The one time I condone animal cruelty.

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Dog you're a dick. You could deem the situation seemingly unavoidable. Even if you had started to break at your speed you may not have stopped.

The problem with you is how you've come away from the incident. You've killed an animal which has suffered for the last part of it's life. The other deer was probably related to it and is now without it's relative for safety.

Even though it wasn't your fault, I would certainly feel guilty and horrible about that. I would hate to hit a squirrel. I've swerved to a avoid a hedgehog! The fact you come here with a macho attitude "DARN DEER DENTED MY HOOD & MADE ME LIGHT ALL WOBBLY" is just pathetic. Stop the act.

You are most likely in shock from the incident and not sure how to react. You've focused on the one thing you can still see (your car) and shifted your emotions through that. Sit back for a second and think about it again.

Well put.
Why is everyone pmsing about a god damn dear? Becouse it didn't die instantly? Hunters miss and wound deers, and they get hit by cars all the ****ing time. Why so upset just becouse Dog is angry about his car?

Maybe shouldn't wish it more harm though.
It's easy to get angry with deer because they are so ****ing stupid. They get scared and run directly into cars. It's literally like they are blind.
Yeah. People just get upset for nothing. Look at the cows and pigs and shit, what? No love for the pigs and chicken? Where's the love for pigs and chicken? WHERE'S THE LOVE?

**** you guys piss me off.
I try to have love for all living creatures. The quality of life chickens endure in factory farms is utterly appalling.
Then why don't you go marry a lettuce. And leave the rest of us to enjoy our baby back ribs with mcnuggets.
the clan of the deer will come to your house and kill you

they will put you on a open road whit your eyes wrapped and chase you whit a 56 pick-up

and them rape you
Why is everyone pmsing about a god damn dear? Becouse it didn't die instantly? Hunters miss and wound deers, and they get hit by cars all the ****ing time. Why so upset just becouse Dog is angry about his car?

Maybe shouldn't wish it more harm though.

Because it's a sane and normal human emotional response to the idea of pain and suffering of another living thing, which Dog-- currently is lacking?

the clan of the deer will come to your house and kill you

they will put you on a open road whit your eyes wrapped and chase you whit a 56 pick-up

and them rape you

Now this is what you call "nicely put". :p
I still say Dog is cool. He should have kicked that Deer/dear's* ass for denting his car.

*Im not sure of the spelling so I'll just keep going with both.
Because it's a sane and normal human emotional response to the idea of pain and suffering of another living thing, which Dog-- currently is lacking?
It's common knowledge around here; Dog-- has no empathy.
Why is everyone pmsing about a god damn dear? Becouse it didn't die instantly? Hunters miss and wound deers, and they get hit by cars all the ****ing time. Why so upset just becouse Dog is angry about his car?

Maybe shouldn't wish it more harm though.

Lets see how you handle running over a road not knowing any better.

Its THEIR part of the world we're driving through, not OUR part of the world theyre running around in.
Well considering theyve (dont quote me) probably been around before us (ie apes) in whatever stage of evolution, Im going to say they have more right to claim the world than we do.
I never understood how you can "possess" a part of the land. I mean, of course not in terms of real estate - that I understand perfectly, but I don't get the whole "part of the world" thingy. It's either you're there, or you're not.
TBH, I wouldn't feel any remorse for hitting a deer and it dying. But I wouldn't go around saying, "I HOPE THAT ****ER SUFFERS"...

I have no ill thoughts towards the OP, still.
There is always one person like you in every thread anyone ever makes who sits there and tries to make either the OP or anything who disagrees with the OP look like an asshole.

You made a topic about how you hit an animal, busted your headlight, and expressed your wish that it died because of it.

I say you make yourself look like an asshole well enough. Honestly, what the **** kind of response were you expecting?
I still say Dog is cool. He should have kicked that Deer/dear's* ass for denting his car.
Yeah good point, the deer intentionally did it and killed itself in the process. Deers are such douche bags sometimes eh? One time I was bidding for a pair of ugg boots on ebay and some dastardly deer outbid me with 5 seconds to go. I HOPE IT DIES.
I hope it's leg is broken and it dies. Now I can't buy a sweet ass telecaster because a god damn deer decided to cross at the last minute and I probably have to pay for this"

wow you're worse than hitler
Aha, love the implied notion that maybe WW2 started because Hitler hit a deer on his way home and thought 'Right! Zat is eet! Ve must invade Poland to claim our revenge and get cheaper car parts to fix my dented bumper!'
Right! Zat is eet!

I ****ing lol'd.
But anyway, my point is, why get all upset for the deer, who is a deer mind you, not a person, that got hit, by accident when shit like that and worse stuff, like said hunter not making a fatal shot, happens all the time? Sure same comparison can be made for humans, that suffer everyday, but it's not logical to be upset for all the suffering going on all the time. Of course you get upset about the damn car. It's your car, and it will cost you money to fix. Sure maybe some guilt for killing the animal whould be nice. But don't think the deer whould show you any compasion.

That deer whould kill you and everyone you hold dear if given the chance.
I think everyone is pointing out the lack of sympathy for the deer, not just the fact that it was a deer that he hit. As far as Im concerned, the deer didnt 'cause' anything.

You can argue who to place the blame over, but you cant argue against a lack of human emotion toward another species. Its just...err...inhumane?
I just think feeling so guilty or upset for lack of guilt over the deer is overeacting when, like I said, we hunt the thing for food. Pretty much every fine resturant serve venison.
If anything be upset about Veal. Little baby cows man.

I can agree however, that wishing the deer will suffer is a bit harsh. But I don't think Tom Bacon really wants that. Btw I wasn't serious about kicking the deers ass.
So a living creature superficially damaged your automobile so you're hoping it dies a slow and painful death?

That's karma douche bag.

That poor deer, your bitching about how it ruined your christmas, how do you think that deer is enjoying it's christmas?

I can actually use this situation to prove karma doesn't exist - I was doing a good deed by not letting my drunk friend drive home by going out at 2am to pick him up from the city (which is a far ways away), so he can get home safely, and then karma throws a deer in front of me? Karma is bullshit.

He'd of hit and run anyhows let's be honest here ppl. The wretch is little more than a sociopath.

Hit and run? Did you not read the part about me stopping, looking at the damage, and getting 4 ft away from the deer I hit?

Dog you're a dick. You could deem the situation seemingly unavoidable. Even if you had started to break at your speed you may not have stopped.

The problem with you is how you've come away from the incident. You've killed an animal which has suffered for the last part of it's life. The other deer was probably related to it and is now without it's relative for safety.

Even though it wasn't your fault, I would certainly feel guilty and horrible about that. I would hate to hit a squirrel. I've swerved to a avoid a hedgehog! The fact you come here with a macho attitude "DARN DEER DENTED MY HOOD & MADE ME LIGHT ALL WOBBLY" is just pathetic. Stop the act.

You are most likely in shock from the incident and not sure how to react. You've focused on the one thing you can still see (your car) and shifted your emotions through that. Sit back for a second and think about it again.

Macho? No not really I am just pissed that the stupid thing can't see a car barrelling down the road at 40KM enough to wait 5 more seconds. Now I'm ****ed out of my paycheck because of it.

Why is everyone pmsing about a god damn dear? Becouse it didn't die instantly? Hunters miss and wound deers, and they get hit by cars all the ****ing time. Why so upset just becouse Dog is angry about his car?

Maybe shouldn't wish it more harm though.

Maybe, but he is probably wishing I am dead for hitting him, yet it's his fault he jumped in front of my car. So it's even.

I try to have love for all living creatures. The quality of life chickens endure in factory farms is utterly appalling.
I have chickens on my farm. We put them upside down in a funnel and cut their heads off while the blood drains. I feel no remorse over that either. They grow up happy, not cramped or anything. They taste good too.
Because it's a sane and normal human emotional response to the idea of pain and suffering of another living thing, which Dog-- currently is lacking?

Now this is what you call "nicely put". :p
Seems everyone is mad not even because of the deer dying a slow painful death, but because I'm not crying and being a bitch about it.. lol'd.
Dog-- said:
that the stupid thing can't see a car barrelling down the road at 40KM enough to wait 5 more seconds.

lol animals can certainly assess how soon they will be hit simply by calculating the distance using the growing headlights as a frame of reference ....

are you seriously blaming it for not being able to judge whether it had enough time to escape your onrushing tool of death?
But anyway, my point is, why get all upset for the deer, who is a deer mind you, not a person, that got hit, by accident when shit like that and worse stuff, like said hunter not making a fatal shot, happens all the time?

That's not really the issue.

Animals get killed by vehicles regularly and while I'd feel a pang of guilt for hitting another creature, I don't expect the next person to get bent out of shape over it.

But this is a pretty ****ing stupid topic. So you hit a deer and busted your car. Most people have a degree of sympathy for the animals they harm. Dog-- clearly doesn't, but he'd have to be pretty ignorant (or trolling) to post his little "GRRR HOPE IT'S DEAD" diatribe and not expect this kind of response. It's the attitude that's off-putting. Nobody actually cares about the dent in his fender.

Now I'm ****ed out of my paycheck because of it.

You had brakes, but you chose not to use them.

If you're not gonna cry over the deer, take some solace in crying over your wasted paycheck then. Merry Christmas!
Should have listened to your friend. I always slow down for an animal, even if it's on the side of the road and doesn't look like it's going to come out.
I don't think Dog was serious about wishing it more harm. But if he where, I retract my statements defending him.

**** you Dog.
I dunno, maybe it would be different if he killed the deer on impact. It's dead, shit happens, there's nothing you can do. But to injure it and watch it limp off to an uncertain fate only to drive a way thinking "Stupid asshole deer" strikes me as pretty callous.
Hit and run? Did you not read the part about me stopping, looking at the damage, and getting 4 ft away from the deer I hit

Yeah but you didn't stop to check on the Deer did you, you stopped to check on the car. You didn't even know that the Deer was still there until you looked around (or are you going to deny that now?). :dozey:

Could of informed the police, or animal services of course and they'd have put the animal down humanely, but given you don't have a driving licence and would open yourself up for a felony I'd imagine that was a complete no no correct? :dozey:

So yeah, in the event of teenager bouncing off your fender instead of a Deer I expect you'd have done exactly the same thing, though of course I doubt you'd have come here shouting your ******y mouth off about you hoped she bled to death real slow like, because your not road aware. FAIL :dozey:

Hunters miss and wound deers, and they get hit by cars all the ****ing time.

LOL. I'd kind of hedge my bets that the people who are to use your words 'pmsing' probably don't subscribe to the notion of shooting animals for sport (for food, survival or population control maybe, but not just because you have inadequacy issues) . Nor do I see the relevance as to why anyone would care about hunters getting hit by cars. :dozey:

Please no need to respond with 'I didn't mean that..' comments. It's quite clear you don't mean anything, to anyone. :dozey:
I hit a deer a couple months ago. ****er had a death wish, as it essentially rammed the front-side of my car. It died on impact (I basically hit its head) so I didn't have to hear it whine. Deer suck.
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