I just had to share this pic of my registered short barrel shotgun

Ah sheeit, yir right. Better get my shotgun out in case a homersexual tries to flirt with me on this here collidge campis.

p.s. abstinence, inner light, no drinking, etc
hmm I expected your accent to be more like olde tyme talk than redneck-ian

"Begone with ye godless heathans there'll be no sodomy on my watch"
history's biggest monster


BHC said:
abstinence, inner light, no drinking

what is "inner light" ..you become a flashlight? also that sounds nothing like college what with the drinking and the womanising. also a whole school full sexual tension; one accidentily exposed boobie and it'll look like Caligula overnight
You know I knew there would debate but not 9 pages of it.

Here's another toy I got recently. I'm probably going to get blasted for calling it a toy:rolling:. I still am waiting on my flashlight mount. This one doesn't have to be registered as it is just a normal length rifle (no restrictions).



those instruments of death go well with your lovely gingham pillows
^ lol

But honestly I'm jelous, how do you get the money to throw around like that? How much was that rifle alone, $1500?
^ lol

But honestly I'm jelous, how do you get the money to throw around like that? How much was that rifle alone, $1500?

That's what I have spent my extra money on for the last decade. After I take care of my bills, kids stuff, stuff for the wife etc then I get gun money. I sold a rifle to pay for the XCR in that pic. I really haven't spent much extra on guns lately as we are about to start looking for some land and a house. I promised my wife I wouldn't buy anything else for a while unless I sell something to pay for it.

Oh and I am a dentist. Right now my production goal is $3500 a day and I normally surpass that. I get like 28% of production so that is $980 a day minimum if I make goal. I'm not trying to brag or anything that's just how I afford expensive toys these days. I have so much student loan debt though that I have to make a lot to survive.
Shootin' bitches and filling cavities.

All in a day's work for Dentist Commando.
you should give more to the wife so she doesnt have to settle for gingham pillows
Give money?
To women?

Okay, now I KNOW you're trolling, Stern.
Give money?
To women?

Okay, now I KNOW you're trolling, Stern.

the gingham pillow was the first clue:

SIGBastard said:
That's what I have spent my extra money on for the last decade. After I take care of my bills, kids stuff, stuff for the wife

she's like one of those throw backs to an early age where a woman's place was at the kitchen cooking the food their husbands hunted


goodnight Pa, goodnight Ma, goodnight granma, goodnight uncle Jed, cousin ezekiel, jebediah, john-boy, little susie and aunt jesse and ...
Stern if you have to know I am in my parents lake house. It's a small trailer that's been added on to.

See I've been trying to sell my house. I didn't want a second mortgage so my parents let me stay till this summer when I should have another house. Luckily my house sale will close on the 15th so now I get out of this tin can. The area is nice though as it's in a gated boat club.

So I have no idea what type of pillows they are but they aren't mine.
It's not a "clone" it's an official HK civ version of the UMP. Hence lack of full auto.
HK neuters the gun and calls it the USC. Requires changing out the stock, lower half of the receiver, and finding high-cap mags...conversion kits usually start at $1500....
It's not a "clone" it's an official HK civ version of the UMP. Hence lack of full auto.

This gun started as a USC but now it is a UMP clone. It is all HK parts besides the barrel which is HDPS and it uses a HDPS stock block which allows a USC upper to mate with a UMP lower and HK UMP stock.
That doesn't really fit my definition of "clone" but whatever. A clone to me is a gun made by a different company entirely that copied the design.
That doesn't really fit my definition of "clone" but whatever. A clone to me is a gun made by a different company entirely that copied the design.

You know you are kinda right because it is still all HK parts. It has differences from the real thing though. Whatever it is I love it. I shoot mostly cast 200gr rnfp bullets. It's cheap as hell using cast bullets and .45 is perfect with the lower velocities.
Is that like a hollow point bullet? I thought FMJ bullets didn't fall apart like that.

Also, I'm kinda interested in how bullets kill/incapacitate people. Blood loss is obvious, but what are the other effects of a bullet striking your abdomen? Your chest? Are there shockwaves that form so that the internal injuries become more serious than they look on the outside?
When the bullet pierces and hits something hard (like bone) it tends to fracture, like in that image, scattering shrapnel every which way(except FMJ rounds, which are meant to pierce body armor and make the opponent useless through PAIN), which can really screw shit up.

Shrapnel is what really does the damage, not the actual piercing. Unless you get hit in the brain or a really major organ.
When the bullet pierces and hits something hard (like bone) it tends to fracture, like in that image, scattering shrapnel every which way(except FMJ rounds, which are meant to pierce body armor and make the opponent useless through PAIN), which can really screw shit up.

But while shrapnel damage might be fatal, what's to stop the opponent from killing a whole bunch of people before dying of his own injuries? I mean, even if the bullet had cut a major artery, I'd guess that he'd have a couple of minutes to continue the fight, especially if he were hopped on drugs that dulled pain. Relying on pain to incapacitate seems to me something somewhat unreliable.

Nerve damage, perhaps? Maybe the body shuts down automatically when faced with the extreme trauma of a perforating bullet?
Stern if you have to know I am in my parents lake house. It's a small trailer that's been added on to.

See I've been trying to sell my house. I didn't want a second mortgage so my parents let me stay till this summer when I should have another house. Luckily my house sale will close on the 15th so now I get out of this tin can. The area is nice though as it's in a gated boat club.

So I have no idea what type of pillows they are but they aren't mine.

dude you have to realise by now that I'm yanking your chain. but I did get you to defend pillows :) ..hey at least I took the conversation away from gun control

also when you buy a house and need to sell the house you're living in you get what's called a Bridge mortgage. It's borrowing from the proceeds of the sale of your house to pay the mortgage on your new house. once you sell your old house that amount is given back to you/discounted from your new mortgage (minus fee). this allows you to take possession of your new house without selling your old house first
dude you have to realise by now that I'm yanking your chain. but I did get you to defend pillows :) ..hey at least I took the conversation away from gun control

also when you buy a house and need to sell the house you're living in you get what's called a Bridge mortgage. It's borrowing from the proceeds of the sale of your house to pay the mortgage on your new house. once you sell your old house that amount is given back to you/discounted from your new mortgage (minus fee). this allows you to take possession of your new house without selling your old house first

I know you were joking about the pillows it's not that big od a deal.

I understand what your saying. We were really worried about just getting the house sold without losing money and we have barely done that. My old house and my new town I work at are 3 hours apart. I kinda just lucked out that my parents had a lake house close enough to my new place of work. We really weren't sure how much house we could afford as the practice I started at opened in November. A new practice doesn't usually stay that busy but the company I work for markets really really agressively. We have an idea by now about what we can afford after being here a few months.
When the bullet pierces and hits something hard (like bone) it tends to fracture, like in that image, scattering shrapnel every which way(except FMJ rounds, which are meant to pierce body armor and make the opponent useless through PAIN), which can really screw shit up.

Shrapnel is what really does the damage, not the actual piercing. Unless you get hit in the brain or a really major organ.

The tearing motion through flesh and organs...

For a second I thought that was a picture of lipstick being smeared.

SIG, two questions:

1) What would be a good first handgun? As far as I'm concerned, I want a gun that's not too heavy or absurd (or expensive) that will work well for defense and be fun to shoot. If the apocalypse ever happens in my life I sure as hell wanna be armed. I've always been extremely attracted to fivesevens but I hear something about their ammo being expensive/rare?

2) Where do you live, and if I ever come through the area would you mind taking me shooting with some of your SICK ASS guns?

Obligatory PS) Yes, Vegeta, I've argued strongly against guns in general before, but my opinions have evolved along with hitting my third decade and I now proudly possess an equally idealistic but far more realistic perspective on the matter.