I swear god hates me.......

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you have neihter

Not since i got spayed and\or neutered

And, quiet She, MEN are talking..... :devil:

Anyways, about the thread: She sounds a little too controlling and selfish (not to be ironic)... just tell her to F off... end of problem

if she doesn't like that... then tell her there's the door don't let it hit your fine ass on the way out
first off eb is releasing the game on the 17th, at least that is what I was told for preordering. SO if you are ordering through steam , then ok, nad yeah anaahahahhahha you got Issuess boi!
WhiteZero said:
Well, if she can't resepct things that you enjoy, maybe shes not for you then?

exactly. have you ever tried to reason with her? like, try telling her and yelling and bitching at her about how you hate her favorite hobby and don't want her doing it...and ask her how she likes it? I mean, if she's trying to be this controlling and insensitive to what you want, why would you want to be with such a mean person unless she's a ****ing amazing lay? Don't break up with her right away or anything, but make it clear she needs to back off and let you have some gaming time or she's gone. You can't have your woman telling you what you can and cannot do and have her expecting you to do so. don't be playing 24/7 but dont' be so whipped.
Man. Go and buy hl2 and start it. And when she comes you go give her a kiss and say wellcome back. Then you make some food. and when you are finished go and play half-life 2 and if she comes bitching then take a talk and say something like this. Girl if you don't like me playing game and have fun then i will leave you or you can let me play games. something like that.
Put some password protection on your computer... leave it at your friends house... call your cell phone from your house phone, and walk into the room she's in sayin "no way!... You ok buddy? I can't believe that ****er did that to ya... naw man, I'M ON MY WAY!!!"....

Bam, you just gave yourself a night of silent gaming in the privacy of your friends place. Granted he agreed to let you leave your puter at his place.

p.s.- BRING YOUR HEADPHONES (so you don't upset your buddy while he sleeps)
I read the first couple of pages, I dont have the time to read all of this crap. Anyway

First of all you shouldnt be asking people on a gaming site for romance advice.

Secondly this game or any other game should not have anything to do with your decision on breaking up with her.

Imagine that hl and hl2 did not exist, and november 16-20 were just another day(s in the year, what would you do then, because thats what you should do now.
Meeklo said:
Well it seems my girlfriend is coming back from seeing her mother in Hong Kong. She's been gone for about 20 days now and I miss her very much. Now you might ask yourself why is this a problem? Well she desided she's coming home on Nov. 17...My god did she know that HL2 was coming out the day before and that is all I wanted to do for with spare time for the next few months??? Im seriously thinking about breaking up with her since she hates me playing games and she will be staying here at my apartment till she finds her own place.

Would any of you guys do what im thinking about doing for this game????

I had a similar problem :LOL:

My Anniversary is on the day of release. But, dude, one day of play is not going to be worth ditching your girl, I think. You are already waiting a month, so what is one more day? Hang in there, and play it the next day.

Thank you can have the best of both worlds! :afro:
Dude, thats sad. I would never break up a girl for a game...Thats so stupid. But, do what you want, its your life.
This isn't a life or death situation here, she's not gonna break up with you just because you're addicted to a video game. If she really loves you then she'd be able to live with your quirks aswell as your better attributes.

At anyrate, you'll still need to eat and sleep so you can do that with her.

But yeah, all you need to do is tone the gameplay down a bit, just take her out someplace when she comes back to show her how much you appreciate her presence, and the next day (or once she's sleeping) you can commence the gaming!
Dude, seriously, if you're gonna take up a video game instead of your girlfriend...
Eon Blue said:
Dude, seriously, if you're gonna take up a video game instead of your girlfriend...

Dude, he's talking about gaming in general... not just Half-Life 2.
*slaps forhead*
stigmata said:
Social status is worth jack sh*t...
I don't really give a flying f*ck about being cool. I have my own friends. No, I don't have a girlfriend, but I'd rather have my games and my geeky friends than have a girlfriend who hates what I love to do.

Well said sir. :)
chicks (and guys if your a girl) come and go, but we've been waiting SIX years for this game... you KNOW what you have to do!

...any decent girl won't try to come in between you and your hobbies.

omg, listen up and listen up well!

WHAT did VALVe do to you? did they brainwash you?
WHERE do you have the guts to brake up with her?


is she pretty?
is she nice to you?
why is there an agressive stance vs you playing on the computer?
( is this because whenever she wants to get layed you say '' stfu im busy playing quake 3'' )

I think it is kinda your fault, why would she want to live in 1 house with you, sleep with you in one bed?
-there are so many others in this society-

When she gets home, you will treat her RIGHT take her out to dinner, make it a nice night. And i don't think they wants to move on , without you. I think she's disappointed that you like your computer more than you love her.
Death.Trap said:
Dude, if she can't handle you playing games....well then. You have to decide how much you really like her. I personally wouldn't date a chick who didn't like me playing games. we wouldn't get along too well...

Just talk to her and explain how you think about gaming. Understand eachother, make rules or something. Anyway,gl.

By the way: i am the one that is ****ed, im joining the army on Nov.15th. One day before release. I com home only in the weekend. But i dont mind.

Now i have to go to work, cya!
Meeklo said:

you're asking for advice yet you're only hearing what you want to hear. For everyone whos told you the facts, that you're a cold bastard for considering dumping a girl over a frickin computer game, you just ignore or insult them. All you want is people to tell you what you want to hear.
When I first met my gf I told her that if she ever made me choose between her and my copmuter, she wouldn't stand a chance. =) I am serious!

So when HL2 comes she know I won't sleep for some nights. =) Anyway, since monday we haven't gone to bed at the same time once. I know I have to spend some time with her before the release of HL2 to make up to all the playing later. =)
Social status is worth jack sh*t. If people can't accept that you play games, screw them. Need proof that social status != happiness?

I have a friend who used to be a pretty big geek. D&D, Counter-Strike, all those sorts of things. He was an acceptable guy, funny, interesting, and I generally enjoyed being around him. Then in high school, he takes drama as a first-year class. Fast-forward to grade 12. In lieu of staying the way he is, and accepting the fact that maybe he's not the coolest person in school, he renounces gaming in every way, shape and form, and he's turned into a wannabe macho-jock-popular guy. Now he's obsessed with rugby, working out, and doing everything he can to dispel his "uncool" image. All he cares about now is popularity, and he keeps bragging to me about how "since I stopped being a geek, my social status has skyrocketed, I suggest you do the same," and "You're never going to get a girl if you play so many video games."

This is why I don't talk to him anymore.

People get so stuck up with trying to be popular that they will dilute their personality and change everything about them in order to become cool. I don't really give a flying f*ck about being cool. I have my own friends. No, I don't have a girlfriend, but I'd rather have my games and my geeky friends than have a girlfriend who hates what I love to do.

well im one of the 'cool' people at my school but i still goof around with my freinds and play video games as much as i like,so it just goes to show that some cool people arent just macho dickheads.

omg, listen up and listen up well!

WHAT did VALVe do to you? did they brainwash you?
WHERE do you have the guts to brake up with her?


is she pretty?
is she nice to you?
why is there an agressive stance vs you playing on the computer?
( is this because whenever she wants to get layed you say '' stfu im busy playing quake 3'' )

I think it is kinda your fault, why would she want to live in 1 house with you, sleep with you in one bed?
-there are so many others in this society-

When she gets home, you will treat her RIGHT take her out to dinner, make it a nice night. And i don't think they wants to move on , without you. I think she's disappointed that you like your computer more than you love her.

you're asking for advice yet you're only hearing what you want to hear. For everyone whos told you the facts, that you're a cold bastard for considering dumping a girl over a frickin computer game, you just ignore or insult them. All you want is people to tell you what you want to hear.

Like OMG would you ****tards PLEASE learn to READ? everbody(everybody normal) has already established that his GF is a total Biatch and doesnt even love him,think about it would you wanna go out wit a girl who thinks gameing is for losers and doesnt even love you? i hope to god not.
Hectic Glenn said:
I'll end the quote there, nuff said. 'Im dumping you cos ive found someone else called Half-Life 2'
Keenly followed by a black eye, enjoy!

what? you dump her AND give her a black eye?
Isn't that a bit much?


slap the bitch.. :afro:
The Brew Master said:
well im one of the 'cool' people at my school but i still goof around with my freinds and play video games as much as i like,so it just goes to show that some cool people arent just macho dickheads.

Like OMG would you ****tards PLEASE learn to READ? everbody(everybody normal) has already established that his GF is a total Biatch and doesnt even love him,think about it would you wanna go out wit a girl who thinks gameing is for losers and doesnt even love you? i hope to god not.

you are making a terrible mistake ''macho man''
from your context i can conclude youre not the macho man , youre are very unsure about yourself and dont know how to representate yourself towards other people,

as your IQ might be not higher than 80 i still have a few things to say to you.

''get a girlfriend''
Megalomaniac said:
What is more importent, gaming or a girlfriend

Gaming. If there is something that should eat up all your time, it should be a game.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
''macho man''

''get a girlfriend''

huh what? macho man? when the **** did i call myself that? i was useing that as an example and yes i already have a girlfriend but dont worry you'll find someone soon enough and will finally be able to put that plastic doll away.

and please dont bother replying to this,im way too tired for another one of your pathetic attempts to make to me look stupid.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
rofl i dont have to make you look stupid, YOU ARE ALREADY

lol if im stupid then what i do must be stupid to so i guess enjoying life,having a good gf and hanging out with freinds is stupid too? well if it is then yes.....i am stupid so dont blame me if your a shut in loser who reads his linux manual all day for kicks.
hmmmmm take it fom someone that is probably older then "most" of the people that answered:

There will be others. Or there may not be.

Life sucks doesnt it?
If she REALY hates u playing vid games ...and that what u like doing then ur not right for each other
if god hated u u wouldnt have a gf, a decent gf is worth way more than a game
I cant beileve people are missing the point of this thread, the guy likes her, but he also likes gameing, and for some reason she does'nt want him too. This is not about hl2, its about any game, or hobby, if you say.. like golf, but your girlfriend hates you doing it and yells when you do. Theres clearly nothing there and you should break up, find someone who does'nt mind, she does'nt need to like gameing herself, but at least wont bitch at you for doing it.

You could just ask her why she hates gaming so much, even if it is that, she seems to just hate you having your own hobby, she sounds rather like a stalker to be honest. The fact she does'nt live in her own place also adds to it, its your house so you should make the rules.

Also She, you have missed the point this guy is making, either you have never had a boyfriend or your just a plain idiot, but your starting to act like a troll in this thread... If you dont have something good to say (e.g not "You have no penis") then just dont post, there are few females on this bored without one of them giving the others a bad name.
Maan this is depressing!

Try showing your girlfriend why you like games.
Meeklo said:
Well at first it wasent bad cus I worked alot(lol) and dident have time to play games but after all the overtime shit ended I wanted to get back into somthing i love to do...and she seems to think its for losers. So honestly I dont really think its going to last much longer.
Take pride in the fact that it will be us "losers" who will soon be the rulers of this world... And if counters that in any negative way, she can burn. Our generation will soon reach its full glory :D :thumbs:

It seems that since she's very uninformed when it comes to games in general. Introduce The Sims to her. That's usually a good tactic (unless of course you want your computer for yourself) :) In fact, force her to see your side of the story. If she can't live with that, threaten to kick her since she's just leeching off you anyway. Does NOT sound like a healthy relationship to me. But I wouldn't know since I haven't been in any kind of relationship :E ;(
Meeklo, dump her...

after all, with your PC, a porn site, some lubricant, a tissue, a spatula and your imagination.. it'll be almost like she never left!!! :naughty:
yeah ok, it's a game dude.

if you break up a relationship over a game, you are pretty ****ing lame. you're girlfriend should ****ing leave you for saying that, you're pretty ****ed up in the head, i bet you think HL2 is real.

and if any of you agree that he should leave her, that's pretty pathetic.

just fyi, my gf thinks video games and crap like that is for losers too, so what?

what sensible girl WOULD WANT their boyfriends to spend all their time playing games?

god you people expect too much from girls. seriously.
if a girlfriend hates what I like too do I will dump her
for example I love to make clay models and if I ha a girlfriend who think that make models in clay is stupid why I will want to be whit her?

the point if that the "good relationships" are the ones were the 2 person love and respect each other
so if one of the persons hates something the other person likes to do that cant be a good relationship

so (whiout offend) the people that say to not dump the girl think about what I say
Dude, judging from your post you're the type of guy that might have a hard time finding another chick, so stick with what you've got. A wise man once told me "You never give up sho' pussy for mo' pussy cause you end up with no pussy."
choppermech said:
Dude, judging from your post you're the type of guy that might have a hard time finding another chick, so stick with what you've got. A wise man once told me "You never give up sho' pussy for mo' pussy cause you end up with no pussy."

.... you're a ****ing idiot
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