I think I'm a Nazi.

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You're what, 15, 16? So are your friends? In short, no offence, but that means that you and your friends know shit about life. Nothing.
That fair pisses me off tbh.
Sure it does the same for others.
Maybe you should think about how this situation (the figures) are created.
Not that I imply that they are forged...

Who's the poorest race in your country?
Which race is the poorest educated?
Wich race lives in the poorest, crime-infested areas?

Put a black man in a white man's system and he'll fail. As ashamed as I am to say this. We have the same problem with North-African people.

They get the crappiest jobs, they don't get the trust they deserve, no respect, bad PR...what would you do? You have to eat right? And if people kept on dissing you in every way possible, wouldn't you get mad and do something 'stupid'...

They don't get the same opportunities we get...So we are in no place to judge their behaviour. We should treath them as equals then we can judge them as equals

Think about it...think beyond

No respect eh? I go to an inner city school and there have been plenty of occasions where I have seen white kids getting bullied by blacks just for the color of their skin being white and no other reason. In 9th grade, my friend used to get robbed daily because a 200 lb black kid thought that because he was white, that he must be rich and have money. He made him run his pockets under the threat of getting a severe beat-down. Fortunatly my friend went to the office and the kid got suspended for a long time, which stopped his idiotic behavior.

I also saw a similar incident, where a black kid singled out a white kid sitting at the table and demanded money so he could get a soda/drink from the cafeteria. The kid had no money, and was obviously intimidated. So the black kid decided to randomly slap the white kid in the head, yes a 95 lb white kid with glasses vs the other guy who was like 6'2 and 180-200 lbs or so. There are more incidents I have seen but it is really pointless to post them here as I'm sure plenty of idiots are already going to make accusations of me being racist as it is.

Try entering a different environment and see how things work. Maybe you go to a school with 2 black kids and things work a little different there. Now of course I have to slap a "I'm not racist" sticker on this post even though I'm sure plenty of posters on here with a high-horse mindset are going to ignore it and call me a racist anyway. The reason for this post is to show that there is plenty of anti-white racism which seems to just slip under the radar, yet is just as unfair as the other kinds of racism. There have been many racial discussion topics where I have made this (almost exact) post but then deleted it at the last second, for fear of being labeled racist. But this time I decided I finally need to speak up, whether I get called racist or not
hooray for nazis!!!

oops wrong forum ..I mean booooo nazis
I am proud of being white, and all these forums preach is that the white race will be dead in 100 years unless we take up arms. I don't want that to happen :(

lol how old are you? im not going to lie, it was pretty hard to take you seriously after this post.

The only thing thats going to happen to races is, as more and more parts of the world become multi-racial, more human races will erm...for lack of a better word that i can find atm..."breed". Races will mix, and keep mixing as time goes by until the majority of the world is so mixed, people dont know what race they are majoritivly. But thats not going to be the "norm" for a while, certainly not anywhere near a 100 years from now.
lol, the white race dead in 100 years? pfft... would probably be a good thing if it DID happen.

you are a Nazi barney, i find you offensive, you're an ignorant disease.
Barney, if you don't want to become a Nazi then don't be. It's that simple. What I mean by that is, you're saying that your problem is you're too impressionable; well, that's a problem easily fixed. Just stop.

Sounds easier said than done, right? It's not. You obviously realize all the ideas that've been forced on you by your so-called friends are flawed, and you definately have moral issues in becoming/being associated with race-supremacists, so all you have to do is understand this and, like you said, "tell the local gestapo to go f*ck themselves." Don't worry about how you're branded, or what people say/think of you, ESPECIALLY these "friends" of yours. They have an extremely narrow view of the world and are just regurgitating scare facts they've heard or read from other neo-nazis. And anyone who'd beat you up because you want to listen to a certain type of music, or who would dictate YOUR behavior and feelings, is NOT your friend. That one's not even racial, that's just plain bullying and mindless "me too"-ism.

My advice to you is to get some life experience. You're going off to college so that's good, you'll be able to interact with people of various backgrounds and races. Try to make friends with different types of people, at least acquaintances, and learn more about them first-hand rather than from movies or stereotypes.

Speaking of which, to address the issue of gangstas in Harlem, while that is a large part of what goes on there it's not everyone (as Raziaar said) and you have to think of the reasons behind it. Harlem's not a good place to live, for anybody. People from that area are in poor conditions, and they grow up around a pseudo culture that glorifies gang life. Children from there, especially those lacking proper parental guidance, can grow up hearing that the only way to make it out there, the only way to get ahead and make money, is through criminal activity. This is obviously false, but in a strange parallel to how your friends put the peer pressure on you through untruths about races, black kids in such an area grow up hearing things like how they'll never get a job in the white man's world, how they're always being dragged down, and that they need to join a "family" to get by. That's what they hear, and they get taken in by it. That mentality creates more gang members, drug dealers, and hustlers; which in turn feeds the stereotype that we see in movies; which, in turn, breeds more of those people. It's an extremely vicious cycle. So before you judge that "all" or "most" black people are like that, be aware of the conditions and situations that they're coming from. This is why crime rates among minorities are generally higher than whites, because of where they come from and this lifestyle that's in all honesty shoved down their throats every day.

Listen, just get some life experience, make new friends when you're at uni, don't worry about any of these absolutely batshit insane ideas like "all white men will be extinct in 100 years." You already know it's all a bunch of crap anyway, otherwise you wouldn't have posted here. :)

To address some other things in this thread:

Solaris said:
That fair pisses me off tbh
Don't be offended by that. The way it sounds (15-16 year olds don't have life experience) might come off as being an insult, but in all honesty most teenagers of that age know very little. And that's not to say you don't understand how the world works or you can't understand the concepts of it, it's just that you haven't lived it. Experience comes with age (generally :p); don't be insulted by those statements. I'm not but nearly a decade above that; I remember pretty clearly I understood about the world at a very young age, much younger than 15 or 16, and I experienced a lot in my life so I knew how the world functioned. But I dunno, even though my mentality's pretty much remained the same (I grew up really fast), I can't quite say that I don't have a much deeper understanding of things now than I did then. It's one thing to be able to know about something, another thing entirely to have lived it.

Zeus said:
The reason for this post is to show that there is plenty of anti-white racism which seems to just slip under the radar, yet is just as unfair as the other kinds of racism.

Very true. I'm going to say outright, EVERY type of racism is wrong, and this is exactly why stereotypes are harmful. They breed this false image of how certain people in other races are.

One of my friends personally experienced some of the things you mentioned. He's white, upper middle class, going to school in not even a bad area. However, I remember he used to get harassed for money because of his skin color and the fact that he lived in a decent neighborhood. One particular occassion did involve a black kid (this was in middle school) specifically saying, "You're white; you have lots of money."
so it's racism based on social status ..in other words classism not racism

oh and that notion that if interacial couplings continue we'll be a world of mud coloured people is just utter nonsense
so it's racism based on social status ..in other words classism not racism

"You're white; you have lots of money."

Sounds like racism to me

lol, the white race dead in 100 years? pfft... would probably be a good thing if it DID happen.

You're high or drunk right? Because that is racism right there, which people get banned for here
"You're white; you have lots of money."

Sounds like racism to me

so does that one person's pov mean that every black person is racist?

do you lock your doors when you see 4 black guys walking past your car? do you cross the street when a bunch of hispanics walk towards you? do you automatically think "learn to drive" when you see a person of chinese descent do something wrong/stupid while driving?

Obviously racism exists and it's not solely white based but to even mention this as a justification for racism is just plain idiotic ..you're no better than him, except he has the balls to act out on his racism ..if given the chance, what would you do?
Your fair spouting the general white-racist crap tbh.
The whole, if I say I black person is racist I will get called racist is BS.
No-ones going to call you racist for saying racism comes from all races.
That fair pisses me off tbh
Don't be offended by that. The way it sounds (15-16 year olds don't have life experience) might come off as being an insult, but in all honesty most teenagers of that age know very little. And that's not to say you don't understand how the world works or you can't understand the concepts of it, it's just that you haven't lived it. Experience comes with age (generally :p); don't be insulted by those statements. I'm not but nearly a decade above that; I remember pretty clearly I understood about the world at a very young age, much younger than 15 or 16, and I experienced a lot in my life so I knew how the world functioned. But I dunno, even though my mentality's pretty much remained the same (I grew up really fast), I can't quite say that I don't have a much deeper understanding of things now than I did then. It's one thing to be able to know about something, another thing entirely to have lived it.
I agree, I will have different views when I'm 70. Will my views be more correct or will 50 more years make me crazy and make me know less of the world? Who knows. But saying "Your 15 you don't know shit" is pretty offensive.

Edit: To be fair stern, he's just saying he's annoyed that, according to him, Black people can be racist and get away with it more. That might be true, although I doubt it. This sentance here however, " Maybe you go to a school with 2 black kids and things work a little different there.". So your saying zeus that when you have schools with a large black populace, theres alot of anti-white racism? If so, lemonking you're a racist asshole - lol my favourate forum quote. Although zeus, I'm pretty sure you didn't mean it like that. Just plz clarify k?
Who you on about rambler?
And btw, just read the quote zeus quoted, in the context, does make zeus seem more racist. And blck_prod, is QFT.

I couldn't agree more with him, if he picked up a red flag and shouted at Asda workers. ****ing bold wont go away.
zeus is borderline white power guy, he's admitted as much in the past so we dont hold it against him ...hmmm or was that someone else ..I can never get my neo-nazis straight

disclaimer: I'm freakin kidding!
"Mom, dad, I have something to tell you. All my life I have been different, or felt different from all the others. Everybody else had a normal life, they had friends and dated, but not me. Mom, dad, what I'm trying to tell you is, I hate black people."
I've read Mein Kampf-i'm not a damn nazi but the book is kinda interesting...
You either do or don't hold your beliefs, if you believed those things straight up you wouldnt be posting about "I want to get out" or whatever

on that note:

Ok, first of all, Nazism is racism.

Racism = bad.

Bad = stop.

However, you can't really stop what you believe. I believe that the Korean race has many great attributes that some others don't have, but I'm ethno-centric, not racist.

eth·no·cen·trism (ĕth'nō-sĕn'trĭz'əm) pronunciation

1. Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
2. Overriding concern with race.

rac·ism (rā'sĭz'əm) pronunciation

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

:| Not much of a difference.

Also, my Psychology teacher knows his stuff. Today he went into a big long rant about how racism doesn't have jack shit to do with skin color and everything to do with money and competition for money.

Blacks, whites, Asians....are all equally greedy and are all clamouring for jobs/money. Rich people want to stay that way, and try their best to keep people, especially minorities, uneducated because education is the key to being sucessful.

Racism isn't about black and white, it's about green.

Also, drawing conclusions from statistics is like diagnosing a problem with your car by looking at it from the outside. You have to pop the hood to find the problem.
But I dunno.. I watched the movie American History X.. I kinda agreed with the message in that. But have you read any white nationalist forums? I am proud of being white, and all these forums preach is that the white race will be dead in 100 years unless we take up arms. I don't want that to happen :(

They need to take lessons in biology
@ the thread starter.
The problem with Nazi's, just like any other form of extremism, is they only show you favorable statistics, disregarding any side-info there is.
As Stern pointed out, disregarding any social status or financial status within a country.
If you feel right being a Nazi, there's something terribly wrong, and indoctrinated, you need to start visiting other places, foreign countries, communicate with people.
If you feel wrong about this, then dont torment yourself and step out -> let your skinhead buddies go burn some crosses or whatever, and you can lead a regular life.

Also, its time you educate those guys. For instance ever wondered what Aryans are? They're indo-iranian ppl. Iran are Aryans, as are parts of Northern India.
Read this to your buddies
Nazi dumb ****s dont even know what they're saying lol
i guess the "best" way to get out of this trouble is to slowly get some distance between you and them, survive the last year without being beaten too often (preferably not at all) and then leave them all behind at uni and learn something about other cultures just from other people/ cultures.

Though it would be "honest" to expose your views and tell your "nazi" friends that you don't believe or don't want to believe what they're saying, i think it would not be the best step. they'd probably make your last year a hell.

Having realized that you have "a problem" is the first and hardest thing you've done already. And listening to music from this "black" guy and probably liking it, just shows you're not totally spoiled already ;)

The best thing probably was if your parents and you moved out of this area but that's inlikely i guess. so i would stick with what i said above.
Now that you have found guidance, experience it.

On that note: LOL MESTIZOS!
Race traitor? lol.

Races don't exist mate, humans just come in different colours, and different characters. That's all there is to it. Now that you know this, get all the propaganda out of your head.

If you belive what you just sayd,then I feel sorry for you.
Be proud of your culture, perhaps, but don't let it bind you - as an individual - from doing what you believe is right. Your race is your background, where you come from, but it is not your future unless you choose to make it as such. And no group of humans is superior to another group of humans[1] that only one of them ever deserves to live.

[1] But what about the axe murderers? The child rapists? The pornographers? I hear you cry. Unto that, i say: No comment.
eth·no·cen·trism (ĕth'nō-sĕn'trĭz'əm) pronunciation

1. Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
2. Overriding concern with race.

rac·ism (rā'sĭz'əm) pronunciation

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Not much of a difference.

"Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group" DOES NOT EQUAL "Discrimination or prejudice based on race."
Superiority infers that you are *BETTER* than them, which automatically means you are DISCRIMINATING against people who are WORSE than you, because they are... worse.

I mean, Numbers! Duh!
Superiority infers that you are *BETTER* than them, which automatically means you are DISCRIMINATING against people who are WORSE than you, because they are... worse.

I mean, Numbers! Duh!

I guess you are more subseptible to looking down on others if you are proud of yourself.
nononono, I believe that every race has some attribute that makes them better at something than others.
I guess you are more subseptible to looking down on others if you are proud of yourself.

Yes, but it's not a given. You don't look down on others because you are proud of yourself.
If you belive what you just said,then I feel sorry for you.
Plus culture stuff and all that.

It's only okay to be an ass to someone if that person was an ass to you before and didn't apologize D:
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