I just got bit by a spider

I don't know of any really dangerous small and black spiders. The two to look out for are the Black Widow (it hurts a lot, but is not fatal if you get proper medical attention) and the Brown Recluse (it doesn't hurt at first, but it makes your skin rot and is extremely deadly. The Black Widow is big and has a red mark on its abdomen, and the Brown Recluse is small and brown (believe it or not) with a purple mark on its abdomen.
Everything in Australia is poisonous.

Like this Aussie guy on my Euro tour said: "On all the top ten lists of poisonous animals it's Australia - one, two. Snakes - one, two. Spiders - one, two. Mammals - one, two. SEASHELLS - one two."

Poisonous cone shell victim: "Cool, a shell. Ahh, Ive been stung. Oh, Im dead. "
I'm a bigger evil than saddam hussein when it comes to torturing unfortunate captured-by-me spiders to death. Bleach and boiling water are both effective. I caught one lastnight as it happens, but I was in bed so I introduced it to the bottom of my shoe. Being the lazy fool that I am, its carcus is still in the bottom of a glass next to my bed (i put its squished remains in there so I didnt stand on it in the morning) - the things a huge house spider, the worst kind. It's gone to a better place now.
Oh, and can't forget stepping on an Echidna, or even worse, being stung (yes, STUNG) by a platypus (the males have poisonous spurs)...
This thread makes me happy to live in a boring city in a boring neighborhood in a boring house where all we get are daddy long-legs, and they are in the basement :D
I've been bitten a few times (by little pu*sy spiders)
EDIT: Or is Spud pulling a 'Marty'?
Brian Damage said:
What? What about the Brown Recluse/Fiddleback? Or the Brown Widow? Or the Hobo spider?

Nasty bites...

True, but none of those fit Spud's description.
Neither did the Black Widow, really. Too big. And the little young Black Widows aren't black.
If you experienced any symptoms such as the guy in spiderman movie then 2moro you will be SPIDERMAN for real. :D

haha, j/k I hop you will recover quickly.
Gorgon said:
If you experienced any symptoms such as the guy in spiderman movie then 2moro you will be SPIDERMAN for real. :D

haha, j/k I hop you will recover quickly.

You wont be joking and hopping so much when you find out that right at this very moment, SpuD is lying dead on the floor with only a small face towel over him, that conveniently saved his decency when he collapsed from the poison.
I went to bed right after I posted this (sorry), nothing has happened, no major swelling or anything else, but...

i have super powers!

I need my SpiderGuy suit
Did you not stop to think that maybe people (not me) would get worried if there was no further response from you? Everyone was thinking you were laid unconcious or dead.
heh, didnt know so many people would be concerned. The bite hurt quite a bit, swelled a little (which freaked me out) and then it went away. I feel fine now :D
Er, as I recall, Daddy Long Legs aren't actually spiders. May be wrong though.
Hapless said:
Er, as I recall, Daddy Long Legs aren't actually spiders. May be wrong though.

They are, but there are things that look identical that have wings and only 6 legs and fly which may also be called daddy long legs :)
well, oddly enough I just got bit on the hand 3 hours ago by a black widow on my hand searchin through a box...hand swelled up, had to go to the hospitol, but hey it was just a weakass back widow :P
I was watching Jay Leno and he had guests that brought them in a closed bowl. Then they opened the bowl.
Those things are freaky.
SpuD said:
heh, didnt know so many people would be concerned. The bite hurt quite a bit, swelled a little (which freaked me out) and then it went away. I feel fine now :D

I thought spider bites normally do that, but then you die 72 hours later. It takes sometime for the posion to stop your heart. :)
I think I inherited a little bit of my dad's arachnophobia... :O
Hapless said:
Er, as I recall, Daddy Long Legs aren't actually spiders. May be wrong though.

Depends on which country you live in...

lePobz said:
They are, but there are things that look identical that have wings and only 6 legs and fly which may also be called daddy long legs :)

Those are the sort of Cranefly that is, in Britain, often referred to as a "Daddy Long Legs"

In America, the same name is often used to refer to the Harvestman, which is a sort of long-legged mite-type critter.

Here in Australia, Daddy Long Legs are a sort of small cobweb spider, who posess a tiny head and body, but enourmously long legs. I believe these spiders are also present in other countries, though they are extremely common here in Oz...
blahblahblah said:
I thought spider bites normally do that, but then you die 72 hours later. It takes sometime for the posion to stop your heart. :)

make him feel SO much better now, then :D
Ah the bitey stuff here isn't too bad.

I have no sympathy for morons that get bitten while trying to shovel (or crowbar?) a snake's head off.

"Like the trap-door spiders, the mouse spider lives in burrows in the ground"
So that means to be careful outside kiddies. And dont poke at stuff with bits of web on it. You are probably safe inside from these :)

As you may read these things are good to have around the house - they like to chew on nastier things like the red-back and huntsman.
You learn not to mind these at all..they are A GOOD THING :P

According to that the red-back of australia is like america's black widow - this is something i have heard many times and the description of say that one that was lerking in FoB_Ed's chair is exactly the sort of thing they like to do. Often you'll see them described as growing to 2.5cm. I once had an old screen...we moved it outside before dumping and didn't get around to it for a long time...maybe a month. I was the one to pick it up and move into back into my room (I decied I wasn't sure if it worked or not..:P) and found a 3cm one with a large amount of dead stuff under the screen. After spending some 10 minutes going "holy shit i had my hand right THERE" I began using a combination of sprays, crushing things and curse words to kill it. (Note: cursing, although good for the soul, does NOT kill things quickly..)
Anyway - these guys (well...the girls actually have the worse bite and stripe..) are bloody dangerous and you have to be on your toes for them..

The fiddleback spider, although not hugely common if its what im thinking of, does hang around a bit. Mostly in SA from what ive heard.
I had one running around the place once - at first I thought it was a huntsman. At distance and dark its not hard.

Next up...the huntsman...
Yes despite what people seem to think these hang around in places other than houses.
Once I was bitten by one at school. I believe it was actually the badge variety. I was in year 6 at the time and I had a headache for the rest of the day and slight mark/pain on one hand where it had bitten me.
They are not going to kill you either...

Funnel web spider :-
Well what can I say? Everyone knows them, everyone fears them, lots of people are stupid.
You are more likely to be hit by a bus and then bitten by a red-back before one of these, particularly in WA/NT etc.
You should, of course, have caution but not walk around in fear of them...and then miss the bus coming at you from down the street...stop looking at the ground...

Just to kill a few myths and such...or maybe scare the crap out of others. :P
Funnelwebs are all over the joint in Oz... it's just that only a couple of Funnelweb species are particularly deadly... anyone in Melbourne can check out a relevant display at the city museum...

And about the Mouse Spider, and being safe from it inside... well, you'd think so, wouldn't you...?
blahblahblah said:
I thought spider bites normally do that, but then you die 72 hours later. It takes sometime for the posion to stop your heart. :)
/me cries
Brian Damage said:
Funnelwebs are all over the joint in Oz... it's just that only a couple of Funnelweb species are particularly deadly... anyone in Melbourne can check out a relevant display at the city museum...

And about the Mouse Spider, and being safe from it inside... well, you'd think so, wouldn't you...?

So i guess then plan to have every other person die by making them feel safe and having them come here is off then?
Not a single deadly spider in Sweden, as far as I know. And certainly not where I live.

Spiders are are cool too, in a nasty kinda way.
FragBait0 said:
So i guess then plan to have every other person die by making them feel safe and having them come here is off then?

Just tell them to wear thick shoes. And to shake them out before putting them on.
I hate spiders, Im an Aracnaphobic (If anyone does'nt know.. go to school, means fear of spiders) And I scream and freak when I see them, or sometimes I stop and I am unable to move till its out of my sight.

I live in the UK and we dont get any deadly spiders, Im such a wuss!
I like spiders.... I won't pick big ones up, but they're so cool to watch :D
But y- you're a girl SHIPPI :O


I like spiders because they keep the flies at bay, thats what I generally leave their wbs alone, even inside the house...though, only if they aren't across a doorway or something :) Its an old house, so a few spiders webs here and there doesn't go far wrong.