i hope the map editor will be easy to handle


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
i really hope HL2 map editing will be alot easyer.

I mean yea i can do the level making, but need my work doing with the animation work and like scripting.

i mean i make medal of honour allied assault levels.

and everyone is saying i have well made the BEST CUSTOM MADE SP level out for MOHAA so far.

(it is called TEST_HONOUR 3 level campaign. gr8 story line.)

so basically when HL2 comes out i got a gr8 idea for a SP level.

but i never mapped for HL 1.
Worldcraft (I refuse to call it Shitty Hammer Editor) has been doned with the most simplistic of interfaces, its easier to use than a lot of Editors out there and with these new tools they've granted us with it will be the best Editor out there for a long time to come.

Happy days are closeing in.
wow! that good ay :)

can't wait. dam can't wait even more now.

Try quark .. it's even 100 times simpeler ... I just can't figure out wolrdcraft since it's too shitty.
easy to use? bah... worldcraft uses the WSAD keys to navigate the 3d pane? It is too slow and clucky...

Check out XSI for a good interface
lol you dont need to navigate with the wasd keys, if you only know that method of navigation then you aint used it for long. Use the Mouse.
The People that say they dont like worldCraft or say its shitty, Are the ppl that have not used it.
Smilez is right XSI's interface does indeed beat WorldCraft/VHE, but I swear I nearly broke down an cried the first time I used the vertex manipulation tool in VHE, It works! I mean it really works! basically VHE has the best brush based tools I've seen, and it easily trounces GTK, and radiant. As far as XSI beating it that is kind of like saying photoshop beats MS paint.