I honestley believe half life 2 is gonna be the greatest gaming experiance ever.

poseyjmac said:
how predictable. it was just a matter of time, before someone spouted this idiotic way of thinking in another thread that hinted at enthusiasm for a video game.

telling people the right way to live, the right things to like or dislike. making blind assumptions like a clumsy dolt. and you happen to be that dolt right now. but consider yourself lucky, you get to learn about life today.

most importantly, not everyone is like you. people will like what they like. who are you to say what's acceptable and whats not? people's lives are what they make them, everything you do in life is part of life, including gaming, there is no right or wrong when comparing a social life to a gaming life. telling someone to get a life would be an unintelligent thing to say, since whatever they are doing is in life.

some people aren't as whipped by pop-culture as you might be. some people don't structure their entertainment based on peer-pressure and what MTV says is cool. word of advice, open your mind, there are people out there that don't give a damn what others think about what they do. maybe some day that could be you

Im trying to help you people. How can some of you say some of the stuff you do about how you will sit inside for days playing it? I love video games but its not my life like it seems it is to you. But whatever play your HL2 in your locked room with your shades closed for the rest of your life ill be doing other more productive things.
kidrock450 said:
Im trying to help you people. How can some of you say some of the stuff you do about how you will sit inside for days playing it? I love video games but its not my life like it seems it is to you. But whatever play your HL2 in your locked room with your shades closed for the rest of your life ill be doing other more productive things.

If that is what we want to do WHO GIVES A ****? What's going to happen to you? Nothing, so you should just mind your own damn buisness and let US run OUR lives.
uziholda said:
I never doubted it for one minute,but after watching the e3 vid again and examining it really closely i am just astounded,a game that actually feels like effort has been put into it,this game literally defines a perfect game already,and i think valve are due a very very very big pat on the back,once this game is released and i believe valve will stick to their guns this time and deliver it when they say they will,it will be the most awesome game ever created,doom 3 looks good,i wouldent doubt that for a second either,but as far as story,ai interaction,and graphics (yes many of you doubt hl2`s graphics,i wouldent if i were you) i think this game is gonna simply destroy everything on the market,this is another classic in the making im telling you guys,in 4 years from now,we are still gonna be talking about that time in hl2 when.....

yes belive it,its so close we can smell it 2 months guys 2 MONTHS AND WE WILL BE PLAYING THIS GAME ON OUR PCS LOCKED IN OUR ROOMS AWAY FROM LIFE!!!!!

once we complete it (or take breaks but who wants them? :cheers: ) we will come here for id say 5 mins,then its TO CS SOURCE OR DOD OR TF2 TO DO SOME OWNING!!!!

then we will have pictures of ragdoll deaths all over the boards,and then after all the dust has settled and we have literally experianced perfection on a disc,we will be anticipating hl3

god i love valve.

god i love you guys



Speaking of honesty, i belive this constructiveless thread is pure sencelss fanboy spam. :dozey:
I can't wait to play HL2 but....

I think Half-life 2 will be a grate game I can't wait to play it just all of you guys but I can't call HL2 the greatest game ever without playing it first. Looks are not everything lol and hopefully it plays just has good as it looks. We all know there is more to life then playing games but we just like to express our joy, anger, hope and grief about HL2.

Im sure a lot of us will spend a lot of time playing this game because we spend money and time trying to get it so its only natural we do. Maybe, where you live its safe to be out side but maybe for some of us its not safe to go out side. I know people who live in the suburbs and they get robbed and beat up more then people who live in so call high crime city areas. So some of us are force to stay inside and spend our time playing games and write in these cool forums like this one. What Im trying to say is "To each his own" in other words have a good time no matter what your doing. We are all weird in our own way, so do what you like as long as you don't hurt other people. :borg:
what the hell,i try to make a thread that can inject some kind of happyness into the hl2 community and all i see is people saying fanboy this fanboy that,oh you are so sad etcetc

jesus guys grow up,its called being positive,and yes i could list a whole bunch of cons for the game,but pros outwiegh them,and the cons i have a stupid little things,thatwill probably be fixed,and if there not,it wont even effect the game much,some of you need to get off this "i can act like a jerk because its the internet and everyone will love me for it" well its pathetic to be quite honest,if you dont like my opinions,then dont post in the thread,simple as that you peons.

and for the people that come in here on a positive note,thanks guys it shows at least some of us have grown our first pube and explored what we call life.

people these days seriousley,try to do something positive and they throw it back at ya,and it was not spam,its called trying to get the half life community who built half life to what it is now,into mature coversation to add positive thoughts to things.

if valve read these threads i bet they wonder why they are making a game for such ungrateful assholes

my 2 cents
Judging by his spelling, punctuation and gramma I think uziholda is full of shit. The cool thing about the internet is you can pretend to be whoever the hell you want to be, but I have never in my life met a 22 year old with a good job who spells and writes so poorly.

My bet is that he is a 13 year old fan boy, or he is taking the piss out of us.
iamaelephant said:
Judging by his spelling, punctuation and gramma I think uziholda is full of shit. The cool thing about the internet is you can pretend to be whoever the hell you want to be, but I have never in my life met a 22 year old with a good job who spells and writes so poorly.

My bet is that he is a 13 year old fan boy, or he is taking the piss out of us.

Gramma, gamma? Grammar? ;)

I'm not sure why every other post I read from you is so full of hate..
I'm 17, have crap spelling, punctuation and gramma...

Does that mean I cant have valid opinions?
Shuzer said:
I'm not sure why every other post I read from you is so full of hate..

It's obvious ain't it? he's an elephant.
iamaelephant said:
Judging by his spelling, punctuation and gramma I think uziholda is full of shit. The cool thing about the internet is you can pretend to be whoever the hell you want to be, but I have never in my life met a 22 year old with a good job who spells and writes so poorly.

My bet is that he a 13 year old fan boy, or he is taking the piss out of us.

so your judging me on how i spell? on a website forum?

haha please man,why would i have to pretend who i am?

I am actually a district manager of blockbuster entertainment,and i also repair pc`s on the side in my spare time,i dont have to justify who i am to you anyway,believe what you want to believe i only made this thread to be positive,your the one who looks immature and idiotic,and just because you may like to think your big because you think everyone will suddenley say "ohh yess elephanttt iss sooooo righttt,hey bud let me tell you something get your head out my anus cavity and breath

judging someone on punctuation and grammer but as you like to call it "gramma" is just stupid.

think before you speak scrotum face
and sorry for the insults,but people like you really irritate me,think you know so much yet know so little.
Actually i thought uzi's grammar and stuff could be improved a bit but he's got great observations and coherence in his text, so if you can actually think of something intelligent to say grammar won't matter much
most of the time,when i post on any forums,i rush when i type,so i make a lot of typos,and i never see it as a problem anyway,as long as people understand,thats all that matters,and thanks evil i wont let people,infact i refuse to let people like elephant get to me anyway,because to be quite honest,99 percent of his time is more than likely spent,lashing out at people due to his own self confidence problems.

He has to find that medium where hes happy,and his happiness comes from insulting others,a sad and very lonely individual.

Oh well,good job trying to degrade me,but i mean take a look around,has it worked?
Woah uzi, take a breathe there, put some periods in! :p

Ignore the jerks saying that grammar makes a man.
i will vegeta :)

anyway off to watch shrek 2 with my girl.

see you all later,hopefully when i come back,there will be more half life 2 talk and less insults,i hope lol
If some of you saw the way some of the head crab victims run and sound you would get goose bumbs and crap yourself.
SupraRZ95 said:
If some of you saw the way some of the head crab victims run and sound you would get goose bumbs and crap yourself.

The original HL was the first game to actually freak me out. With the zombies/monsters in the pitch black sewers. SO AWESOME

With the huge graphical improvement HL2 will probably give me a heart attack in some areas I hope lol.
tommie said:
The original HL was the first game to actually freak me out. With the zombies/monsters in the pitch black sewers. SO AWESOME

With the huge graphical improvement HL2 will probably give me a heart attack in some areas I hope lol.

Pfft, you should try Doom 3 when it comes out. You'd have to sit on a toilet to play that one. And extra TP for you Bunghole.
Yeah I know, comes out August 3rd, I guess that will keep us busy 'til HL2 comes out.
kidrock450 said:
you have problems if a video game scares u lol

I'd like you to say that when playing Alien vs. Predator 2 or Half-Life.

That's like saying if Texas Chainsaw Massacre scares us we are stupid.
kidrock450 said:
you have problems if a video game scares u lol

No you dont. We all have our own kinds of fears, and if we see those fears we get scared. It doesnt matter if its in a video game or not. First time i saw an icthyosaur was when i turned around and then it ate my head. It almost made me fall out of my chair.
yea avp2 was scary especially the first marine mission. HL1 never scared me, just made me jump when headcrabs jumped at u in the vents.
Impulse147 said:
yea avp2 was scary especially the first marine mission. HL1 never scared me, just made me jump when headcrabs jumped at u in the vents.

That's being scared if I remember it correctly.
The thing that scared me the most are those big ass snake-like things, the ones you had to blast with the fire and stuff, man I remember like I threw grenades to distract them and while I ran through the opening I got this adreneline rush where I though he was just about to snap at me and tear me to pieces, wasn't ''scary'' but boy what a rush!
when i first encounter the tentacle, i was like wtf is that noise, i can remeber making mad rushes for the doorways cause i wasted all my nades getting away from them.
Impulse147 said:
when i first encounter the tentacle, i was like wtf is that noise, i can remeber making mad rushes for the doorways cause i wasted all my nades getting away from them.

Gives ya a rush eh?
blindvomit said:
The thing that scared me the most are those big ass snake-like things, the ones you had to blast with the fire and stuff, man I remember like I threw grenades to distract them and while I ran through the opening I got this adreneline rush where I though he was just about to snap at me and tear me to pieces, wasn't ''scary'' but boy what a rush!

yeah thats what i meant..its just i hate stuff that has alot of sharp teeth and move really really fast...enter the icthyosaur.
I honestly wonder why has not this thread been lock yet... o_0