i just failed organic chemistry


May 22, 2005
Reaction score
has anyone taken this class before? has anyone failed it? i feel like shit right now...;(
High School.

Wow, Ikerous, we must have posted at the very same millisecond. But I was one nanosecond faster. Pwnt.
I just failed college history. I havent taken chem yet to fail :|

Don't worry about. You'll take it again and move on. It's no biggy
No biggy failing? Are you ****ing kidding me? Failing IS a biggy. And chemistry just plain has too many rules, I have chemistry now, and it's just..bleh. All effort for a B. We have a levels system in my school, maybe you guys do too. 1-4. 3 being post secondary 4 being honors, then AP. I'm taking Honors Chem. and it's a drag. It just sucks so damn much.

Teacher: Ok, we're going to go through chapter 5 today and tomorrow, really quick, full of math, then a test of doom.....

God just shut up, just tell us we'll fail and move on. :-p
I failed Spanish once. Something to do with not going to class half the time.

Freemanator89 said:
No biggy failing? Are you ****ing kidding me? Failing IS a biggy.
Im talking about colllege. Where it isn't.
Stop whining guys. Just read the damn textbook, it's not that difficult.
Nat Turner said:
Actually it sucks to fail in college too, because it usually kills your GPA.
Nah, cuz if you fail you're obviously going to need to take the class over again. Then the new grade takes the place of the old one.
this isnt real encouraging to see while studying for a big chem test tommorow :/
anybody who knows failing knows that you need to fail by at least 30% to make it worth posting about.
Ikerous said:
Nah, cuz if you fail you're obviously going to need to take the class over again. Then the new grade takes the place of the old one.

It depends on the university I guess. Still it's pretty dumb to pay lots of money to take courses if you're gonna fail them.
Nat Turner said:
It depends on the university I guess. Still it's pretty dumb to pay lots of money to take courses if you're gonna fail them.
Oh, ha, yea :) I guess some places are different
Uriel said:
I failed Spanish once. Something to do with not going to class half the time.


I bet that alone kicked you down a level of heaven.:D
well i had a C in the class, which was supposedly above average

then the final came and kicked my ass
I'd probably fail chemistry...I can do in class stuf and get good grades on everything, except I dont always do my homework. :p I either forget about it or just dont feel like doing it, or dont know how so I just say 'screw it'
Uriel said:
I failed Spanish once. Something to do with not going to class half the time.


I did the same thing. Except for not showing up. I slept instead during spanish class. Especially when we would learn about mexican history. Ironic.
Sheikah42 said:
has anyone taken this class before? has anyone failed it? i feel like shit right now...;(

How odd.

My science teacher was talking about how he quit organic chemistry cause he knew he was going to fail it.

That was what, 20 minutes ago?
I failed Maths and Physics at A level.
I knew i was going to though, so it didn't hit me that hard.
We didnt have a maths teacher for half the course. He had some mental breakdown... funnily enough that was just after the whole class scored like 2% in a mock exam :D
And my physics teacher... well... lets say he could hardly speak or write English; and all he did was copy out of a text book onto the board... -_- FUN!
"with flying colors"? Wouldn't it be failing with falling colors?
That aside, I failed math twice in eighth grade... haven't failed a class since then. In fact, I'm a pretty good student now... weird.
I failed Physics when I was in high school. That put an end to my dreams of being an astronomer. ;(
Currently failing Politics......my god i don't give a toss about it sometimes
OvA said:
I bet that alone kicked you down a level of heaven.:D

Hehehe, thats what Repentance is for. I wasnt a very good kid back then.:smoking:
dont worry i have the dumbest chemistry teacher, its so hard to learn from her when we are always correcting her mistakes. I mean shes a nice lady and all but a bad teacher
I failed religous eductaion, and yet I don't feel a sense of failure.
I think it was Orgainic Chem 3 that finally derailed me from my chemistry career. Thank god I have to say. In retrospect, being out of college with a degree in computer programming, I have to say that I've used Organic Chem a total of zero times since I graduated.

I failed a few college courses in my day and believe it or not it's not the end of the world. Sure it sucks, but in the grand scheme of things everything will be okay. To be honest I use/used about a grand total of .005% of the programming information I learned in college in my everday life. I learned just about everything on the job.
I have my chemistry exam tomorrow, and I think I'm going to score high marks.

Edit: I'm in my fifth year.
Evo said:
Currently failing Politics......my god i don't give a toss about it sometimes

I got my politics exam in jan, going to have to get my head down over xmas!
I failed 4/9 classes that I was taking in grade 6. And now I'm a > 3.4 GPA student. It's still not amazingly great, but I've improved.
haha thanks for the replies, i feel a little better. i guess i just needed to talk about it or something.

Fishlore I didn't know there was an Organic Chemistry 3. I thought it was just 1 and 2?