I passed my driving test 1st time.....


Apr 20, 2004
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Yeah, i passed 1st time, I couldnt believe it. I got 11 minors though and your allowed 15. Anyway I though id just brag that I can now drive. I think ime getting a black 1.4 corsa sport which i all done up. It has front bumber, rear bumper, side skirts, spoiler, kl filter, double exhaust and ime gona get neon lights for it.

I envy you.;)

Congrats! I'm going to start taking lessons in about a week or so. Hopefully I'll pass first time round too!:)
*cough* "townie car" *cough*

townies are like a higher class of chav for those who dont know :)
Hopefully your driving skills surpass your English skills.

Anyway, I am a proud carrier of a learner's permit, just turned 16 3 weeks ago. New York State's driving laws suck. :-\
I just had some tw@t unassisted learner reverse into my new vw polo. No qualified driver with her (I doubt her 2yr old son counts)

Gonna cost her between £800 and £1500 to sort. Stupid cow.

But get this... After i reported her to my insurence company, assuming she was qualified with insurence (She had no L plates) her husband gives me a ring. Begging me to ring up the ins. people saying I made a mistake and it was infact a man driving (him) in a rover not a peugot. And a different liscence plate.

I told him he was having a laugh, and that I would forget the ins. people if he agreed to pay for the repairs.

Now I have to tell him how much its going to be and hell blatently say no. But I have emails from himasking me to lie, so they are****ed basicly.

....and don't forget, shift = turbo! Use when there's a gap in the roadway.
Nice one mate.

Drive safely. No really.... dont go crashing it. I know good drivers who pushed shit cars too far and have ended up in sticky situations :p

I'll have to sort my test out soonish.... oh the joy! :cheers:
man.. wish i was 18 and get my drivers license

Congratulations and a lot of safe driving! :afro: :cheers:
Scunna said:
ime gona get neon lights for it.

You're even worse than me, at least I am getting RID of my rice, not adding to it.... :hmph:
Wait..you can't get a drivers license until you are 18 in the Netherlands?

Pardon my ignorance, but is it like this in other European countries?

And I thought NYS driving laws sucked.
You can get your license at 17 here.

I wouldnt let people any younger than that get a license...I can't imagine school children driving around. Even 17 is pretty young.
Here it is 16.. but I am unsure if you were born after 1990.

I think if you were born after 1990 in this state, Arizona, that you can't get it until you're 18 due to new(ish.. kind of?) laws. Correct me anyone if I'm wrong.

Can get a permit at 15 and a half.
Pah, that car sounds awful, check out my pimped out ride...


I even accidentally bought one windscreen wiper that has a "spoiler" on it...

Might I also add that my friend spent a small fortune making his car look "good" in a similar manner to the one you have described only to drive into the back of a lorry soon after passing his test... He made it out alive but the car didn't do so well and meant he'd chucked away a small fortune. So drive carefully and don't be the kind of arse that goes around starting road rage...
Bye, the way people the reason I speak kinda ****ed up is cause Ime a geordie (aka from the city of Newcastle up North).
