The one time I condone animal cruelty.

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This entires thread is dildos.

My eyes must be screwing with me , there is no way that i just read that first post.No ****ing way.
He's just shocked that Dog is so fooken' retarded.
So,, I hit a deer tonight. And I hope it's dying.

I was driving along a back road (pitch black, no street lights, this is in the country), and just cruising along 10 miles UNDER the speed limit because these roads always sketch me out (at night).. So anyways me and my friend are driving along and on his side he sees a deer in the ditch (already crossed, you could tell), so then he starts yelling out BREAK BREAK. Now I just assumed it was because he saw a deer so close he was freaking out, because where he lives he doesn't see them that often (he lives in the country too, I was actually driving him home, but his area doesn't see them ever). So I was just thinking "whatever, it's just a deer I see them all the time, I'm not stopping", but no, he was talking about that deer in the ditch's friend, across the road who didn't cross yet. So I'm going 40, this thing jumps out of the pitch black, the stupid thing hits my car on the passenger side in front, and goes FLYING, like a rubber ball it just bounced. It's legs hit where my headlight was, and it's head hit my fender.

When this happened the first thing I thought was 'oh **** my ****ing car'. So I pull over and check it.. Yup, the headlight doesn't stay in (the mounts it was on broke, I just put chicken wire to fasten it, it's fine now, shouldn't go anywhere), dents in the front corner of my hood, and my fender (where the stupid thing hit it's head). Now just when I was ready to go, I hear it limping (the way it sounded you could tell it was limping), and I couldn't see it until I turned on my phone for light, and it was about 4 ft away from me just staring.

So I just left at that point, I hope it's leg is broken and it dies. Now I can't buy a sweet ass telecaster because a god damn deer decided to cross at the last minute and I probably have to pay for this :flame: There goes my entire xmas paycheck bonus included.

Moral of the story is: Deer are good for nothing, **** them I hate them all.

EDIT: It's sort of ironic, I don't even have my license, but my parents still let me drive (the DMV has been on strike for like 5 months, I can't go for my road test even though I passed traffic school..), and I went out this 2am (with permission, my dad even knew why I was picking up my friend) to pick up my drunk friend who couldn't drive home. I was just trying to be a good friend, but NO. ****ING DEER.

Animals are so ****ing stupid and the only thing more annoying are dumb ass animal lovers who think its excusable for them to be stupid.

I suppose at least animals by virtue of being stupid cannot be anything else and hence you cant blame them to a degree but stupid people who think its alright for animals to be stupid are stupid.

"Aw thats cute that dog just vomited and shit all over the house and sheds hair like crazy but that is okay since its horrid smell long ago destroyed my sense of smell so I don't notice how rancid and dumb an animal it really is."

"Aw poor deer, you should take it all the way to some veterinary practice and pay a small fortune to save some dumb animals life when it would have served a better purpouse being shot with some cheap ammo and then fed to some family."

Dog-- has reached the Saturos point. He must either publicly apologize for his own existence, or be, quite literally, raped to death.
If you're not gonna cry over the deer, take some solace in crying over your wasted paycheck then. Merry Christmas!

Good news: My parents were completely awesome about it, and literally said 'shit happens'. I don't have to pay for shit, I still get my telecaster! Merry Christmas!

Yeah but you didn't stop to check on the Deer did you, you stopped to check on the car. You didn't even know that the Deer was still there until you looked around (or are you going to deny that now?). :dozey:

Could of informed the police, or animal services of course and they'd have put the animal down humanely, but given you don't have a driving licence and would open yourself up for a felony I'd imagine that was a complete no no correct? :dozey:

So yeah, in the event of teenager bouncing off your fender instead of a Deer I expect you'd have done exactly the same thing, though of course I doubt you'd have come here shouting your ******y mouth off about you hoped she bled to death real slow like, because your not road aware. FAIL :dozey:

LOL. I'd kind of hedge my bets that the people who are to use your words 'pmsing' probably don't subscribe to the notion of shooting animals for sport (for food, survival or population control maybe, but not just because you have inadequacy issues) . Nor do I see the relevance as to why anyone would care about hunters getting hit by cars. :dozey:

Please no need to respond with 'I didn't mean that..' comments. It's quite clear you don't mean anything, to anyone. :dozey:

lol are you kidding me, no one cares about deer. A person is completely different, that's like murder hit and run shit, I'd have gone away for like 15 years. No one will do anything had I killed a deer, hell I could've shot it (if I had a gun) and took it home and ate it for **** sakes. Plus a person wouldn't be so stupid as to jump in front of my car.

Also re-read my first post, I did check on the deer, even in the post you quoted I said I got 4ft away from it, because I was looking for it.

I don't think Dog was serious about wishing it more harm. But if he where, I retract my statements defending him.

**** you Dog.

I was just pissed, I hope it dies, but I don't wish it pain (and I only wish it dies because it's leg is probably ****ed or something). If it's not injured it better not hit my god damn car again.

And for the people calling me callus - have any of you guys ever been hunting or farming livestock or anything like that? You sound like a bunch of queers to be honest, it's a deer for **** sakes, grow some balls and stop crying. Hunters will probably shoot it in a few days anyways. It can't run away, and this is prime hunting area around this region.

The only real men here are nuri and willy, Qonfused, and Krynn.
Dawg - seriously , being angry at a deer for doing what it did is like being angry at a cloud for .. uh ... making rain ...
You are so ****ing close to being on ignore, Dog.
It's easy to get angry with deer because they are so ****ing stupid. They get scared and run directly into cars. It's literally like they are blind.

Deer aren't supposed to look out for cars, cars are not supposed to exist in their world. Cars are an unnatural threat to them.

It's like when I drove through the northern territory of Australia last year, seeing so many dead kangaroos on the road was just tragic, because we humans had built a highway through their home and were killing them every day because of it, and when someone hits one and damages their car, it's the animals fault, THEY were on MY road.

I'm sorry, but humans are at fault every time. If we are going to build a highway through an animals habitat, we have to be ready to make exceptions for them.

It's a lot like the whole shark attack thing. Someone goes swimming in a sharks habitat (the ocean) Where we are not supposed to be, and a shark bites them, because that's what is natural to them. And suddenly it's "OMG LET'S KILL THE SHARK THAT'S IN OUR WATERS!"

Sorry, but I just hate peoples attitudes towards so called 'stupid animals'.

We ARE NOT the only things living on this planet, and to be honest, Dog, I'm glad this happened, and I hope it teaches you that lesson.
You are so ****ing close to being on ignore, Dog.
Doesn't a threat usually make/imply something negative happen to me?

We ARE NOT the only things living on this planet, and to be honest, Dog, I'm glad this happened, and I hope it teaches you that lesson.

It taught me 2 things:

1) I learned I hate deer even more now

2) I'll keep my eyes open even more when driving down back roads, so I don't **** my car up again.
Dawg - seriously , being angry at a deer for doing what it did is like being angry at a cloud for .. uh ... making rain ...
ooooo I hate rain so much. White clouds are cool, I love cloudy days, but dark clouds make me raeg.
I say we vote Dog-- off the forum tbh. I really don't see the point in allowing someone this demented to continue to reside here and spout this kind of shit. I'm all for free speech, but there is a line this unrepentant excuse for a human being seems to step over repeatedly.
Heaven forbid a forum that is all about posting your views on subjects houses a person showing his views that differ from yours!

I agree with Dog, you're all pussies.
I say we vote Kadayi off the forum tbh. I really don't see the point in allowing someone this demented to continue to reside here and spout this kind of shit. I'm all for free speech, but there is a line this unrepentant excuse for a human being seems to step over repeatedly.

Heaven forbid a forum that is all about posting your views on subjects houses a person showing his views that differ from yours!

If the opinions are objectionable enough I don't see why not. Playing the 'free speech' is all well and good, but truth of the matter is this that's an illusion. In fact Pitz why not try posting a bit of race hate or pornography and see where that gets you.

I don't see any worth to Dog-- continued presence on these forums. This thread was trolling from the word go, and it's become an excuse for the OP reinforce the common opinion that he's an unrepentant sociopath, by yet again demonstrating what little regard he has for things beyond himself.

I mean seriously what does he bring to the table, apart from abject stupidity with every post?


And you are who exactly? All very droll doing the reverso, but for the fact that I'm not the guy posting on the forum gloating about leaving a deer dying in a ditch. I'm the guy going 'should we really let people like that be part of our community?' Think about that a bit.
I mean seriously what does he bring to the table, apart from abject stupidity with every post?

Most noobs don't bring anything to the " table" but I'm still not allowed to yell at them :(
You can say that about anyone, it's a forum, what do you bring to this forum? You don't have to bring anything positive necessarily, me bringing negativity to the forum gives you something to get you thinking and make you angry reading and replying to what I say. You are bored which is why you are on this forum in the first place, if you weren't bored you would be doing something else. So you are bored you come here, and what are you doing? Reading and replying to my posts. So I'm curing your boredom man.
Most noobs don't bring anything to the " table" but I'm still not allowed to yell at them :(

Dog-- has over 8000 posts all of which are essentially variations on 'I don't get it'. I don't know one person here who actually actually gives a shit about what he says, or (and more importantly) values his opinion (most of the guys in my friends list think he's a waste of space). There is nothing of worth to him, so why keep him around? You can't even get a decent games discussion out him, which should for a gaming site at least be minimum requirement.
Dog-- has over 8000 posts all of which are essentially variations on 'I don't get it'. I don't know one person here who actually actually gives a shit about what he says, or (and more importantly) values his opinion. There is nothing of worth to him, so why keep him around? You can't even get a decent games discussion out him, which should for a gaming site at least be minimum requirement.

No one gives a shit? I have tons and tons of threads that broke the 5 pages barrier, hell, I call a 3 pager a success, how many successful or meaningful threads have you made? I barely remember any of your posts, yet you can seem to recall MOST of mine, can't you? Of course you can, you just said you did! I may be hated, I may not be, but I spark discussion (lots) which is essential on a forum, because that's pretty much the whole point of a forum. How many discussions have you created, hmm..? I can't recall any off the top of my head that were started by you. If anything, you bring a smaller amount to this forum then I do.

Also just because this is a game forum doesn't mean all we have to talk about is games, I hardly ever even go to the games part anymore because I don't play games anymore.

EDIT: After a quick search, you created that Dollhouse thread, that was successful I'll give you that, and after that you've got about 6 threads that were successful, that's all 4 pages of threads started by you. Now just on the first page of threads created by me I've got 6 successful (3 or more pages on the thread). That's on page god damn one, there are 10 pages of threads made by me (even more because I think it stops at 10). Maybe they were stupid discussions, but they were still interesting enough to make 3 pages worth in each thread, and obviously kept some people interested.
Heaven forbid a forum that is all about posting your views on subjects houses a person showing his views that differ from yours!

You're right, but usually, the person providing his viewpoint is expected to give some intelligent reasoning as to why they think they're right. In this thread:

You sound like a bunch of queers to be honest, it's a deer for **** sakes, grow some balls and stop crying.
I agree with Dog, you're all pussies.

You sound like you're in junior high school.

Doesn't a threat usually make/imply something negative happen to me?

If you want to take it as a threat, I guess you can... ?
Ugh, who gives a shit about worth of a forum member. How retarded can you get.

If you don't like someone, you can ignore them. If you really feel their posts deserve infractions, you can report the posts.
With a title like "The one time I condone animal cruelty," I expected this thread to be about a vicious un-trainable dog that bit off a baby's face or something worse. But instead it's about a deer that just happened to run into a car. What the heck man. I know people run into deer all the time (my cousin did once), but the way the thread was presented was so ridiculous that I can kinda see why everyone jumped on the "We hate Dog--" bandwagon.
No one gives a shit?

No, seriously you're basically seen to be a complete **** wit by a lot of people. That you somehow seem to think that's a badge of honour is even more tragic.
But this is a pretty ****ing stupid topic. So you hit a deer and busted your car. Most people have a degree of sympathy for the animals they harm. Dog-- clearly doesn't, but he'd have to be pretty ignorant (or trolling) to post his little "GRRR HOPE IT'S DEAD" diatribe and not expect this kind of response. It's the attitude that's off-putting. Nobody actually cares about the dent in his fender.

You had brakes, but you chose not to use them.

Best post in the thread.
If you want to take it as a threat, I guess you can... ?

Well why would you tell me and just not do it? You only told me because you want me to feel bad or something about it? If you don't like reading what I post, ignore me, it makes things easier for you. Don't tell me, just do it, because I don't care if you do or don't.
Well why would you tell me and just not do it? You only told me because you want me to feel bad or something about it? If you don't like reading what I post, ignore me, it makes things easier for you. Don't tell me, just do it, because I don't care if you do or don't.


Also, feel free to read all the posts in this thread, because you still seem to be under the impression that you're in the right here.
Man you guys argue a lot over pointless things.
No, seriously you're basically seen to be a complete **** wit by a lot of people. That you somehow seem to think that's a badge of honour is even more tragic.

Stop ignoring all my other points, you want to say I'm useless on this forum (and a useless human being for some reason? I've yet to figure that one out), give me some reasons, argue against my points, don't just comment on a sentence fragment of mine.

You come here to get entertained, whether people like me or not - they either like me and agree with what I say, or they like to hate me and argue with me, either way it's entertainment.
Hey Dog-- you're pretty silly

Now I'd like to point out that this post does not mean that "Dog-- is silly" is the final conclusion for this thread just that this thread is over and that's my personal opinion okay

plus hey you guys you shouldn't troll so much :(
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