucky, you get to learn about life today.

most importantly, not everyone is like you. people will like what they like. who are you to say what's acceptable and whats not? people's lives are what they make them, everything you do in life is part of life, including gaming, there is no right or wrong when comparing a social life to a gaming life. telling someone to get a life would be an unintelligent thing to say, since whatever they are doing is in life.

some people aren't as whipped by pop-culture as you might be. some people don't structure their entertainment based on peer-pressure and what MTV says is cool. word of advice, open your mind, there are people out there that don't give a damn what others think about what they do. maybe some day that could be you

I'd like to add that harping on about how social people are outside of this forum is the dumbest thing you can preach. I'd say my social life is incredibly healthy, probably too healthy, i also really am looking forward to this game, really really want to play it. This game speaks to me in terms of its immersion, story and possibilities, it's a real chance to experience what evolving into and shall be fascinating and engaging to play. I probably won't get any other games for a year or two.
You cannot possibly tell what happens outside these boards, for all you know some of these guys could be John Holmes wrapped up with Nietzsche with a sprinkling of an that crazy rich oil tycoon. They could everything you want ever, but they happen to also hold a passion for games. Live with it....
Some_God said:
Brothers in Arms and HL2 are evenly tied up... they both look extremely cool and fun.

Different games, BiA doesn't give you the same freedom HL2 does.
Dead-Inside said:
Different games, BiA doesn't give you the same freedom HL2 does.

Oh comon, there just arnt enough ww2 games out there...

This one has GOT to be the biggest and best one...FOR SURE!!

Especially when they airbrush all their screenshots. Dont get your hopes up for it. It will be the exact same rubbish as call of duty. An ok single player game, popular multiplayer servers for 2 weeks, then it will go the way of the soldier of fortune 2.